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Country war


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Hey so i know there is currently an event going on right now, but this could be an idea for the next one. I was wondering if we have enough people playing from different countries that we could have war against different countries ex russians vs polish or nato in general, it would be a deployment war i guess but i thought it would be something fun to do.

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Sydney on his own in this fight.

!k Sydney solo cas 


I guess I gonna migrate to Russia for this event. Or maybe Lithuania and get volod as machinegunner and skirmisher as medic. 


But if you want to organise a PVP event the problem is that certain groups are to powerful. You might say split them up but certain people only want to play when they play together. So it becomes a hard task. 


However if you make your squad I could arrange my squad and have a battle (inf maps)

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We run PR COOP Servers, not Deployment (PvP) servers.  Plenty of us play competitive PvP games as well and the idea sounds cool, we are just not setup for that sort of thing and the majority at VG are focused on cooperative gameplay more than PvP.

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Well true but even in PVP people require to cooperate with each other. 

I think it would be great to have people fighting each other on the battlefield it might give people new ideas. 

I think it would be best that people try to play deployment together. Deployment itself is not hard when you a known player. But when you’re not known you get booted out the squads quite fast (to make space for others). So if people join the server together they can enjoy the same squad and don’t get kicked out all the time. 

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Well guys. We can totally organise this. We don't need VG servers for this because it would be wayyyy too much hassle. But we can make teams. Find some low population server: https://www.gametracker.com/search/bf2/?sort=3&order=ASC and get it on. I mean we can just play OPFOR and BLUFOR right? We just need three things.

1.) A commander for each team.

2.) Squad leads that are willing to lead and listen.

3.) Enough people. 

Between us we can make it country or regional teams. 

*Note using our own servers would be easier. 

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22 minutes ago, =Wolf= Jersans said:

I want to win :)

Then i suggest you join the Dutch team, The russians are helpless without the skillfull leadership of their glorious leader.


I could poke around on PRT and ask if we can use one of their servers if we really want to try to organise something like this. But as you mentioned jersans the teams should be kinda balanced (or else you wouldnt want to join the russians)

If we would put. Keed,ted,martin,fastjack,binkel,sydney,stark,Double in one team it will become a bit unbalanced.

I can understand some countries could go together( or else Sydney will be playing on his own xD) but even than, the idea is to have fun battles and not to get dominated by one OP team. 


Poke around first to see how many people are actually interested in it and maybe let them make teams. 

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4 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

Then i suggest you join the Dutch team, The russians are helpless without the skillfull leadership of their glorious leader.


I could poke around on PRT and ask if we can use one of their servers if we really want to try to organise something like this. But as you mentioned jersans the teams should be kinda balanced (or else you wouldnt want to join the russians)

If we would put. Keed,ted,martin,fastjack,binkel,sydney,stark,Double in one team it will become a bit unbalanced.

I can understand some countries could go together( or else Sydney will be playing on his own xD) but even than, the idea is to have fun battles and not to get dominated by one OP team. 


Poke around first to see how many people are actually interested in it and maybe let them make teams. 

Fair point. I'm sure the Russians will be more than ready to kick our asses. So let's just say we start a sign-up topic. If enough sign-up meaning more than 20-30 we're game. Also I'm scared of Volod. The dude is a killer. 

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2 hours ago, =VG= TEDF said:

We can use the event server for it. Literally takes less than a minute to change it to deployment and back.

Anyways, sounds fun. Shouldnt be that hard to organize, just throw a date and people will show up ;)

Yes but we would need committed sign-ups. We can't do random. So we'd need to make a time/date and get everyone to sign up. But yeah! It will be so much fun! 

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