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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Kneejo LAN_WROTE ...

    That must've been me, Ram. I'm always scanning the TS servers for flights. I guess most people who find the BMS forums quite quickly find Archer's TS and hang around there.

    How big is the BMS userbase here at Veterans?

    How sad for them. Kneejo tell them about us and bring your ass too! !gundown We're having great fun here man and Archer is a dick!

  2. Welcome to the site and thanks for joining! Like the others have said, we have a nice mix of people playing the most popular games. Me personally not so much a fan of COD but we have many guys here that are and I don't hate on people that play it, lol. You might even find a few other games we play that you don't have, that you may want to get like PR, FH2, the Falcon Mods, etc.. Have a look around man if you need anything shout.

  3. We've had trouble with your Clan in the past, glad to see you've moved on from that. Thanks for playing in our server we keep it well regulated so people can find a place to play turd free. Don't worry about the English, we have people from all over the world that game here so we get through it! See you around.

  4. Hey for those of you looking to buy mp3's to play on your Profile, buy your songs from Amazon. They get saved to a folder in your music folder and they work because their unprotected. Just make sure you get MP3 files, check it out: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/163856011/

  5. =VG= HeadShotKB LAN_WROTE ...

    I don't think your airsoft gun on the wall will work too good! But what you have in that gun safe will do just fine! Make sure you say "Vetreans Gaming", when you peal it off!

    Rangers Lead the Way,


    I don't know if you're dumb or trying to mess with me, but it's an M4, not Airsoft you ninny!
  6. 10 November 1921:

    This date marked the first formal commemoration of the birthday of the Marine Corps as 10 November. On 21 October 1921, Maj Edwin McClellan, OIC of the Historical Section, HQMC, sent a memo to MajGen Commandant John A. Lejeune, suggesting that the original birthday of 10 November 1775 be declared a Marine Corps holiday to be celebrated throughout the Corps. Accordingly, on 1 Nov 1921, Gen Lejeune issued Marine Corps Order No. 47 summarizing the history, mission, and tradition of the Corps, and directed that it be read to every command each 10 November.

    Today in Marine Corps History. Happy Birthday Marines!
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