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=VG= 1Sg.Morrison

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Everything posted by =VG= 1Sg.Morrison

  1. You forgot the most importan, we will be a bad kind of biker gang, we steal, we kill, we will destroy! We will just drive the bikes and if we find a car ore tent we will destroy it ...ahahahahahahha...we will be a pain in the ass !
  2. for me DayZ is a kind of relax, ACE is fun but it is stress, my heartbeat and blood presure rised up, i been at 120% ... but DayZ is fun, i go around with Fastjack, enjoy the landskape, fire some rounds, eat what i find and we try to find places where no human was go before... you know like the enterprise in space... and we have alot of fun and adventures... just looting is boring, same building in an out..mhhh no no way
  3. They are great guys, sorry normally i like to do that stuff to but i dont had the time..real live is busy
  4. I guess i was really usless on that event, but i guess my PC is not fast enogth for that, it stops all the time...dont know because Faluja runs well last weekend... dont know what was wrong
  5. I will be there .(not sure how long but i will be there).. give me an HMG and i will clean the way ! Btw GMT means German Main Time right ?
  6. MAke one hour befor a check up time for add on?s while everybody who has everythink, shoot mutants
  7. Week 1 on Lingor island I just find myselfe at the beach, not sure where i was but i was sure it is Lingor island, i heard about it at the news and everybody was talking about. A island full of Zombies, funny. This is ridiculous! Good think was i heard some of my friend at the radio and they wanna pick me up with the Chopper but of curse the wanna know where. So i was on the way to the next City, i saw some Oil towers close to me and start walking. I came closer and saw some guys walking around the Oil pums and towers.... wierd, they was just walking around like.... oh shit, like in the Zombie movies... is it real ? Zombies, the stories about the Virus are real.... I told the guys where they have to pick me up and a few min later i saw the chopper and felt much better. They fly with me to the Main Base, some tents, a Bus, and a Fireplace. They told me what i need and that i should take a weapon. I figured out really quick, that most of they guys used M16 ore M4... so ammo could be rar and i choose a shotgun for myselfe. I take one with Flashlight, because it was going to be dark. It was great fun, to go around with all the guys, shoot Zombies, found some cool stuff and everybody was proud.. i heard people saying ... "we found a car" ore "we found a new weapon" ore tent. We fly ore drive back to our mainbase and put all the stuff together. At night i was going hunting with that crazy guys from Spain and Canada, they freakt out all the time when they saw a pig ...running and screaming "bacon, i see bacon" Then we had BBQ and drank some pepsi and Coke and eat our bacon and Steaks It was a nice time at the Zombie island Week 2 at lingor island Thinks change! First time we all stick together, fight togeter and put everything in our tents. Now it starts, that everybody has his own Tent, own place... first it was our UAZ,PicUp ore Bike... now the Vehicles gets names..like PigsCar (i dont even know Pig?s can drive) ore Poffchoper... PitnBus. Then i saw tents all over the place... Sparky?s place, Pitn?s Base, HQ of Eclipse ..and Republik of Oni wan kenobi... thats a funny name. Last one i choose for myselfe to live after Jack found a tent for me. Oh yea Jack, he is a new friend of mine and a good guy, he has a funny German accent but i like to walk around with him in citys. Sometimes he didnt watch out and shoot at me. Oh i forget to tell why i choose the Republik of Oni wan kenobi because. One thinks is, there is a lighthouse and i usually drive by boat and there was a little island... surroundet by water, i feel save on it. Maybe thats then european think, from the medieval time that we feel save with walls and water around us. And i am a little bit away from Oni .. not sure i can trust him ... i know him on Facebook, but that means nothing in hard times like this... so far it looks like he is a good neighbor...but who know. I just know he use the same waepon like me the Saw249..means he use the same weapon.... you know what i mean ... i keep an eye on him. I wake up this morning and my boat is gone... fuck, i live on a island and have no boat. whats going on ? Did sombody steal it ore is it just disapeard in the endless water ? Week 3 on lingor island Tonight i was at the town, had a shitload of flares and light my way to the local Hotel in Calamar. I was not afraid of Zombies, had my 249Saw and around 600 bullets, i allways take more bullets... just in case. Oh and i forgot about my Colt 1911..yea finally i get one !gundown Later Speirs pickt me up at tehe hotel and we drive to Prison to meet the other guys and get some stuff. He is a Hell of a Driver....dont know where is left and right at the map. But i have to thank him for the Night Vison. It changes my Zombie Hunt to a 24/7 event. Whatever... i take the Weel and finally we arrived the Prison, some guys already loot the placer and do a really good job there. On the way back to main base i found a boat and ship my way home...to my peacefull little island.
  8. Hey Guys i had a funny idea tonight, i was dreaming about live on a island and was surroundet by Zombies, just a great dream. !eatmyuzi Anyway, my idea was to post a kind of a diary about my "live" at lingor island. I just wanna write think happen on the island and how thinks going on. I will write in a book style and dont wanna judge about anybody. It is suppost to be funny, sarkastic, entertainment and maybe to think about whats going on between us as Community on the Island If something new happen, i just edit my diary and if you guys think thats a cool idea, feel free to post your own adventure on lingor island !huh I say it again, i dont judge ore bit** about anybody it is just for fun and entertainment !declare Just one think, dont use this side for comments pls... just Diaris. Comments just as PM ore at the chat. THX
  9. @ TEDF i had the same problem with FH2 it looks like nobody plays it anymore ...thats why i try to make it more popular, i create a picture for events, a ribbon, and tell everybody he should play ... maybe you should plan a event, i can help you with the event picture and put it on VG and Facebook. I would like it too if more people play PR
  10. I am not bored... but i switch games ...CoH-Blizkrieg, FH and PR thats why i am not so often at PR ... but i absolutly agree with T.E.D.F .... i miss the old day?s too
  11. You are right ... you can se that on Game Tacker too. only 5 ore 6 =VG= gamer are registratet for the games...PR & FH. we play a lot at "European" time i guess that is between 1pm - 3pm for you
  12. Ohhh Emulator are great ! I have a NES and SNES Emulator with a shitload of games ... guess i schould play some of them right now
  13. oh and i was addicted to Bomberman on SNES ! Best game ever !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xef0tkXmSp4
  14. Sorry for your lost Outlanders ... may your friend rest in peace
  15. For europe we have a perfect ping like 60... but we can also play with the US servers ping around 180 what is ok for me... i dont care where the server is, i will donate if i can and i will still play from time to time.. right now i am sick and dont play so much. I guess for all australiens it is better to have an US server
  16. Just dont give up... live is like a roller coaster it goes allways up and down... a time ago my girl leave me too and i was more then sad all my plans with her was over and i looks like i had now more future ...but i go on and after a while i meet that girl ... she is perfect and we get marriage this year ... you see it goes up and down the whole time... good luck man you find a new way, the new home is a good start and it sounds like a pretty place
  17. thats freaking fucking awsome ! very nice ..i mean very fucking nice !
  18. thanks guys for all the informatins im sure it will help to choose the right one ... if i have my first one i will let you know what it is... !gundown Yeeehhhaw
  19. Yep ..the Vietnam one is my faforite ..but the kits are good too. ... can you do something for me ? I was thinking about a tatoo and wanna mix a Yin Yang with a infinity sighn you know the 8 on the side. Maybe you have time and wanna do that to me ....you have much more talent then me :)
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