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About David

  • Birthday March 12

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  1. Arma 3 Jets DLC Mission screenshot





  2. i always play PR COOP ,it because of team work and stuff . and i know we againts the bots at all times but its fun afterall

    BF2 and FH2 




    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      I used to love FH2! Cool pics, man! :drinks: 

    2. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    3. =VG= Rotblut

      =VG= Rotblut

      Not my Mod but nice Pictures. I stick to AIX2 and sure the vanilla BF2 Coop.

  4. Hello and Welcome back sir connor ! i saw in jabal 4hrs ago
  5. Fools Road is kinda hard for me but my most hated map in pr is Tad sae offensive
  6. Zabanya+7.gif
    GN-010 Zabanya in action againts ELS 

  7. i hate when my squadmates doing their own business and going everywhere just like stray cats on the battlefield i always follow my sql everytime
  8. they stays in one room and havin' party and the other room they died the spawn point is bugged bad
  9. i dont want this getting far this conflict
  10. well, if i say that ,then i am apologize on it . i'm sorry il take the penalty
  11. my apology ,but im not the one saying the n-word ,the admin was mistaken theres alot of players saying that .every time at the end of the round ,i was saying "good job" then i heard some n-word at it . i have respect to anyone in the server ,even every race . but if you want to ban me permanently ,its okay . i'l take it but hell ,vets is nice server i played since i return to play bf2 last couple months ago.
  12. I dont know why ... i didn't recieved any warnings at any admins in the game - dec 17 ,2018 around 8-9 pm (sea time zone) nickname: Pvt_mR_taRAnTaDo map burning sand squad i was :mech inf 1. Banned Username:Pvt_mR_taRAnTaDo 2. What Server(s):BattleField 2 Project Reality Veterans Gaming Coop 3. When did this happen: At Night at between 8-9pm(sea time) Dec 17 ,18 4. The reason you were banned:Unknowned ,Theres no Signs or warning that i got banned for no reason 5. Describe the events leading up to your ban: as a Mech Inf ,i took a APC to support my squad at the start 6. Personal Statement: i dont know why but theres no warns that i recieved on the game. but if theres a violations. i willing to answer it --- Reply.Thank You
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