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=VG= Melon Muncher

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= Melon Muncher

  1. Please send future bug reports here https://www.realitymod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=26
  2. Sorry, it's not going to happen. It's way too much work for something most people get over after a few hours. You get a bunch of new maps with alternate factions this update and the plan is to add some more to give people a bit more freedom. At this stage most maps are designed with a stronger opposition to get coop a challenge, otherwise they are a ssteamroll
  3. Known issues Bamyan lrg enemy bleeds quick and round ends quickly Khamisiyah lrg, crashes, issue unknown Op Bobcat, medikits are deployment style.
  4. Zeee sucks at picking maps Thank you for putting forward the recommendation. Though admin is not something we give out solely based on approval from players it is always something we look for when appointing admins. There is quite a process we go through when recruiting and it sometimes takes time for a regular to move onto admin status. Be assured that we are always looking for potential admins within the player base and that if someone is a worthy candidate they are appointed at an appropriate time (provided they want to do it). In the mean time, we are always watching.
  5. Actually if the map is not in the maplist but it exists as an official map it can be added to the rotation and played by any admin on the server with the !setnext command. This is why we need to let everyone know when maps are broken. Removing them from rotation will only make them not show up randomly.
  6. pt.WW2 all WW2 bots have a range somewhere between 100-200 for their weapons now. Was previously really hard thanks to the above changes making bots shoow halfway across the map and through all the hedgerows
  7. Al Basrah - Standard: Flag spawns for last two flags are switched (Apartments and Palace), infantry spawns on Palace instead of Apartments, and when Apartments is neutral they all start spawning on one broken spawn in the center of the flag compound. Not fixed yetAssault on Grozny - Standard: Transport trucks despawn after a short amount of time. Same as every other map, 20 min. Not brokenBlack Gold - Infantry: Chopper does not have rearm and repair point. Not able to be fixed until patchBlack Gold - Standard: Transport trucks despawn after a short amount of time. FixedCarentan - Standard: Last cappable flag in DoD, must run next always. FixedCarentan - Alternative: No spawn points for Americans. Unplayable. FixedDovre Winter - Standard: Area attack is like a nuke, it's called in, you don't hear or see anything except a mild suppression effect and it kills everything inside every building in the area, no hiding from it. Broken asset, also not my mapGoose Green - Standard: Entering the helicopter disables mumble until you leave it. The pilot can't communicate via mumble at all. Combat Area issue, can't fix til patchJabal al Burj - Alternative: Broken spawn on Bridge flag. They stop spawning there after Dam is capped. Designed so bots would retake bridge if no-one pays attentionJabal al Burj - Large: Although not really broken, the map should have out of bounds areas marked. Not my map. I've got told off for editing a certain someone's maps so I don't touch themKafr Halab - Standard: Tickets bleed out quickly after second last flag is capped, even though there is one more flag to be capped. FixedKarbala - Standard: Enemies don't spawn on the last flag at all. Not my map. I've got told off for editing a certain someone's maps so I don't touch themKashan Desert - Alternative: Broken spawns on North Village, they keep spawning even though the flag is neutral. They stop spawning when North Bunkers flag is capped. Not my map. I've got told off for editing a certain someone's maps so I don't touch themKozelsk - Alternative: Enemies don't spawn on last flag. Only in the vehicles. Not fixing at the momentMasirah - Large: All enemies seem to be attacking uncappable Terminal flag even though West Radar is the cappable one. Just the bots being bots, they don't understand how AAS worksMusa Qala - Standard: Friendlies can't spawn on their squadleaders. I did this on purpose, might do it to all maps, who knows.Operation Barracuda - Large: Building one FOB doesn't work, building two FOBs does. You can't spawn on the FOB or build emplacements if only one FOB is built in the area, you gotta cheat it by building two. Gonna say this is a really hard bug to reproduce and makes zero sense in any context and should not be map dependentOperation Marlin - Standard: Last cappable flag in DoD. Enemy chopper is useless. Fixed flag cap, chopper is human chopper that bots stealPavlovsk Bay - Standard: Enemies get stuck on spawn in the southern bay of Submarine Pen flag. FixedPavlovsk Bay - Alternative: Broken spawn on Construction Site flag, enemies die immediately upon spawning. FixedRoute E-106 - Standard: Broken, bots spawn in their main and immediately die. Not my map. I've got told off for editing a certain someone's maps so I don't touch themVadso City - All: Not possible to see flags or flag names on map, can't see cap progress either. Not sure if fixed or not, haven't played it recently. Not sure on this one, can't reproduce locally, will look into it thoughWanda Shan - Standard: Bots don't spawn on last flag at all. Bots die upon exiting Stingers on second last flag. Not my map. I've got told off for editing a certain someone's maps so I don't touch them (stinger should be fixed with the above changes though) Charlie's Point std - bots go to and stay on Point Lookout (the first cap) even after other objectives are secured by US forces. Just bots being bots OUTPOST - Not playable by any means, for some reason. Even though the map still there on Coop maplist, waiting to be fixed. Not my map. I've got told off for editing a certain someone's maps so I don't touch them Bamyan Alt: Unplayable, bluefor tickets bleed INCREDIBLY quickly when the city flag is capped. Hasn't been an issue for ages now
  8. In theory yes, having the bots ride in an apc to active flag would be better, but the bots are useless in the back and it is just easy kills for vehicles or HAT. a constant stream of walking bots is better imo. Nothing is permanent but see how it goes. LAT kits only get one rocket, originally this was why I took them targeting helis out of the main build in the first place. bot shoots his missile at something shit and then has nothing when he faces down a tank. RPGs still shoot at inf and with grenade launches neing increased give them a boost in explosive power vs inf
  9. Pt .2 (the anti CAS heli versionn) Bots will no longer ride as passengers in APC (could result in more bots walking from the enemy mains though, have to see if it's worth it) Bots will use grenade launchers again and against helicopters LAT no longer shoots at inf, targets Helicopters
  10. PT.1 29/11 Changes to weapon ranges for AI Grenage launcher min range 120 -> 50 LAT Max range 180 -> 280 Aimpoint Rifle max range 250 -> 300 Ironsights Max Range 200 -> 280 + increase deviation Scoped Rifle max 350 -> 400 + Decreased deviation SMG max range 100 -> 1808 + increase deviation RPG max range 240 -> 280 + increase deviation LMG irons max range 350 -> 450 +deviation increase LMG scoped 450 -> 550 ZPU 4 Deviation increased Bots no longer exit static weapons if there is no enemy present Igla static max range 600 -> 700 Static AT Max range 800 -> 1400 Shilka Max range 2000 - > 1500 +deviation increased AA Range 1100 -> 1500 to match with shilka range APC ATGM max range increased to 800 (bots suck with mobile ATGM at long range because they will lose LOS) APC AP max range 800 -> 1500 APC HE Max range 400 -> 1000 KPVT Max range 450 -> 800 Harrier will now get shot at same as helicopter
  11. Changes to weapon ranges for AI Grenage launcher min range 120 -> 50 LAT Max range 180 -> 280 Aimpoint Rifle max range 250 -> 300 Ironsights Max Range 200 -> 280 + increase deviation Scoped Rifle max 350 -> 400 + Decreased deviation SMG max range 100 -> 1808 + increase deviation RPG max range 240 -> 280 + increase deviation LMG irons max range 350 -> 450 +deviation increase LMG scoped 450 -> 550 ZPU 4 Deviation increased Bots no longer exit static weapons if there is no enemy present Igla static max range 600 -> 700 Static AT Max range 800 -> 1400 Shilka Max range 2000 - > 1500 +deviation increased AA Range 1100 -> 1500 to match with shilka range APC ATGM max range increased to 800 (bots suck with mobile ATGM at long range because they will lose LOS) APC AP max range 800 -> 1500 APC HE Max range 400 -> 1000 KPVT Max range 450 -> 800 Harrier will now get shot at same as helicopter
  12. Yes. Without modifying maps? Also Yes. Why then isn't it a thing? IDFK, Code exists I don't know if you mean randomize which spawn the bots appear on or if we need to add more. The first already happens and for when the bot spawnpoints are added there are 2 things to do 1 make sure the spawn is out of cap zone but also not so far away they are spawning in another zone 2. Try and make it so that the bots spawn outside of line of sight when you are inside capzone to prevent camping them. Some maps it is because of the map itself that I don't have more. not many places to hide a spawn in a desert for example. Otherwise it is because of the way the map itself works that limits spawns I try to put around 10 spawn points to each flag
  13. Half of it is bots being gay, we can change some values around like the old days though. Longer AA range, Longer RPGs and shorter fire times, as well as shooting at helis. Other things, like where the bots spawn just gets changed when we update maps and stuff. Other half is players knowing the tactics better, everyone knows exactly where to sit, where the bots spawn and come from and how to win the map as fast as possible. You could win maps super fast in the old days if you had a good team too, If that's not a good enough answer, just play shahadah everytime
  14. Yo, put me in there with keed. I will annoy him with my no miciness Edit: How do I play PR Edit #2: PR sux
  15. Love it, can definitely ease up some work for admins and stuff. Can we make it easier for suitable squad names to be added? Like CAS, Cobra, Ah1z etc?
  16. Looks really good with the amount of zoom. if only we could get true PIP in such an old game you wouldn't have to run into resolution loss at higher magnification
  17. It's worth thinking about. We could easily run a test game with the flags set for a standard neutral very slow capture (5-10 min) which would strongly encourage defence. Biggest issue is everyone knows where the bots are coming from and what they are going to do.
  18. Heads up, there was bit of a typo I made in the Helicopter AI. Server would crash when a bot tried to fly. It's fixed now. Sorry about the day of crashes
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