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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= XOR

  1. Witchcraft! reserve rifleman please, lets see how much of pr you stole, ya damn thief
  2. All clients and server would need to have that mod, so can't be used as optional/client side only
  3. @=VG= Alucardednoc suggested one, so he gets one. Since I ' got a few weeks off work ', I've put a some extra sauce on this one, and incorporated as much feedback, suggestions and requests as possible, enjoy. Ξ N D G Λ M Ξ Players Slots : 12 + 10 Extra Slots Spectator Slots : 10 SATURDAY 17th JUNE 2023 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING| EVENT | Domination 1 IP: : 2342 Password(Very Secure): password Estimated Mission Time: 1-1.5 hr ( Join 15min in advance please ) OBJECTIVE: Locate and Secure Enough Intel to Secure and Upload Classified Schematics. LOCATION: TANOA ASSETS: 2xAH-9 Littlebirds armed only with Miniguns 2xLight Strike Vehicles 1xMortar Civilian Vehicles and Boats Maybe Used for Additional Mobility BLUFOR [ CTRG ] OPFOR [ SYNDIKAT Paramilitaries + SPETSNAZ ] MODS: NONE REQUIRED Recommended OPTIONAL Mods: Arma 3 Preset EVENT_ENDGAME_OPTIONAL.html , Launcher > Mods > Presets > Import SQUADS: ( please state your preferred slots ) [ Alpha ] - Assault Team ( Split Into Fireteams ) SL : =VG= XOR Rifleman : =VG= Batmemer Rifleman : Cubiksrube Rifleman : =VG= STARK Grenadier : Pew_Pew Grenadier : =VG= Blizzzzard Automatic Rifleman : =VG= Kavalenko Automatic Rifleman : =VG= Alucardedednoc Medic : =VG= Whiskey-Mike Medic : =VG= GRNANDGLD [ Bravo ] - CAS Pilot/Engineer : =VG= Keed Pilot/Engineer : =VG= Deathdealer *CAS has access to mortars available with a custom ballistic computer. [ QRF ] - Extra Slots ( Will merge With Alpha as an additional Fireteam ) Rifleman : Rifleman : Rifleman : Rifleman : Enfield-101 Grenadier : =VG= Connnnnnor Grenadier : Automatic Rifleman : (LTU)ignaspetk Automatic Rifleman : Medic : Medic : RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: Do not fire at civilians. COMMS: ( keep chatter to a minimum, talking alerts nearby enemies ) Do not use Teamspeak for Ingame comms, vanilla radio channels are configured similar to PR (Command, Squad, Local), with an additional 'Air' channel for all pilots & radio backpack equipped infantry. Set your preferred keybinds for the 4 channels specified below in Arma Multiplayer Control Setttings.
  4. Got 1 good arm and a free afternoon, I'll drive for the bat and dog. tx.
  5. @=VG= Kavelenko Thanks, added a fix to domi server at least, It's to do with a very rare batteeye bug similar to https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/muc1ak/battleye_causing_blue_screen_of_death/, server no longer performs in-game verification checks past file verification check when you join server, so in-game kicks no longer manifest to trigger a bsod, bug was supposedly fixed years ago by BI, guess not.
  6. Crash to desktop or disconnect? CTD, is indeed a problem if that was the case, but if it was just a disconnect which I recall you had a few, It comes down to how stable your internet is at any point in time, game constantly performs verification checks on game data, if it's unable to contact battle-eye even for a second, it kicks you out with verification failed. Which is why I disabled verification, after which I don't recall you had any issues. That said, should be fixed for now. Will do. Problem was the PO-30 only has RWRs, which means it allows manual lock with T, but it won't show you lase in the HUD. Cyclic 'R, cycle target' laser locking is only available in aircraft with laser+strobe sensors, but you're right, in retrospect I should've used the Mi28/Kajman outfitted with DAGR, It's the better solution...
  7. thanks all for hopping on, gg. your feedback was welcome. !(moar jammer screen alrtifacts for polish, mooaar backblast for aluc and moar deadly bullets )
  8. Monsieur Alucard suggested a vanilla Arma 3 event, figured why not. RUSSIAN ROULETTE Players Slots : 10 Spectator Slots (for those inclined to dip in & dip out) : 10 SATURDAY 17th DECEMBER 2022 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Domination 1 IP: : 2342 Password(Very Secure): password Estimated Mission Time: 1-1.5 hr ( Join 15min in advance please ) BRIEF: Iranian paramilitaries( YOU ) speaking Turkish and totally not affiliated with Iranian Revolutionary Guards are tasked with assaulting a US occupied Airbase on the Greek Island of Stratis, using a weapons' mix that doesn't point to anystate actor, a false flag attack Intended to create conflict within NATO, further details in mission. OBJECTIVE: Alpha and Bravo will execute a chain of different but mutually exclusive objectives, one can not proceed without the other completing it's tasking, precise taskings are need to know and provided as the mission progresses. KNOWN ENEMY ASSETS: MRAPs, APCs, Mobile/Static CIWS AA, TRANSPORT/CAS HELICOPTERS (It Is An Airbase Afterall) *Capture and use of enemy MANPADS/AT is recommended to offset our weapons limitations.. OUR ASSETS: P0-30 ORCA w/ 8 seats for transport, 20mm Cannon & 12 DAGRs, no ammo ressuply 3xLight Strike Vehicles 1xMortar with very limited ammunition MODS: NONE REQUIRED Recommended OPTIONAL Mods: Arma 3 Preset RecommendedOptionalMods.html , Launcher > Mods > Presets > Import SQUADS: ( please state your preferred slots ) [ Alpha ] - Assault Team Squad Lead : xor Medic : =VG= Polish Automatic Rifleman : =VG= Whiskey-Mike AT : =VG= Alucardedednoc Grenadier : Whtz 2nd Automatic Rifleman : =VG= Kavelenko Marksman : Timan Specialist(Enginer/Medic Dual Role) : =VG= Stark *Alpha SL can deploy/undeploy respawn camps, similar to Rally Points in PR. [ Bravo ] - Support Team Pilot : =VG= Keed FAC ( recon & laze targets ) : =VG= Solar *CAS should be able to lock on infantry laze beyond visual range unlike vanilla arma, using datalink. *If Aircraft is lost, squad switches to a fire support role using mortar and light strike vehicles. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: All players share 20 respawns, each death,team-kill and civilian casualty costing a respawn point, vanilla revive provides ample opportunity to evade death. Hence, It's highly advised you do not fire at unarmed civilians and PID your targets & confirm they are indeed hostile. COMMS: ( keep chatter to a minimum, talking alerts nearby enemies ) Do not use Teamspeak for Ingame comms, vanilla radio channels are configured similar to PR (Command, Squad, Local), with the addition of Air channel for all pilots. Set your preferred keybinds for the 4 channels specified below in Arma Multiplayer Control Setttings. Two squads, and a chain of different objectives towards a common goal, with 4 possible endings including complete and utter failure, hence the name, russian roulette. Short & sweet fun, happy holidays, and I do suggest enabling the optional 'Winter 2035 mod' for the holiday vibes...
  9. I adore Diyala, put me up with the misfits, Charlie MG please.
  10. Broken arm, free weekend, put me down wherever
  11. The purpose of #weekend-warfare to give people a 'known' venue, where people could hop on for an hour or so of Arma at a fairly consistent time slot. However all good things must come to an end. Your feedback is a valuable part of progress, and the Domination server is optimised fairly well as a result of such feedback, my thanks, and check it out some if you haven't, you just might be pleasantly surprised. Thanks for hopping on, to those of you who did, vanilla domination will still keep going strong, and I'll maintain it with regular updates, despite these sessions coming to an end, so keep hopping on. Final #weekend-warfare on Saturday May 7th 2000 Zulu. Cheers
  12. #Weekend-Warfare 2000 UTC+0, (SaturdayApril 23rd) SERVER: VETERANS-GAMING | Domination 1 | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Modified Dynamic Recon/Combat Ops: 1 - 1 .5 hours • Factions (selected on start), Terrain (selected on start), • Assets (selected on start(2-5), 1-10 min respawn), • No Zeus • what will be, will be, • Vanilla Revive • No ACE, • Mission Fails if all players die or too many civs die, • 8/15 Players Max (variant selected on start depending on number of players) Mods/Add-ons: Only CUP Weapons/Units/Vehicles/Terrains Required for the duration of mission.
  13. I was unable to setup that last one as I was stuck in traffic in a storm but for those of who did show up on time, you have my thanks, there's always next weekend, so we'll do it then, I'll leave the server up with Domination CUP for the duration of the week, before going Vanilla again, so you can hop on & have good ol' time with the USMC on Chernarus Winter till then. Cheers
  14. #Weekend-Warfare 1600 UTC+0, 10AM CST, (Sunday April 17th) UPCOMING DATE CHANGED TO TOMORROW SUNDAY APRIL 17TH, 1600UTC+0 SERVER: VETERANS-GAMING | Domination 1 | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Modified Dynamic Recon/Combat Ops: 1 - 1 .5 hours • Factions (selected on start), Terrain (selected on start), • Assets (selected on start(2-5), 1-10 min respawn), • No Zeus • what will be, will be, • Vanilla Revive • No ACE, • Mission Fails if all players die or too many civs die, • 8/15 Players Max (variant selected on start depending on number of players) Mods/Add-ons: Only CUP Weapons/Units/Vehicles/Terrains Required for the duration of mission.
  15. Clearly Hacking, I call for an Immediate Investigation in to that epic kill, we need to ban this guy.
  16. Carrier Ops this time around, use of CUP gear from the Arsenal enabled for you those of you AddOn hoes, while still remaining optional for those of you who're not inclined to download or install mods. More procedurally generated dynamic tasks and VON system optimised & It's range limits discarded per feedback. Join us yet again for high fps Arma, more polished and more refined every subsequent week, yet again, If you enjoy PR, you shall enjoy this Version of Domination as well, If in doubt, no better way to find if you do or don't than to try. Cheers.
  17. Nice turnout last week, a little rough around the edges in the begining, so I've refined the gameplay more for upcoming saturday. Doing a significantly modified version of Domination this time around, my modifications make it a challenge but not a slog, gameplay is as close you get to PR in Arma 3 as possible, so you won't feel as lost as some of you did, very straight forward & more polished, combining the tug of war you find in AAS with more objective driven specialized tasks/missions embeded within, in more focused but still randomised AO's, active one at a time. Please read the map briefing upon joining, everything about the gamemode is explained within. Since Domination is a dynamic long winded gamemode, your objective for the session will be to complete 3 randomly generated missions & to secure the active AO and all random objectives within it. You are free to use any and all assets available to you & no more, all destroyed HEAVY assets available at main will need to be recoverd to Main Base for re-use, no respawn, similar to Mike Force, for those familiar. Cheers.
  18. VETERANS-GAMING | Domination 1 | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM : 2342 [1-2.5hrs] 1900UTC+0 Saturdays Arma 3 events are too few and far in between, and there's not enough of you who play regularly and those of you who do, do so elsewhere, myself included, so I figure I'd give weekly 'sessions' a shot, lasting 1-2.5hrs on procedurally generated dynamic missions with completely optional mods, at 1900UTC+0 Saturdays, unless there's an event. Mission scope & type are randomised & anyone is welcome to join in progress , barring disruptive behaviour, all are welcome. I'll also be on that ancient contraption you call teamspeak during these sessions incase anyone needs help joining up. A good time if nothing else, a superb time at best. I can only guarantee lots of fps'sss & seamless join & play, everything you'd need to know will always be in the map briefing & task list. Post up below if interested to let others know you are too, If you're looking for an Arma 3 Unit or just a regular group of people to play Arma with, join up & more will surely come, someone's gotta get the ball rolling, might as well be YOU. If you can't attend due to a time conflict, you can always catch the next one or hop on the Domination gamemode always online on that server at your leisure & ping [conservatively] @Arma on discord to join you. List of Modifications to Vanilla Gameplay [missions pbos patched automatically with these changes]: Cheers.
  19. I welcome all criticism of my ideas, and all fair points, and certainly there're maps where giving up neutral flags on start is impratical and maps where starting neutral all but ruins the maps IMHO like muttrah which is down right boring starting neutral - arguably a crime against an otherwise fantastic map, and accommodating different 'settings' for different maps would be a trivial matter either way. And your point about kokan lrg is my overarching point exactly, there's lots of little things like that than can be sorted using server side scripts without touching a single file, if we were inclined to, changes allowed by the server license but muddled by confusing outcries by some devs during previous attempts at modifications, that seems to have convinced far too many it's not worth the hastle, which tbh I agree with, but I digress, short of making these types of posts when something aggravates me enough, despite having a trivial solution, not much else I can do other than hop on some other game until I need my dose of PR.
  20. You really should read the entirety of my post, incl hidden section.... I'm not entirely sure if the first statement was sarcasm or in jest, regardless, the foundation of facts isn't subjective interpretation but logical coherence, what this script does is nothing more than a manipulation of time, it alters nothing but progression of bots vs players, giving one a boost and tugging on the other. That said, this post is in no regards about features for PR, been there done that, over it, It's just me making an observation and exploring one of many possiblities in a public forum with like minded individuals like yourself. And like a majority of people who write code, 99% of what I write never sees the light of day, It's more about exploring possibilities than writing code in & off itself. I know, and I don't. If..else if the foundation of a great many things... need i say more.
  21. Any map, and considering what you said yourself, It also gives bots a reason to spreadout, having neutral files capped by THEM on round start, gives them more time to do so, as such flags would need to be neautralized and then capped by players.
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