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Potential crashing issue on Jabal Al Burj - Alt.


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Recently, I have personally encountered server crash on loading Jabal Al Burj - Alt multiple times. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this frequently and consistently, and if so, maybe we should remove it from the map rotation until we can investigate the cause and fix it.

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Only technical problem I ever encountered on Jabal Alt was classic server crash due to helicopter crossing south border of the map.

But since we're kinda at the topic, Al-Basrah, especially Alt layout, is pretty much bound to cause a server crash nearly every time. And it is not due to CAS/Trans doing.

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I think that has nothing to do with jabal. that happens 1-2 times in the evening and only when loading ... I had that with every map already. definitely kashan, khamy, jabal, kokan, qwai, grozny but also others. all maps that normally run. could be that it has something to do with which map previously ran?

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it just happened again. merlin inf was the last map and then muttrah was loaded. before the button came to join the server crashed and it takes longer till the server is up again. 22:24 Zulu.


and now im complete alone on vadso ;(

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What matters most is that there are many, many hashtags so that this thread gets crawled by the google search engine, and for years, any google searches including Jabal Al Burj crashing will lead straight here so they can get all the info they need on a simple report that happened in days past on some groups PR server.  Once this starts trending on Twitter, and the global discussions begin, it will all be worth it.  Will be great if that map name gets into any other game in the future, hahaha!
:tatice_03:  #hashtag
(just busting your balls, Evergreen - j/k)

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You can nearly force a crash by map order. As mentioned before the game somehow does not like the fact when you switch between the USMC and the US army faction. As always this is not a 100% crash result but you are boosting it to nearly 70% crash chance. 

Try running muttrah and then fallujah and you shall see it mostly crashes. Muttrah runs USMC and MEC while fallujah runs US Army and INS.

Based on a crashlog that I kept back in 2017 I found out that if you do any of below it has a significantly higher crash chance.


RU-Militia 40%

MEC- any other Arabic speaking faction 60%

Ger-NLD (causes kitless player) 

militia - NVA (causes kitless player)


Faction swapping sides (bluefor to opfor and backwards) 

Russia Blue - Russia OPFOR 70% (used to be beirut and than any map we fight russia)


additionally I researched the impact of speed(time) and terrain detail (number of objects on map) 

When we played Vadso (lots of objects) and then yamalia (also lots of objects) it tended to crash more but mainly during mid game if we played fast thought vadso. If vadso would take long it crashed on loading yamalia.

however when I would run a lesser terrain map as boring sands it crashed less.


With these results I did a few tests and I was repeatedly capable of keeping the server running for more then 16 hours without crashing (back then we had no south side crash).

Maybe it is worth for people/admins to keep the factions in mind (think in therms of audio they speak in) if it potentially violate any of the rules written above and see if it results in lesser crashes. If it reduces the number of crashes it is not a bad thing. (Says the person who likes lowpop) 

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