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Falcon BMS 4.33 u3 for Xmas


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52 minutes ago, SoldierOfMisfortune said:

If Im not wrong its a mod for the 1998  game falcon 4.0. You can read about it here:


Well I tried it, I tried clicking some buttons, I crashed. I tried spawning at the Ramp, couldn't close the canopy, became deaf, looked for a tutorial, tried doing what it did, nothing happened, uninstalled. I'm more a Google Earth simulator guy.

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Is this even playable anymore?  I saw Cobalt on just now while checking the server, clock was frozen... shortly after committing (I assume) Cobalt left... then the clock started up again.  

If it's still a fight, I'm more than happy to leave it be - if you all think it should be called a "loss", I'm happy to restart it.  Just let me know.

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Day 6: 10 AM


DPRK is driving south onto and consolidating across the DMZ. I've been flying SEAD\Sweep last 3 days in the west and it seems to make them back off and stay north of the western DMZ.

Lots of A/A to fight with.

None of the AI wingman and support flights I create show up so my missions have all been a flight of 1.

Looks like I'm flying between 2100 to 2300 GMT daily now during the week.

Check Six


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DPRK has the numerical advantage to make up for their generally outdated vehicles. Russia and China also entered the war, further encouraging a push. So, REDFOR is expected to be aggressive like that.

The reason these units are diverting east is simple: somebody took out the western bridges, just north of Seoul. Your SEAD efforts didn't have a direct impact, but they might have opened the corridor for the responsible Strike packages. ;)

Are you talking about support in the form of a Tanker or actual combat flights (escort etc.)? Can't say for certain what's going on but there were issues with 'dropped' flights/packages before.
The AI wingman is a slightly different topic. Ramp start defaults to 20 minutes before takeoff, taxi to 4 minutes. If you commit 'by the book' these 20 minutes are more than you actually need and you might be inclined to taxi after just 5 minutes. Your AI buddy however doesn't care and will wait until taxi time. If you move beyond 30 miles from the airport, while your wingman is still on the ground, the plane gets deleted and you're on your own.
Set the TO time to +10 instead when going for a ramp start (shortening the wait time) or try ordering 'rejoin' once you taxi (not sure it still works).

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