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[sp/coop] Ramadi [1k] [wip]


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While walking around and flying with the PR bot the performance seems to be stable.I had 60 to 100 FPS most parts of the maps and some parts 40 FPS but this was mainly due to the smoke been in visual range.

The minimap is kinda odd with so many straight lines reminds me of Grozny east.

All in all good looking map cant wait till it comes out. 



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Well i can understand that the roads are straight but it was kinda mindf*ck when you opened the map. 

The warehouses in the north look interesting.

How about adding sewers in it like dragon fly has. They dont have to be long as F but maybe its a good way to get the INS people to move from block to block without having to cross the roads. 

You planning on making it an INS map or also add conquest?

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Might be good to also test the FPS of that map with players who do not deliberately play PR in the very lowest graphics settings possible, as Double_13 does, in order to get a good range of experiences across multiple PC setups and graphics settings; laptops and PC's.

We'd also be willing to host a dedicated server test with groups of players, we could offer one of our other passworded PR servers for the test.  It would provide more realistic data on FPS/playability as opposed to the testers hosting BOT/AI in SP which hits the CPU harder than playing on a dedicated server.

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5 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Might be good to also test the FPS of that map with players who do not deliberately play PR in the very lowest graphics settings possible, as Double_13 does

I think you mistaken.


Running also


To add even better quality

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5 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Might be good to also test the FPS of that map with players who do not deliberately play PR in the very lowest graphics settings possible, as Double_13 does, in order to get a good range of experiences across multiple PC setups and graphics settings; laptops and PC's.

We'd also be willing to host a dedicated server test with groups of players, we could offer one of our other passworded PR servers for the test.  It would provide more realistic data on FPS/playability as opposed to the testers hosting BOT/AI in SP which hits the CPU harder than playing on a dedicated server.

Thats why I made the testing and download public, better change to get a decent range of builds testing it.


If you would like to host something that would be fine by me.

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On multiple occasions, to multiple people, you expressed that you do not play PR on anything but the very lowest settings, citing many reasons - I actually thought that you were making excuses for a poorly performing laptop, rather than actually believing that a video game like PR was truly "better" when played at the very lowest settings.

Glad to hear you've changed that rather odd sounding belief.  :hi:


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Finally he got the message with Check out other forums.

I already loaded Ramadi into the editor but sometimes my EDITOOOOOOR crashs. Maybe something corrupted by adding the mapcontent to the editor. Is there a new building inside or something else? Aslong Double got no crashs, everything is fine. Editor seems more like to crash when i move quckly through the map, idk.


1. How many maps you scratched because of it fit not to PR STANDARDS? 

2. You also making maps that aren't based on reallife locations? Like FREEMIND maps, doesn't matter if it exists in reallife or not but the gameplay will be amazing?

@Double: You want to make your first navmesh on it?


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21 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

Finally he got the message with Check out other forums.

I already loaded Ramadi into the editor but sometimes my EDITOOOOOOR crashs. Maybe something corrupted by adding the mapcontent to the editor. Is there a new building inside or something else? Aslong Double got no crashs, everything is fine. Editor seems more like to crash when i move quckly through the map, idk.


1. How many maps you scratched because of it fit not to PR STANDARDS? 

2. You also making maps that aren't based on reallife locations? Like FREEMIND maps, doesn't matter if it exists in reallife or not but the gameplay will be amazing?

@Double: You want to make your first navmesh on it?


1. how many of my own or how many of other mappers maps? I scrapped shikotan from PR for example.

2. I do that all the time, but I dont care to mix and match. Last map I made was basra for the coop map pack, totally fictional just something I made while chilling with Spyker.

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Just out of curiosity, why were the maps scrapped in the first place? Why not just leave them in, if not for Deployment then for COOP? I seem to remember that Shikotan was one of the most popular INF maps on COOP back in the day. Same question about the old PR mappack. The maps work perfectly fine, just need to have some of the outdated stuff removed/replaced, init file organised and the AI "flag" file updated.

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17 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

We'd also be willing to host a dedicated server test with groups of players, we could offer one of our other passworded PR servers for the test.  It would provide more realistic data on FPS/playability as opposed to the testers hosting BOT/AI in SP which hits the CPU harder than playing on a dedicated server.

It ran ok for me on a local but I suspect if it were on a VG test server at 300+ ping for me it would be a whole different map. Also Rabbit wouldn't you need to add a few more assets?

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8 hours ago, =VG= TEDF said:

Just out of curiosity, why were the maps scrapped in the first place? Why not just leave them in, if not for Deployment then for COOP? I seem to remember that Shikotan was one of the most popular INF maps on COOP back in the day. Same question about the old PR mappack. The maps work perfectly fine, just need to have some of the outdated stuff removed/replaced, init file organised and the AI "flag" file updated.

Not up to quality for PVP, the devs dont want to add SP only maps to the core build because its a "waste of space"

1 hour ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

It ran ok for me on a local but I suspect if it were on a VG test server at 300+ ping for me it would be a whole different map. Also Rabbit wouldn't you need to add a few more assets?

Assets as in vehicles? Yes, this was only for general fps testing.

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Well on one hand I understand the waste of space but on the other hand we live in 2018 and a freeking harddrive of 2tb only costs like 40 Euro.

The launcher should be modified so you can chose to download additional mappacks. But yea ain’t gonna happen. 

You could ask yourself why falklands/tadsea or basically every other map then mutt/Saar/khami/kashan/fallujah/sbene and beirut are in the game as this is like 99.99% of all the deployment rounds

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Its more important to get the cabledrum rendering from 30 meter then to accept new ideas. (Dedicated cabledrum patch for muttrah)
Its also more important to fix the flipping of the assets by unskillfull driving then creating new assets.  (next update)
I wonder how long its going to take before the Flaredrop is made easier as people cant figure it out themselfs to drop only 1 flare per lock.

It would be smart to provide people as rabbit a place to test their work without having to please the devs PVP demand. Using one of our test servers to run his maps and potential future maps on would be good to get people to use the content he and others worked so hard on to create. and he gains much faster information from a much larger group. 

Seeing the installation of custom maps and it actually been a simple drag and drop process should be easy enough to get 80% of the willing people to acomplish it. The main issue i see now is that their is no place where all the files can be downloaded at one instance, this as they are scattered over the PR forums in different topics and the change you miss one or obtain an outdated one is quite high. Combining these map-packs and potential or own mappacks  into one pack would make it much easyer for people to obtain the content they need in order to join the custom server. 

It would also ease the updating of these maps as no longer one needs to wait for the developers to throw out the patch. 


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As I said before Semler kindly offered to add that map to the test server, lets do it and try it out for real before we get ahead of ourselves.

My laptop has got to be the shittiest piece of crap to ever play PR on BUT its a good test case because if it runs reasonably well on mine a lot of the player base will be happy. Its no good testing maps on super fast computers, that tells the devs nothing that is helpful in my opinion. Sure I can go out and buy the latest spec machine but not many players out there have the money to waste when it could work perfectly well on a low spec machine.

Enough said, lets take up Semler on his offer, get the map loaded and lets test this cookie out for Rabbit, hell I'll even record it if ya want!



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Hope the "flood" here doesn't bother you (land textures here are missing for some reason), it looks like it's just my game bugged when testing it (Local)

I like how you put that Karbala sign there, just noticed it when came out to first T-Section after US spawn, nearby the UFO (?) mosque. (The Karbala wae on 2nd image lol). Theres also some new statics i haven't seen before and kinda interesting though (4th image) and some weird static building combinations (8th/Last image). But, in the end, it is awesome, it is just the way like Gaza does, but in Main Streets.


Anyways, Rabbit. Keep up the good work! Been reading much PR Community Mods lately, and loved some of their works-


- Inch

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