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I have played last night shahada map and i can't help but say: well done double. (i hate to say this to you but it was a  great job :D ) 

i realy enjoyed this map and Mr. Double did a great job and unfortunately there was only half server players to handel the map because this map in my opinion is a GREAT one full of action and you can't just rest but keep moving and push the enemy back . im here to congrats you Double for your perfect work. 

i can't wait to play this map again with good squads and full server. because we did't capture 2 flags in a time lol

please keep the great job.

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I can only agree with that. is a really good map, but really, really hard to play. I played them yesterday with ranger and skirmisher with only 20 people and it was a massacre for us. I had 16 deaths and 15 kills. today with many good players it was different. I still found it quite chaotic but that will settle down if we know how the enemy works an this map. However, I do not know if you should put the map in the normal rotaion, I can imagine that they would empty the server, if hardly any good players are online.

I think you can work on the map a lot with mines and c4. at least that worked out pretty well for me yesterday...

Hats off, really good job.



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  On 6/6/2018 at 12:19 AM, 0100011000101 said:

I think you can work on the map a lot with mines and c4. at least that worked out pretty well for me yesterday...

Hats off, really good job.




yep, what about that tank who took 4 RPGS and still alive ?? you need 8 c4s on it binary :D  so get started and collect as much as you can of c4. 

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The map is cool but a true 'hack and slash' where, I think, basically you need to play either extremely organised and strategical (i.e. 2 small recon squads that take out the Milan's/Quad cannon/AA/Mortars or what not) and lay mines at key points prior to Armor and INF advancing) or just forget about armor and play "hack and slash" with INF with as many Engineers and LAT/HAT kits and riflemen to resupply and medics to revive. 


1.) SL

2.) Engineer/Breacher

3.) Rifleman

4.) Medic

5.) AR



1.) SL/Medic

2.) Machine-Gunner

3.) AR

4.) Medic

5.) Engineer

6.) HAT

7.) LAT

8.) Rifleman 

And everyone that dies spawns as a Rifleman. I'd like to play this map (and perhaps other hard maps) a few times as an event with a proper agreed strategy in place. 

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More content for  COOP is always a good thing. Making maps, editing assets, creating navmeshes and testing for errors is a lot of work. The old engine, the editor and the self minded nature of this mod are all working in unison against you, with the purpose to make this process very tech heavy, frustrating and plain unattractive. Yet some still do it.

TLDR: Pls make ALT with only and less MECH assets for POL and similar for MEC but keep the hinds.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one side it was one of the most intense urban combat situation I had on COOP for a while. I was constantly moving, speeding around corners, checking my six, helping oblivious and clearly overwhelmed blueberries by asking directly for their help and providing some guidance. I noticed that once you reach the main town the team kind of merges into a big "super squad". Because of the close quarter style I used local chat for comms much more than squad chat. I lost track of my squad pretty quickly but hey, as long as I stay in cap zone and keep popping enemy tanks I am PTFO. Speaking of cap zones. I think you did an excellent job with the spawn system! Bots we equally spread out in the city, no groups more than three, very little spawn camping opportunities and situations which resembled a flanking manouver. The thing where the bot tanks suddenly pop up behind you was a nice surprise but compared to the scale of the map kind of unbelivable. But non then less, a definite improvement.

The city itself was very fun and satisfying. But the Milan spam at the beginning is kind of unneccesary. I know you want to make it more challenging but like with the spawns in the tanks not related to the flag, it feels like the game doesn't take itself serious anymore. This has never been the case with PR maps, since they always hold some kind of narrative. Not historical accuracy but a belivable amount of credibility. When I deployed into Shahadah, I had the impression that this is the first person perspective of my goofy Company Of Heroes sandbox maps that I created when I was 16. But not a serious setting. Let some launchers stay but reduce the amount. They fire beyond visual range anyway and we will figure out the locations very quickly.

This map has potential to implement some really good changes into COOP. I would like to see the spawn system on more urban maps and possibly a larger asset selection. More mechanics which make rounds less predictable, encourage different tactics and help with (I know it sounds cheesy) with immersion.

Since you practically took creative lead in COOP I can only hope you are ready for the SHILKA OP PLS NERF messages...

Cheers for the map!

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The milan spam comes from the fact the players do not help the assets with taking them out.
the 3 milans at start are for most people unknown and cause the huge death for anybody trying to push to far without sufficient cover. (take humvee drive past the 30 bots hide in a spot and cap flag method).

A thing to note that I have seen many many of you doing is just kill the milan gunner, this wont really work as i shall try to explain.

The 3 milans at start are all spawned by the roadbunker flag. If the humans capture this flag the milan asset itself will not respawn.
The spawnpoints for these 3 milans (and every other asset) comes from every single flag the mec has (so also the last flag) and this is why you MUST destroy the asset to prevent reactivation. 

The main reason for this is that the enemy assets spawn on the frontlines and not in the main. This is because bots are just bad drivers in the city and humans keep camping them off as they leave main (classical cobra camping main senario ) To ensure the asset gets used, every flag has a spawnpoint on the asset. 


Note that I only made the STD layer to gain feedback to possibly make an easier ALT or a harder LRG layer. Its the first public GPO i made and I hope many more shall come, During this process it might happen some maps are unplayable hard or way to easy but aslong you guys provide feedback I shall try to make it as fun as possible. 

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  On 6/6/2018 at 11:25 AM, =VG= keed said:

This map has potential to implement some really good changes into COOP. I would like to see the spawn system on more urban maps and possibly a larger asset selection.


If this will happen then will be Project Reality Golden edition. ^^

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  On 6/6/2018 at 1:19 PM, ranger_12 said:

If this will happen then will be Project Reality Golden edition. ^^


jap, BF:PR:Hardliner on 1500 disks, with all updates since 0.9 to install manually.

  On 6/6/2018 at 1:27 AM, ranger_12 said:

you need 8 c4s on it binary :D  so get started and collect as much as you can of c4. 


 then we need pure 8 man engineer squads ^^

  On 6/6/2018 at 6:11 AM, =VG= Double_13 said:

The INF layer is playable with lesser people.


sounds like fun too.


  On 6/6/2018 at 11:25 AM, =VG= keed said:

I have mixed feelings about this. On one side it was one of the most intense urban combat situation I had on COOP for a while. I was constantly moving, speeding around corners, checking my six, helping oblivious and clearly overwhelmed blueberries by asking directly for their help and providing some guidance. I noticed that once you reach the main town the team kind of merges into a big "super squad".


I meant that with chaotic. but I think that's really good. on the other maps you have a very fast routine and it is already clear how to tackle something. on this map, most of the work is not so typical and you have to rethink. at war you never know what you get ....;) I found it great to see how pro-players come to their limits because they could not predict what's happening.

this map breaks many structures and you have to work together with other squads... or you are cut off from your squad and have to work with other squads for a short time. maybe this "blueberry"-bashing gets a little less and you take something from this to the other maps ...;)

this is like Vietnam only without trees ^^


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Yeah but it doesn't have to be chaotic. If you create two small recon squads that avoid enemy contacts and take out the Milan's and Quad cannon you're already at the the city entrance. Then if those squads lay mines on the roads the heavy Opfor assets take you'll slow them down at least and open up room for heavy assets to push up together with cleverly and well armed infantry units that have been waiting with a super-FOB in front of entrance. As long as infantry and recon squads push forward with the heavy assets in a support function you'll clear the map towards the objective with massive urban fights but still. However. How to organize that on COOP? 

If possible I'd like to play this evening with 2 Recon Squads taking point, 1 anti-tank squad including Spandrel (driver, medic, HAT), 1 tank squad for fire support behind INF, 1 APC squad for fire support behind INF, 2 INF fully prepared squads and perhaps an AA squad and a Trans and/or CAS squad. However I have yet to discover how to get the latter to be functional. 


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