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=VG= Calv

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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... ATTENTION!!! you guys are missing the point! the idea isn't to join the BIG EVENTS yet! the idea is the get more experience faster! the idea is to arrange a mass of smaller events where we can train for example only on using specific vehicles, weapons, etc. also training formations, Radio coms, Map reading etc. but to get 4 guys once or twice a week to play isn't that hard i think Yeah as mentioned that is pretty much exactly what is happening. The campaign missions I'm making are allowing me to train new stuff that is relevant for that mission. For example next week our training will be on formation, contact drill, vehicle usage, and movement in urban environments including buddy teams. The week after we will have some CAS and artillery available in the mission so I will be conducting training on how to determine the grid ref of targets and the standard way of calling in support. Also I will likely the introducing the 117f backpack radio so will cover the usage of that. After that we will most likely be starting to use ACE, I intend to create a training area that can be downloaded and played in SP with various areas to practice the features of ACE, with a load of relevant information in the mission notes on the many new features. I'm trying to avoid doing too much training at once as people can be turned off by that much information and there is less chance of people remembering it, so things will be introduced gradually. Training on how to use the various weapons and vehicles is really going to have to be a personal thing though because the weapons/vehicles are easy to learn and get a feel for by just using them solo. That said, if you want to have a persistent fireteam that is fine, grab three other people and get their agreement then let me know. Then it's down to you to arrange some sessions where you can train as a team, whether it's just playing on insurgency together or going through missions is your choice. I'm happy to put together some training missions that you can run through as a team if provided with a specific area you want to practice. (Urban clearing, patrolling in woodland/open terrain, night ops, etc)
  2. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Another thing I must voice out is the lack of training, we should really make some smaller events (like locked Insurgency) where FTs can train their skills and situational awereness. And here is the weapon request: HK417 4x HOLO (1st choice). If not possible I'd like a m16a4 M203 ACOG. The other guys I play ARMA with talked about his recently and we couldn't really come up with any effective way of 'training' FTLs. The information they need to know is fairly limited and can be explained in a few minutes, the main thing of FTLs is experience which is really only gained from doing, which outside the event is really down to you to take a team leader role on public servers and get the randoms to fall into line. If you get random pubbies working as a team then you'll be fine as FTL during events. You've mentioned elsewhere the idea pre-set teams which I am fine with, it makes things a lot easier. However, it is going to be down to the FTLs to set this up. As SL I don't really get a good feel of who works well with who. So as an FTL if there are people that you would like to have on your team then get their consent and let me know, then you can setup training sessions with them and so on. If making teams I would prefer that FTLs pick at least one player that they feel to be inexperienced and can train up, so that we don't end up with one team full of new players. Regarding training in the missions, next week during the warmup I will be doing training on mounting and dismounting vehicles, and we will then train on moving and clearing in urban environments. During this I will demonstrate the buddy team system and how effective it is in an urban setting. I may also go through how to move in a formation and do some contact drills (basically how to react when fired upon). Also, next week we're marines so it's M16A4s all around. ACOG/GL variant will be in the ammo crates.
  3. We will eventually, just introducing things slowly, I expect to start using ACE after this campaign which has 2 more missions to go.
  4. Earplugs and batteries are only available in ACE which we haven't started using yet. Intend to keep the weapon selection quite limited partly for realism, but mainly to remove the distraction of picking what weapon to use. In future campaigns it will likely be a choice between the mk16/mk17. Once we're using ACE there is the possibility to carry two main weapons so I may add an m24 or m40 sniper rifle at that point. That said if there are specific weapons that people want included I'm open to suggestions. As a sidenote I intend to push people to learn to learn to read and use the map grid references, I want to stop the practice of just throwing up map markers for everyone to see, it's unrealistic and lazy. I noticed this happening quite a lot during the mission when targets were sighted etc, need to get into the habit of being able to identify a map grid based on surrounding objects.
  5. So after action report for the mission. After semler and ingo were hit at the island I hung back and ended up forming a team with lupago, eclipse, and iffn who then moved together with FT1 to the SE of the camp and moved up to assault. Lupago was taken down by the static machinegun a moment before I disabled it but after that my team had a fairly clean assault, moved towards the tent and checked the mortars. Moved out to the boats and landed on the coast with no problems. Moved out to RV point then onto OP2 with no contacts. Had bad sight lines from OP2 so started shifting NE until had visual on 2 static weapons at the camp. At this point a 4-5 man patrol started heading down the road from the west towards ft1's position and a 3 man patrol was heading from the sw towards them. Attempted to warn FT1 but they were unable to get visual on both patrols until they were engaged. Opened fire on the patrols when they engaged FT1 and neutralised around 5 of them before being taken out by a machinegunner that I believe came from the camp. Overall everyone did a good job, were some comms issues with people transmitting on the wrong radio but that's to be expected so not a huge issue.
  6. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I really need to practice with this man. Murderface LAN_WROTE ... just what Lupago said As mentioned in the thread for tomorrow, I will be around an hour or so before the event to answer any ACRE questions, and will do a quick training session on the 343 and 148 before we begin. There isn't that much to learn for basic radio usage, especially for non-ftls.
  7. Well it'd be important to stress that when CAS is used it's not gonna be a case of just flying around engaging at will. Depending on the mission you may spend a large portion of the time sat on the runway or in a holding pattern until you're needed. My ideas for future campaigns would be to have separate objectives for air support and then making them available for CAS once their objective is complete, or incorporate the blakes_pins mod that allows a FLIR camera to be added to aircraft meaning that it'd be possible to have the A-10 orbiting a target area providing recon data until called in for support.
  8. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... A question, will we have any CAS support? Not for the moment, want to get the basics ironed out as infantry, everyone upto speed on ACRE etc before complicating things with air support. It's possible that we will have access to a Harrier for the final assault on the general's compound. In future campaigns if air support is included it is more likely to be in the form of aircraft rather than choppers purely because a single Apache can severely unbalance a mission meaning that you either have to stack the odds so much against the infantry teams that the Apache is required to complete the mission (then when the apache gets shot down everyone is screwed) or the Apache just wipes the floor with the entire enemy presence while the infantry just watch. Whereas aircraft like the A-10, harrier etc require some co-ordination from ground troops keeping everyone involved in the mission.
  9. You can download ACE directly from their website or by using the Armarize program I linked to. But this is beside the point as you don't need ACE yet, this week we will be using ACRE not ACE.
  10. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... "include file userconfig\ace\ace_clientside_config.hpp not found." anyone know how to fix that? Need more details, what mods are you trying to run? Just ACRE?
  11. You can do it manually, main thing is just having ACRE installed and working. You can grab ACRE http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11339 and follow the install instructions, making sure to manually copy the teamspeak .dll into the teamspeak folder etc. You'll need to download the requirements files too, jayarmalib and cba. Other option is to use Armarize: http://www.armarize.com/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=55 Haven't tried it myself but serves a similar function to sixupdater so should be easy enough to figure out.
  12. AirborneAlways LAN_WROTE ... Side note: Will have to edit "ace_clientside_config.hpp" so that things will work properly. Steam users: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\userconfig\ace Retail: no longer have a retail copy installed so don't remember where it would be located. If someone could point them in the right direction. Same day of the week and time?? Yeah same day/time, added to first post. Just going with ACRE this week, no ACE yet. Have also added the team roles in first post so people can feel free to state their preference, no guarantees though.
  13. Saturday, start time 19:00 GMT (14:00 CDT) Server password is: acre Ok guys, same as last week, post in the thread if you're going to be attending this week's session. Also, please indicate in your post if you would like to be either the Squad Leader or a Fire Team Leader. We will be using ACRE at this session so everyone will have to get sixupdater setup, and have ACRE downloaded and ready to go before the start time. I will make myself available on teamspeak a couple hours before the start to help with any last minute issues but there is more than enough time to get things setup before then so anyone turning up without ACRE running will not be able to join in. WIP instructional document on installing and configuring Six-Updater: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?24065 Quick step by step instruction for anyone who needs it: 1st method: 1) Download and install sixupdater: http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html 2) Once SU is setup, look to the left side of the window for the Dynamic preset, click this and it should go bold. 3) Click on the Mods tab, then find @ACRE in the list. 4) Right click @ACRE and select Add to Preset. Under the Dynamic heading you should now see ACRE, upto 3 version of CBA and JayArmalib. 5) Top left of screen click the arrow under the Green Icon, select Install and Update mods. 6) After it has downloaded and installed the mods you should get a pop-up window asking to add a .dll to your teamspeak directory, accept this. 7) Launch teamspeak, goto Settings> Plugins and make sure the ACRE plugin is ticked. 8) You're good to go, in six updater click the arrow under the green icon and select Launch game to start it up. 9) Ingame you will need to change your ingame VON key to something other than Caps Lock, as that is used by ACRE. 2nd Method: 1) after installing SU find the Veterans-Gaming Community Events server in the browser 2) right-click on the server and select New Preset with Server - this will add a new preset on the left-hand side with the server name 3) Under actions select Install, Update mods, process bikeys and join the server. SU will download and install what you need to play on the server automatically. Relevant ACRE keys: Caps Lock: Transmit on selected radio Teamspeak Push-to-talk button: Direct speak, basically just talking so anyone stood nearby will hear. Ctrl-Shift-A: Cycle between radios (Only relevant to FTLs at this point) Ctrl-Shift-X: Display radio - used for changing radio channel/power. I will cover basic radio usage in a training area before we start, but just to cover a few details. For the mission we will be using 343s and 148s. The 343 is a short-range radio used for communication within your team. Has a useful range of about 5-600m. This is what most of you will be using with each fireteam on a different channel. Will explain how to change channel in-game. The 148 is a medium-range radio generally used for communication between FTLs and SL. At full power I believe it can used upto around 2-3000m depending on terrain, hills and such will reduce this. Will demonstrate how to increase the power in-game. Roster: Calv lupago castor charry airborne (maybe) savage dman sam terremer semler ingo murder pirate eclipse Squad Slots: Squad Leader: Calv Squad Corpsman: savage FT1 1-1 Team Leader: Castor Sam - MG charry ingo FT2 2-1 Team Leader: Dman Pirate eclipse murder FT3 3-1 Team Leader: Semler lupago terremer FT4 4-1 Team Leader: Mission Briefing: Situation: Our initial force recon team were able to disable the AA capabilities around the airfield to allow us to land marines and secure the area with air support assistance. Today our marine squad will be clearing the towns of Chernogorsk and Electrozavadosk clearing any AA in the area while Talon keeps the enemy off balance by securing the island artillery camp and barracks at Tulga. These combined operations will provide us with fire support for our assault on the general's stronghold and clear a corridor for air support. Mission: Talon is tasked with securing two key locations. The first target should be the artillery camp located on the small island just off the coast, this will allow an assault on the barracks at Tulga. When both areas are secure all units are to move to the RV point NE of Tulga.
  14. Yeah, would be you, then ftl1, ftl2, ftl3, ftl4.
  15. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I was the squad medic... never healed anyone and I think I might have fired 10-12 rounds total !yes At mission start I ran forward with Calv as I thought he was just going to move up to RV1 and get organized. After he got shot I hit the ground and crawled to the outskirts of the town where I linked up with Castor's squad FT1 and stuck with them moving through the town until we got ambushed and I was shot in the head. It was our own fault I think we were all looking at the map when the enemy opened fire.. good lesson there. I think this mission showed us the importance of planning and communicating the plan so that all SLs understand the overall objective. Everyone needs to thank Calv for making the mission as these things take a lot of work to get right. Yeah, the mission itself may have been slightly stacked against us but I did want to impress the necessity of teamwork and moving slow and tactically. Most of the people have only really played insurgency and when facing badly trained takis you can rambo a bit and get away with it. Main aim of this mission was to show that things can go south very quickly when you're outnumbered and only have one life. It was very much a trial by fire to open everyone's eyes.
  16. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... The main problem was that we didnt give too much importance to the point of explaining how were we going to face the towns in the middle, in the first one 3 squads were clearing and the other one, jager, went through it and hit the first objective, that was the best way but we didnt know we were going to do that. In an ideal situation there would have been two fireteam leaders moving on that town, and it would have been down to them to decide how it would be secured. I wanted to impress that fireteam leaders are required to be responsible for their teams and use their own initiative in situations. The higher ups just outline "what" they want done, it's the ftl that have to decide on the "how". In future missions there will be some "safe" time at the start where ftls can discuss the mission plan between themselves and outline their general areas of responsibility. In hindsight the initial RV point should have been placed closer to where we dropped, one of the problems with me being in command and making the mission was that in numerous test runs I had never encountered any enemies in that first town so assumed it was clear (good practical demonstration of why you never assume a place is clear), I also lacked NV goggles due to an error with the loadout script, which is also why you guys lacked silenced weapons. However it did highlight an important point: The initial plan is never perfect. If an RV point is set in briefing that seems to be a "safe" area, but then once on the ground it is unsecure and an exposed position, then you are free to communicate this information and change the plan as required.
  17. Yeah, lack of acre is quite painful, think I may push for next session to have acre in. Doesn't really need much training to get people upto speed on the 343s.
  18. OK guys, use this thread to give a basic report of what you did in the mission. Feel free to include any criticisms etc
  19. Expect you'll need all 3 CBA keys: http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/973db6b6-a754-11de-b50f-0021855d3b6d, http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/45f280d8-9656-11df-9c92-001517bd964c, http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/d0d1be4c-8b5e-11df-a11e-406186347774
  20. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Is there somewhere to get the bikeys only for addons without having to dowload the entire mod? Jager can you PM me with the bikeys associated with both of those mods? thx Find the mod in sixupdater. Right-click > Get info about mod On the webpage it loads should be a bikeys entry that is clickable to dl just the key. Haven't tested it with a server but looks like it should work. So should be able to get bikeys for jsrs: http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/f205d6f0-3929-11e1-aa47-001517bd964c and blastcore: http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/76942b02-86dc-11e0-96ed-001517bd964c
  21. BurnitDown LAN_WROTE ... I would love to do this. I also agree with the ACRE/ACE setup, after the initial recruitment for such games of course. I would also suggest that we allow players to run things such as sound mods (because vanilla sounds like poop) and graphics enhancements on the server. Mulching AI on insurgency gets pretty lack luster after a while also, so can we play on Afghan? I am EST/EDT, which means its around 1400/1500 for me, which is fine on either saturday or sunday. I have RL experience with fire team leadership within both foot patrols and mounted patrols within a machine gun platoon. Will be running coop missions so the maps will vary between takistan, zargabad and chernarus. I'm making the first set of campaign missions on chernarus but can do the next set on afghan. You in this saturday? http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?24642.last
  22. ***************************** VETERANS-GAMING COOP | Community Event | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM SERVER PASSWORD IS: saturday ***************************** Ok, signup thread for this weeks session. Session will likely consist of 15-20 mins covering the basics, then putting it to practice in various missions. I've started work on a campaign that will provide one mission each week, with events of the mission having an effect on following missions. This should be ready for Saturday, just need to flesh out the campaign story and throw in some random patrols. My mission does use some A2 assets so if you only own OA I'd advise sorting out the ARMA2 free version to run as Combined Ops before saturday. See here for info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Combined_Operations_Lite Attending: Calv Savage Sam Terremer TortiaBoy (maybe) ColdNfreeziN Murder Charry Jager (maybe) Switch Ingo Pirate Castor ConfusedMaster Operation Talon - Day 1 Situation: Intel has discovered that a discharged Russian General, Vlad Petrovski, has surfaced in Chernarus. So far it seems that he has focused on fortifying his position and securing key locations in the area including the airports, an artillery base off the SE coast and various AA sites throughout the area. We cannot allow this to continue and need to discover what exactly he has planned, however we wish to avoid a full scale conflict here so this will be done quietly. Talon squad will be tasked with retaking or destroying key locations that Vlad has seized, discovering what he is planning, and putting an end to him once and for all. The CDF are gathered in force in the NW of the area no doubt preparing for Petrovski to attack in force. We intend to give them a wide berth and preferably will complete our mission without their knowledge. Mission: Talon is tasked with establishing a foothold on Chernarus by securing the airstrip in the south. It is imperative that all AA capabilities are neutralised including static AA weapons, AA radar and aircraft present at the airfield. Operations area: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/559814960718158037/679BDA3C96D72B64848FD32920475EFC49851DF8/
  23. Sam LAN_WROTE ... yes , lot of good coops in this pack! but just arma vanilla , no ACE/ACRE !whistle Don't expect to be giving ace a try for several weeks. Started putting together the first mission for a campaign that should give us one largish mission each week to do. So probably have an ACE/ACRE session after that campaign.
  24. This collection of missions should do the job if its possible to get em added to the server? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11147 Doesn't really matter what the missions are, as long as they've got enough player slots and are infantry focused they'll do the job.
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