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Pvt. Pirate

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Everything posted by Pvt. Pirate

  1. I talked to Semler and he told me, he would see what he can do to get a vietcong server up on the VG server :) i bet it won't take long to be bursting full of players :)
  2. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... [...] "You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but never all of the people all of the time." I found VETERANS-GAMING well over a year ago, when I was looking for a proper COOP server to bridge the gap between Project Reality Training and Project Reality Deployment in an active "for the win" server. And, now, when I deploy, it is only with them. On COOP, they play with a degree of teamwork and cooperation that makes you forget the enemy is (just) AI. As a matter of fact, the PR AI aren't pushovers, as they will always have numbers that need to be matched with tactics - give them an inch, and they take a mile! I've had my best gaming experiences here, and something more than that because of their rules, structure, and fairness. As stated, a very friendly bunch, welcoming and encouraging to all players no0b or Vet, young or old. Big focus on social networking and losing oneselves in the atmosphere of the game Project Reality has created for us all, and many others, too. It was truly fun and games until I met a different kind of player, the "Turd". On more than one occasion, I was teamkilled for an asset, or just for no reason at all. Needless to say, in a PC game that can take more than 10 minutes to set up and arrive at the front with an organized group, such disruptions can really be a fun killer. As we all know, travel times alone are far longer in PR than the average PC military shooter, even in COOP. [...] Many would point to the clear and well thought out Rules of Conduct clearly prevelant on the VETERANS-GAMING site, servers, and the beginning of this thread, but the truth is far less superficial. In =VG=, you will find REAL people. Plain and simple. That is the big secret - no mystery, no instant conference, no far-fetched psycic abilities. Just real people that really know each other, and share a common goal of disruption free gameplay, cooperation, and teamwork - a true clan. Not just friends, not just admins enforcing rules, not just gamers with "=VG=" before their online avatar nicks. Many clans have many well run servers, but few clans have as many as VETERANS-GAMING, who push to re-define the lines and definitions of a clan, almost ahead of their own vision if only so much as to witness it's emergence. Military COOP's, Flight/Fighter-Sim COOP's, Source Engine COOP's... After getting to know each and every one of them, I began to make some real friends there. We know each other on a first name basis. Eventually, they invited me into their clan, and I proudly accepted. Only now do I fully understand the drive and passion that keeps the =VG= PR COOP Server clean and populated. It is just that - passion. I am a gamer, we are all gamers, and who among us enjoys having their game time de-railed by non-sensical, lashings out and rantings of those who would rather "push buttons" than truly play the game? Not all comprised of Military Veterans, as some may say the name suggests, but this clan is filled with Veterans of it all - games, life, servers, websites, as well as many true Military Veterans of upstanding nature. They, we, bring it all together because VETERANS-GAMING COOP is not for us, it is for all of you as well. It is to be the "place" we all dream of, to game and joke and laugh, and leave the serious bull of the world back in the world. Join the VETERANS-GAMING COOP Servers and you will be walking into the domicile of your good neighbor. Bring your best manners, as this is the world's stage, and get your game face on! Leave the politics at the door, and think first of the team, as you are now a part of it. For those who choose to bring opposing attitudes through the door, there is only one route, and no amount of appeal to peers local or throughout the entirity of the PC Gamers social networks will re-open that door to you. As reference, I invite you (age permitting) to view the opening scene of the movie "The Dirty Dozen". Play the game, if you mess up, apologize, we take it all in stride. But past that, there is no "I'm sorry". To quote the single greatest speaker of our time: "fool me once, shame on..... shame on you. Fool me...... ..... ...you can't get fooled again." yes. i've experienced VG and got the same impression :) i knew a different kind of gameplay with even more voicechatting - just a lot more talking ingame about tactics and about personal things and god and the world ;) when i started playing PR, i found this server and was feeling like i finally found the oasis after a long walk through the desert. a walk where i passe some wells, but they were spoiled or poisened and stinking. so i kept moving on and i came here :) Leave the politics at the door, and think first of the team, as you are now a part of it. after some time, i found many posted about conspiracy-theories and the likes, so i also posted a video that shocked me when i first saw it. i dont know how much of what was said or shown in the videop was true or if it was propaganda, but it shocked me, so i posted it and asked what the others think about it. it was saying that US-soldiers were using "baiting tactics" and it showed a CAS action. i can laugh about it now, as you can align pictures and videos and manipulate so much, i can even make those photomanipulations myself. so its not in any way true, just because you saw a video. and i got a mad mail from BludKlot... because i didnt know that i should have left the political opinion outside the door and also i found that its best to not suggest or accuse someones army, the army he is proud of, to have done something awful. I myself am not so proud of my country, about its politics, about its politicians and about what the army is currently doing, but others are proud about theirs and it should be respected. i apologized and understood that rule and i'm fine with that and i'm glad we can play together :) this is his house and everyone should act to the rules of the houseowner: play by the rules, respect other players, dont waste assets, play as a team :) i hope those other people learn that someday and come along better by then. --- oops i thought this was in the "report bad player" or "unban me please" category --- i cant donate much, especially not every month, but i think i will donate some, as i want to keep this "oasis" up. maybe you can look at it like that: blud is a great buddy and you're always going to his house because he has the best parties... and you should bring some beer or a present ;)
  3. yes, the music really adds to the feeling and after playing the singleplayer campaign, you really got the feeling like "platoon", "full metal jacket" and "apocalypse now" :)
  4. what exactly does it change? any screenshots for comparison?
  5. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... :) i dont have words for this *groupcuddling* :D i'm happy to be on VG what i meant to express is that this is indeed a great community :)
  6. :) i dont have words for this *groupcuddling* :D i'm happy to be on VG
  7. well, i'll have to remove the lines for mumble, but its great :)
  8. does that work for the current version 0.973 and mumble? i had to change some directories and filenames for it to work: @echo off<br />set MUMBLE_NAME=PvtPirate<br />set BF2_NAME=Pvt_Pirate<br />set BF2_PASS=myfakepassword<br />start /d "I:\Programme\Mumble(PR Edition)" PRmumble(0.5beta).exe mumble://%MUMBLE_NAME%@mumble.realitymod.com:64739/?version=1.2.0 -m<br />start /d "I:\Spiele\Battlefield 2\mods\pr\" pr.exe +playerName %BF2_NAME% +playerPassword %BF2_PASS%
  9. oh my god. thats horrible. i know how hard it is to get your vehicle under control after sliding... ok, i'm only driving my bike, but i always did that in winter with ice and snow too and trained how to not let it get out of control after sliding... my brother had a car accident in a right turn. he triwed to take over a bus and there was gravel on the rim of the road and he just slided against a tree. you should never underestimate the power of gravel or snow. from how many parts were flying, i guess they might hardly have survived.
  10. wow, what was the server specs before? and is there a way to have good low pings for european players too?
  11. thanks, it works great on our server and we're having much fun. i hope they'll update the mods to 1.2 and then i'll play on the VG server too :)
  12. hi, this is to CCCode: i'm amazed of the mods you put into your package and i'd like to use thme with my brother and a friend on our own (tiny) server. so how do we get them? can you give us your servermods package? and how do we get them to work? i hope you help us :) thanks
  13. well, i'm not posting any screenshots, but i got a question: are you going to update to 1.2 or are you going to stick to the mods for a while? i like those mods and would suggest to wait for them to update to 1.2 and stick t 1.1 for the time being.
  14. well spoken, murderface - still its easier spoken than its done... i'm single for some years now, i just enjoy life and when there's a chance, i'll hang on to it, but i won't chase for a girl and get myself crazy on that. i just enjoy life and maybe it just happens ;)
  15. i have downloaded too many files and watched too many youtube videos, so my 5GB of traffic are used up and they limited my speed to 64kbit/s. thus i cant play anymore, but please keep my playerdata until i can get a better connection. i hope to be back on the server soon... thanks in advance
  16. =VG= SemlerPDX LAN_WROTE ... [...] Most of these options have their own speed levels based on pricing brackets - for about $50/month, cable ISP's offer 6-8MBit connections. I pay extra for the 11th or 12th bracket my cable company offers - 22MBit for a choking price of $90/month. But I also had them hook me up with a Aris Modem (DOCSYS3) and a good router, and had a good technician set me up for internet gaming. We even tested it while he was there. Well worth it, as this is one of my only 2 major hobbies, and camping is nearly free. [...] your ISPs must be fooling you :O we get 16 to 32 Mbit for 39 euro each month, including a telephone flatrate, router, everything set up by a technichian.
  17. this trailer is about the singleplayer, it also contains some scenes from PvP matches. a trailer about the mission "hamburger hill" in coop mode. too bad you cant hear them using ingamevoice. i was searching for a complete video review, but didnt find any good one. the game's system requirements are quitelow,as its from 2003/2004 and it even runs smooth on older machines. the game itself doesnt support FSAA but itspossible to download a tool called "VCstarter" which is capable of additional graphic options and is needed to run it on win vista or 7.
  18. :D when i opened this thread today, i had to laugh. someone really voted for "I dont play such games, as they're violent ;D" i'll put in some videos about the game today for those who want to know what its like ;)
  19. I'm playing Vietcong - Fist Alpha for some years now. The game is settled during vietnam conflict and got quite a few awards for its great atmosphere. It features a singleplayer campaign with a great story and a multiplayer with coop, ctf, dm and tdm. It also has directional ingamevoice, which means you hear the person from that direction where he/she is standing in game and also it gets more silent when more distant. Many custom missions have been built for coop-mode. on difficulty "vietnam" its comparable with BF2:PR as its quite realistic. I've been in a few communities "6ths-sense.com" "teamrespawn.com" and lately "teamplay-community.de". We play coop on hardest difficulty, sometimes with roleplay and always with tactics and a teamleader. We used to have "specials" : playing a campaign with roleplay in coop. those were the highlights where everyone acted a real soldier in vietnam. I hope some of you come play with us and get addicted to that kind of teamplay :) Also I hope some of the members of teamplay-community.de start playing BF2:PR too :)
  20. well, it worked now, as i logged into the minecraft site while playing. server is empty at the moment though and i'd starve if i'd stay there now... maybe we meet later.
  21. thanks, i downloaded and installed it and now shows the version "1.9 prerelease 4" but it failed to connect to your server: "Failed to connect:Bad Login" i use an original version of the game and my legit account (I bought the game)
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