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=VG= Wooz2770

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Wooz2770

  1. Nvram, we should probably keep it simple for the tests, i vote for US vs Russia :)
  2. 273 questions actually. How is 8pm GMT for everyone? i can come on when ever, up to you guys
  3. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16347
  4. Could we put Domination on the server?
  5. Echo LAN_WROTE ... Not many players are on the Veteran server these days.. With the limited content and constant bugs, playing gets boring after a while, but i?m sure that once the Beta rolls out we?ll all be playing again :D
  6. My frames were better than usual, compared to MSO that is
  7. By Friday i?ll be done with every assignment from school (holy hell i?m done!!!) after that i?ve only got a couple of finals to take, so i?ve got time:)
  8. although, him having voice activation did mean, that we spent an entire evening listening to him having "sex", yelling and drinking ;)
  9. Iphone 4, i know a bit of Java and have made about two apps for school projects so i can help out, but i am in no way an expert
  10. Three Squads, 1st, 2nd, 3rd: Teamleader, PRC/148: =VG= Calv Assistant Teamleader, carries a satchel: =VG= SemlerPDX Grenadier: =VG= Ingo Machinegunner: =VG= Castor Anti Tank Trooper, MAAWS: =VG= Murderface Medic: Ciro Radio Operator, PRC/119: =VG=SavageCDN Marksman, M14 variant: AntonH Operator, M136: Rolf Weapons Squad Teamleader, PRC/148: =VG= Gaz Machinegunner: Audacity Machinegunner: Bananenspin Radio Operator, PRC/119: "Being Decided" Operator, M136: =VG= Eclipse Pilot: =VG= Poffadder Door Gunner: =VG= Wooz Door Gunner2: =VG= Tortia Pilot2: 2nd draft Maybe?s: Bludd Terremer
  11. We need people who want a leader role to step up, still missing some, according to Jager
  12. If Poff is flying i?ll take doorgunner or i could take a FTL role :D
  13. Could we put up a test server running those mods ASAP, so that people can try and connect? And i?m in
  14. i think that was only with the CDF 1.5 on takistan
  15. i?ll come play, but could we use the Chernarus BAF 1.5, that PITN put up at one point?
  16. I would like to hear everyone?s thoughts on this event :) as for me, this was probably the most fun that i?ve had in a while, some of the highlights: Manhunt for SolarflameRoad RageHiddenGTA the lowlights: This morning... And a big thanks to Savage for giving us Road Rage and to Solar for setting up a Hidden server.
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