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=VG= Wooz2770

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Wooz2770

  1. Are you guys looking at implementing more underground combat on your maps? such as bunkers? seeing as Arma is a milsim, bunkers would make sense
  2. Arma 3 class names: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147502-SIX-Config-Browser-Editing-resource-ARMA-3-Alpha-available
  3. Takes a couple of hours getting into, my only complain(currently) is the scroll menu, the fact that you cant use your left mouse button to select an action annoys the shit out of me, but this is still in Alpha:D Edit: Gaz corrected me
  4. Takistan + weapons + vehicles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkPDNmEF8do
  5. Chernarus ported to A3 alpha, and by the looks of it, the M4 has been ported aswell, although not with functioning rails: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLEDvEQc78
  6. in, and since ARMA 3 will be releasing in about 18 hours, could you guys go ahead and make an ARMA 3 MSO for the event? i?m sure it?s not that difficult ;)
  7. soooooo clooooooose https://store.bistudio.com/arma3-editions
  8. Might be interesting; Arma 3 scripting commands list: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_New_Scripting_Commands_List
  9. Those DLC?s will go on sale on Steam for 50%-75% at some point anyway :/
  10. Dyslexi on Arma 3: http://dslyecxi.com/an-arma3-video-surprise-on-monday/
  11. Just to keep track of opinions and orgasms, EVERYTHING Arma 3 related goes here :D What we know so far, is tha ARMA 3 will be available for purchase on March 5th, preordering will grant access to the alpha that starts on the same day. Prices can be seen here http://www.arma3.com/buy#buy
  12. VG has been added to the list, the plan is for it to be publicly available on the Reddit Arma forum, it will act as a guide for people looking for clans to play with :) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj_IvvssIuaSdGkyMnpndUhwUjl6WUJkUHh1aUlkTWc#gid=0
  13. alright i?ll send him this list during the weekend, last chance to object to anything.
  14. Alright i?ve throw together a quick list, tell me if anything needs to be changed: -Unit Name: Veterans-Gaming -Unit(s) Portrayed: none -Active Member Size: 25+ -Unit Focus: (Combine any) Co-op/Tactical/Realism -TvT/PvP Unofficial: no -ACE/ACRE: yes -Other mods required/provided?: Yes -Forced First Person: no -Public Server(s): yes -Timezone: N/A, international -Age Limit: 18-Mature -Joining Requirements: application -Website URL: www.veterans-gaming.com -Official Unit Youtube Channel: /veteransgaming Edit1: age changed from 15 to 18
  15. it was our pleasure man:D jump on TS so we can come play with you or the other way around :D
  16. To my understanding it doesn?t "detect" the other game until it?s been launched at least once :)
  17. Steam will automatically launch ARMA as Combined operations, provided that each version of the game has been launched at least once
  18. Alright, finally after much waiting this project has taken the next step, http://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/18twyv/arma_unit_google_doc_list/ that?s the latest update, i really don?t have time right now, might have this weekend, this is just a reminder to myself as well
  19. might be worth mentioning that arma recently had a 2.7Gb update on steam(for me at least), could this have broken his game?
  20. BURN IT WITH FIRE, BURN I SAY!!!! Try launching the game without using Six, should be able to join
  21. as previously stated we only run ONE server that doesn?t require any mods, that server is the INSURGENCY server, i asked what you used to load up DayZ, because some launchers leave the launch parameters after you uninstall them, so i?m guessing that your game is still loading up your DayZ key. If that is the case, you just need to clear your launch parameters, for steam, right click ARMA and go to properties, then set launch parameters and see if it?s loading up a DayZ key.
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