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=VG= Wooz2770

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Wooz2770

  1. don?t think i have any plans on friday, so i?m in :)
  2. =VG= Wooz2770


    Looks amazing, also if you remember F.A.T.A: http://i.imgur.com/TTEV7gL.png
  3. Until Cold says otherwise, i?d suggest not updating to 1.2
  4. I?m in, ill send this over to the LAMBS guys aswell. i know they?re on break for christmas, but i might be able to get some joins
  5. So the story goes something like this. Pigeon respawned and these guys tried to rob him, but when he didn?t have anything, they gave him an axe or something...after that he convinced them to join our little gang. Pigeon is walking these guys to us, trying to make them believe that there are 10 of us. when they finally arrive, we surround them on an open field and make them holster their weapons, after handcuffing and looting everything they had, we decided it was best to remove the witnesses...sorry There might have been talks about letting them fist fight to death....
  6. Blastcore Arma 3 http://youtu.be/kvGGYcEeNQ4
  7. I?d love to but... stupid drunk I might be able to make it, but only maybe ;)
  8. The weather in the Faroe Islands could be a class for itself in destrucion....
  9. So, JC2 multiplayer will be released this monday. some of us tried it a some point, but were put off by the mentality that develops when you put 2000 players on a single server(i see, i shoot). but with the server files being released, would anyone be up for trying it, and how many people own it?
  10. Would like to try out PvP, but i don?t like the idea of clan vs clan :/ i think mixed teams are more interesting :)
  11. Maybe a bit more diversity on the objectives side, something like helping out in squares that are being attacked by opfor, something that would actually help the tide of battle :)
  12. The new content for Arma 3 will be released on the 11th, it includes, 2 version of the Lynx, a new MBT, the warrior APC and black MX rifles.
  13. Arma 3 Lingor looks pretty sweet: http://imgur.com/a/qOwd6
  14. i?m in, 7pm GMT works best for me, but my world wouldn?t come crashing down if we started at 6 ;)
  15. We usually get on one of the CCG servers and wreck havoc :D
  16. Could we lock to first person outside of vehicles, just to try it out?
  17. i?m in, would be nice to have some sort of ACRE :)
  18. Great guy, was always positive when i met him RIP Bottom
  19. yeah.....fuck that shit....but....pretty colours and explosions :O
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