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=VG= 1Sg.Morrison

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Everything posted by =VG= 1Sg.Morrison

  1. and there are some other tools where you can change the colore ..for example use more blue for a nice sky and all this ..did you work with Photoshop ? I have Photohop CS2
  2. with Photoshop ... i use the contrast tool and you can add fake ligts from the side ore top and you can add a fake sun
  3. he stay in Essen ..a city in nort rhine westphalia i dont know in wich base he was ...he never talk a lot about the time and i found out he was in the Army when it was to late to ask
  4. The Soldier at "Meuse River" who is sitting on the Truck is my Grandpa ... he fall in love with my "German" grandma and stay in Germany
  5. I spend some time to made this FH2 Screenshots and fix them a little bit ...what do you think ?
  6. Yea my girlfriend have a AR-15 / M4 (semi auto) and she allways tell me how good it is ..bla bla bla ...but i love "old" weapons..you know with some history..like the Thompson Machine gun ...the Colt 1911 ..and the M-14... and the EBR looks like a "Pimp my M-14" you know ..it is just cool... you can see the old caracter of the Vietnam M-14 but you have also a modern rifle. I just love it ....can you make some WW2 pictures ..maybe a 1Sg with his Thompson ?
  7. Ohhhh i love the M14 EBR ... perfect "old" modern rifle ! One day i will have my ownM 14 EBR !!! Btw i saw the EBR on your pictures befor i read it is a EBR ...that means you do a very good job ...not only with the EBR
  8. Hey, wolfe i like your Wehrmacht pictures... very nice and you can see it is ther Wehrmacht..very good details (the M4 too!) Outlanders try to paint a Tiger Tank ..but i miss the details ...the Black Hawk is ok.. but i like the Nissan Pic Up with the old Cal. 30 ..isnt it a Cal. 30 ? !eatmyuzi
  9. I think the Beretta 92f / M9 is a really cool gun...but i don?t understand why there is no .45ACP version ?! only 9mm and 40 S&W
  10. Thanks ... now i can start a game under 5 min ...very nice! By the way my PC is a little bit older and to delete all this shit helps a lot ! Thx
  11. wow ...the night pictures are very nice ...wich map is it ? Never played it before....
  12. if you change ...dont change the position of Muttrah City ...it is one of my faforits. both of them !
  13. i would like new maps too....i guess everybody want ...but did they work on coop servern ?
  14. I had the same problem... it is the regular PR Coop server...i logd in with the IP : with the IP it works ..but the server was not on the list
  15. I agree with Eclipse and the song for the Hummer ! for any chopper i would like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfK6u_ASaxo
  16. I guess we have no chance to do that ...but i would like it Wich soung would you listen when you fight ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSxR8cMZMD8
  17. Thanks man...i will ...im not much of a talker ...but i do my best Im allways aktive in TS 3 and PR ore FH
  18. Hehe ..who is asking.... the U.S. of A im sorry that he is KIA by friendly fire
  19. mhh ok thanks for the "link" bludklot ..but i am not able to post anythink there i read everythink there and i think i am your man ! ok, im interrested to be an =VG= member now i need a VG member to invite me right ? Savage would you do that to me ???
  20. mhh no i dont saw the recruiting thread.... i will take a look You all talk about time ...i play since 2 Years on VG Servern and VG TS3 ...most time FH2 with Hans, Savage and acegermamy And i am sure ace will wear the VG tag too....we will see what happen, but thx for the answers But you can be sure the (6th SFG) will fight on the VG side ....
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