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=VG= Wooz2770

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Wooz2770

  1. only a maybe from me, ill know better tomorrow:)
  2. I finally remembered that i had these lying around, first one is Poff (nuff said), second and third are of Speirs on watch and breaking his legs. the last ones was our little sunset pose
  3. Alright im up for this friday or saturday, , not sure exactly what i wanna learn, but you know what i was thinking about making, so maybe we?ll take it from there?
  4. i?m still pretty certain that i?m gonna make it, but something small came up that i need to take care of:)
  5. it just told me it wanted to convert arma to a different file format, i suggest no one do this until we know if that?s what?s causing it
  6. This is the list they put forward: -active size of unit -gameplay focus -expected activity level -casual/serious/simulation -mods used -country -demographic (age of members etc.)
  7. =VG= Wooz2770


    I know that some members of VG browse Reddit, well a post on the ARMA subreddit has just surfaced, the basic idea is forming a a list with all the active clans(including: active members, level of gameplay (serious or casual), mods used, age group and country), someone even suggested using the list to do joint operations. For those who don?t know what Reddit is, it?s basically a lot of forums on everything you could imagine i?m gonna keep my eye on the post, but i wanna hear what you guys have to say about it, the subreddit has about 3000 readers. Thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/13gqpi/i_see_a_lot_of_players_looking_for_a_group_why/
  8. I would like to learn some more about mission making, i?m only available on the weekends though, but ill try and watch some youtube videos to freshen up my memory:)
  9. I would like to have some FTL training and i wouldn't mind teaching some of the newer guys all the equipment and how it works:)
  10. In Rangers are awesome and as long as we dont stand around for too long, i still like the RH weapons
  11. I would like to see another PR event, quite enjoyed it:P
  12. i like the idea Semler, and on the topic of maps, Taviana seems like a really interesting map: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15085 haven?t had time to test it out myself yet, but from what i?ve heard, it?s HUGE
  13. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXJ4FvsBPEY He?s trying to use the gyro?s in smart phones to track the head movement and use it ingame, i think this is interesting, since it?s a cheaper alternate to TrackIR(if you already own a smart phone with a gyro).it?s a WIP but he?s planning on releasing it as open source(Source: http://xiatek.org/ )
  14. Great point semler, btw i would like to talk to you about scripting and stuff when i get home on friday(maybe) :)
  15. i?m gonna say it as it is for me, i lost all interest in DayZ a long time ago, i think what we had going on with the MSO server was awesome and i had more fun on that server than any other, that being said, it?s actually pretty simple for me, ACE/ACRE and vanilla ARMA are more enjoyable to me than DayZ. i never say?d i liked DayZ i said i was willing to try out that event thing you had planned out:) And i can?t help but to agree with Murder a bit, we shut down the MSO server so that DayZ could run, it was fun for a while but grew old quick, and not just having everything handed to you part, but also DayZ as a whole, the fact that we can?t "personalize" anything with the mod also grinds my gears a bit:) And once again i must urge you to check out that Dynamic Zombie Sandbox. IF were gonna be doing anything with zombies that would do it for me, since we can run ACE with it and i generally would like to test it out some more.
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