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=VG= Meiz

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About =VG= Meiz

  • Birthday 09/27/1992

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  1. Budget is sort of around USD 800 -1000 for throttle/stick. Wow, that Hotas Combo is a serious contender! Build quality sounds excellent + some great features/specs. I'm glad i mentioned helicopters. The fact i could swap between collective and throttle from the base is an awesome feature, looks like all of that fits within budget too. i'll look at a few vids/reviews about it. Went with the T FLight pedals, at least for now, found them as a pack with the matching throttle + stick for less than what the pedals retail for! They're all as new condition! I see what you mean about them feeling quite slim though Keed. I had not seen that the Apache quick start guide had been released! That a massive amount of pages for a quickstart, i wonder what the main manual will get to! Ah well, i had better start reading. Is the DCS Apache something you're looking at getting Keed?
  2. Nice set up! Very neat. That 2nd screen is pretty cool! Would like to do something similar once I get the essentials sorted out. What model are the TM pedals? How have they been? I think i remember when you purchased that stick years ago! Good to hear it has held up!
  3. Hey all. Going to do my own reseach too but thought i might ask since we have some flight simmers here. Sold all my old gear a couple of years back and haven't kept an eye on the market. I'm in need of a stick, throttle and pedals. 1. Anyone have comments of how the Logitech/Saitek sticks are these days? 2. Is the Warthog Hotas still the best of the best? Or are there other alternatives these days? 3. Is the Warthog Hotas (with pedals) good for helicopters? Helicopters are my favorite thing, so keen for the DCS AH64 dropping this month! (Also fly the hornet and harrier in DCS or BMS). 4. Has anyone used the Thrustmaster T Flight pedals? Any comments? Cheers!
  4. =VG= Meiz

    Blind passenger

    Lol, nice one. It reminds me of this picture :p.
  5. =VG= Meiz

    Santa 2016

    One of the ugliest but also unique/interesting liveries in the sim.
  6. Goose Green is a flag on the larger Falklands map, the image below shows the area of the standalone Goose Green map. The big Falklands map is very plain though due to its size, there's not much variety and very little detail, because of that playing as infantry can be a little dull.
  7. I can't really offer much about your PR question but 1 thing to keep in mind (for all games/sims) with the TM Hotas is that although it's probably the best setup on the market at the moment it does not have a twist rudder on the stick (i assume that's because it's a replica of the real A-10) so buying some rudder pedals is essential too.
  8. As Brain said the original BF2Freelook no longer works BUT there is an edited/fixed version that will work with the latest version of PR (Forgotten Hope 2 also works with it from memory) which can be found on the second post from the top of this page (Project Reality Forum) along with instructions on how to get it working. So, headtracking actually does work still, sort of. From the sounds of things it might not work with the TrackIR software (although i'm not 100% sure about that) but it definitely works with FacetrackNOIR, so webcam only face tracking, a homemade headtracker, or the cheaper headtracking kits like Delanclip or Trackhat, etc should all still work.
  9. Haha! That was great, i especially liked the ending. I played the beta for like 15 hours and never saw anything like in this video... sadly.. I would have loved to see some of that first hand.
  10. Geeze, i hate heights so my hands got a little sweaty just watching that.. it must have been a great experience. Thanks for sharing, Awesome video!
  11. Well, I'll try to get them packaged up in a zip file and uploaded for you in the next couple of days if you like, it would be good to possibly see the maps get used again for an event or something. Some of them are quite small compared to current PR standards, the old .5kmx.5km ones but all of them together are only like 500mb unzipped so i may aswell just send you all of them. What would be the best place to upload them? I hear Dropbox get mentioned a lot but have never used it myself... is that the best place? I've got Battle For Qinling aswell if you want me to include that, but, well, that wasn't the most exciting map...
  12. The installer for the pack only allows you to install to PR .97 but if the maps are wanted by someone to go through and update to the latest version i still have PR.97 aswell so i can install the pack and just zip up the map folders. So, if someone wants them just let me know and I'll try to figure out a way to send them over, it's' up to you guys though, i don't know anything about how to update them to work with the latest version of PR or how much work would be involved with it.
  13. I'm not sure if these are the same maps/pack that Blud or Fastjack seem to have found or if they're what people are looking for but I'll list them anyway just in case they're different. I still have a map pack i downloaded waaaaay back in 2011 that has the following maps.
  14. Congratulations Stark! Welcome to VG :).

  15. =VG= Meiz

    My little paradise

    Wow, that's an awesome view! I'm pretty damn jealous .
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