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VG Mod / Test Server


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Hey Gamer, i am not a profi. I know many things about mapping and tweaking but not all. I learned it from other modders in forums or something like that.

If u want u can learn photoshop. For excample : if we create a building in 3dsmax, we need textures too. Thats a job for photoshop. Reskin soldiers textures (to give the soldiers better camous, based on the map (i mean no woodland camou in desert areals).

Not everyone in the PR Team is a Jackofalltrades and handle each software to build and design the PR mod.

I think some of them are tweaker, some of them are python codder, some of them are photoshop and 3Dsmax experts and the lastones are good hudbuilders and maybe more idk.

Its really terrible, that last year wolfi homepage (one of the USI Devs) was hacked by some stupid monkeys.
That was a really good site about the Moddingbusiness.
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I know how it works in general but did you reed these 2 posts? http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f318-2009/68404-single-player-navmeshing-explained.html http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f318-2009/64877-prsp-what-hell-navmeshing.html

In the first one, it says:
The main process is pretty fast, but after it comes a process where the boundary edges are expanded (don't ask wtf is that all about) which is the part that takes the longest.
The generation of this navmesh took about 22 hours.

The second post explains that you can't just generate the level and it works but you also need to edit the whole navmesh. This is the main point, why I think, it's impossible to add bots because I don't think, anybody here wants to work a few month on one navmesh.
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I read both posts!

The navmesh must only be corrected, if u generate at the first navmeshing to much isles (multiple navmeshes thats not connected). That happens if u form the terrain with to much holes, hills and objects (trees, walls, buildings etc.).

The second post only explains, what u must fix, if u create a navmesh (about a static and the bots pass them) and it have 90 dgrees (Bots stuck).

I think, we try it and see whats happend, if we coming to the point of navmeshing. Maybe the force is with us xD.

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yeah, teamspirit,

but blud and any otherones, please install the python 2.4.2 or 2.5 first before u install the Editor.
If u install the Editor first and after this python and create a singleplayer map ---> FAIL (important detail, no joke).
Read forums and helprequests, before u start. Sometime u can find good tipps or tricks that aren't described in maintutorials for the planned task. This can prevent some hours of demotivation and wasted time with the editor xD.

good luck
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  • 1 month later...
Ok Topic is not dead...more in progress.

First, nice Editor setup link http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f189-modding-tutorials/14468-tutorial-setting-up-bf2-editor-pr-mapping-modding.html

Editor works perfectly.
U can use the standard lightmapsamples and the pr lightmapsamples.

My main problem was first the staticstuff, to find out, what is what and what is destructible. There is so much destructible stuff.....amazing (who needs FROSTBITE)... and it looking good.

Second problem was the fucking basic lowdetail textures from the EA-ditor (groundtextures like rock, sand, mud, grass bla bla bla).
The standards looking crappy. Here the vanilla excamples

U can extract the lowdetail textures from each BF map (SF-EF-AF-AIX-PR-Pirates all - >reminder< i must try the BF2142 snow textures) and copy it into the EA-ditor but rename it before like (kubralowdetail) if u take it from kubra dam.

Now, we coming to the bots and how they works and what we can do to improve it. U must read the thread to understand how the acting, why they attacking high temperature strategicareas and etc.

@Blud: whats up with ESAI? U tried it? I can ask VOID, if he can write me an good AI Strategy for the map. He is a very cool guy and helping everyone.

One other question:
Why we have only 32 bots in the redforceteam? Isn't possible to increase the botratio or vg tried it?

I need some suggestion for the map because i have no idea what all liking?
Which scenario or theatre?

Topic modding stuff:
I have a nice idea but must talk with another guy before, if it works (u want a command chopper - u get an command chopper)


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Ummm if we could redo some maps from BF2 into PR like Kubra, Dragon Valley, etc... That would be my first choice. Whatever can get done in the shortest amount of time is what I support. I would just like to see something going and then branch out from there. I haven't tried the ESAI, I've been really busy building the new site and it's taking all my time. Once we get the new site launched I will be all over this with you though. Until then I was hoping you could lead this project Fastjack like you've been doing.
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Ok, u really busy, agree.

Ok, a question to all PR singleplayers sitemembers.
Is someone here and have some minor modding experience to install ESAI and testing it?

For those one, they don't know what ESAI is. Read the first post http://www.battlefieldsingleplayer.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15109&pid=169362&mode=threaded&start=100#entry169362

EA/DICE Canada never spent much time with the bot ai's for BF2 because the guy, who create it, leaved DICE after finishing his work (BF1942).
All the knowledge about bot and their behaviors and ai documentation is "lost in the time of mists" <- (original comment DICE).

Now, this guy here created a EnhancedStrategicAI system = ESAI and everyone who used ESAI is satisfied.

I hope some FH2.3 players can confirm, that the FH bots acting faster and use some alternative routes/capturing flags behaviors then the PR-bots.
The reason for this is, FH2 allready use ESAI (its integrated).

I'm sure, ESAI can improve the bots strategic behaviors on each pr map and makes more fun.

Think about it.

So, now i must go to work , the JABIL family need my help (f*cking lateshift - 3rd week in a row - sucks reallife).


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How about considering the specialisation of Navmeshing.

After all if more folks know how to do this, then most maps can be completed and used in short order. Including BF" stock maps.

Besides, what is the point of creating a totally different mod/mini-mod if there are still a limited number of maps on offer to play?

Just a thought.

Are thee any tutorials on Navmeshing or can we get a few sessions with an expert like Slayer?
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I like all those ideas. It seems we have sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control, breath control, natural point of aim..............slow steady squeeze..................FIRE! I look forward to becoming more involved in this, but keep it fun or it will seem like a chore. Thanks for the team work guys things are looking good!
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Dear all,

new infos about the ESAI stuff.

ESAI was first conceptually design, that if works in any BF2mod.
The ESAI corefiles must be implemented into the mods/bf2/ folder and the mapfiles (different commander strategies) must be installed seperatly into each map.

That means, if want to use the standard ESAI version, the existing pr maps must be modified, to get all the ESAI benefits.
That means too, we must build a special VG mappack (same maps, only modifies with ESAI mapfile strategies). Idk exactly the modding policies, if it allowed to modify pr original pr stuff.

The second hook is/was, if we have such modified maps, all peoples who wants to join the coop server, must have this MAP AND ESAI installed too or the game from the client crashs.

My first concerns about that facts was, if the VG community isn't informed about the mappack and ESAI they can't find the server in the Browser (if we renamed the modified map only).
If we run the original mapname, the clients without ESAI Core install, crashs. Endeffects = VG lose communitymembers or the chance to getting new members. All of this is/was not good.

Facts are now:

Its not good to modify any original pr map.
Reason: losing or getting no new players.
If we build new maps (custommaps) and use ESAI, anyone who download it, need the primary core installation too and sometimes the people doesn't know it or what they must doing exactly to install it.....

... but the project is not appointed, because:

i understand momently not really much about the ai scripting (is not the same like tweaking or codding from weapons, vehicles etc.) but i asked him, if there exist any way to integrate ESAI into the map only, so that each new custommaps (not original) can be uploaded to the VG site and anybody who download and installed it can play directly without install any other corefile things.

The programmer from this commander ai upgrade (Void), created, after telling him my concerns, an new ESAI version, that must only installed in the custommaps at final stage of progress.

Now, we are able to build new pr coop maps, with an better ai then EA's (customized everything) or the PR Devs momently creates.

The only one thing is, to build new GOOD looking maps, with adequate ambients, well good planned way-and spawnpoints, interresting locatins with some nice vehiclestuff for the botteam and lets go.

I have the current version of this ESAI Embedded BETA (don't shocked by the word beta .. no crashes or so, its an improved version of the current working one)

I want to test ESAI on an coop testserver.
It's not possible to gain any accurate informations in singleplayermode, that are important for the main point of project (to see what happens and the redforces doing, if we start an big assault on 2 or 3 occupied flags).
In the moment, the current ESAI improved the commanders ai and send multiple squads to different controlpoints (CP's).

Normally means that, if we attacking 3 CP's, we must have 3 fronlines too.
ESAI initiate (timephased) attack, counter attack, harderattacks, defend strategiesand so on (Void have a great knowledge about scripting ai plugins and a clear sight of different strategies, that triggered by ticketbleed or ticketstatus, amount of enemy and friendly CP's and more.

The amount of the original bf2vanilla ai strategies is currently 2 (attack - defend) so far i remember (maybe one more but that was it). ESAI have more .....(i checked it .. 22).

I will modify one pr coop map with the new ESAI version and will test it with some volunteers: Any laborrabbits here?
I think, we have enough sitemembers here, they have much experience with the most pr coop maps and know what flags the bots liking to attack or defend.

If we have some volunteers here :

The modified map must be downloaded and droppped into the pr levelsfolder (but remove/save the original first, to play the original if the test ends. Thats all about installation.

Who is maybe interrested ?

greetz Fastjack
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Before we testing new maps, we must build it first my friend and that is no one day job.
But thanks, for all that helping out.
It make no sense to test something with few testers, that conceptually designed is for 32 players vs 32 bots (maybe 48 bots), different frontlines.
If we're using, after testing settings, for an small testgroup, maybe its fine and improved with few players but maybe with more, it can changes to an strange gameplay.
The same vice versa.
If we set a strategy for 32 or 30 players, but the servers has only 18 players .. omg.. prepared to be doomed. God take care of ur souls, lonewulfs.

It's better to take cover and secure the main.

I want to test 3 different settings and i think, the best way is, to makie 3 copies of it (excample Karbala) and rename it to Karbala_a , Karbala_b and Karbala_c. So we can place all maps at the same time in the levelsfolder. That means 3 maps must be downloaded but i think that isn't a problem.
But i must change the *.desc files and maybe more but what all idk.
I tried it allready, to rename the map with the BF2Editor Helper 1.4 from rexman but an error occured. Think i must make the change on the othe drive os xp.

So far, we see us

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I'll sign up for a specific day/time if you need to organize a full side of humans to test it. That may be the best approach to getting a large number of testers at once for a block of time.

(I am truly sick of the standard PR Bot AI...been pullin ops in the world of ArmaII lately because of this)
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Thx SemlerPDX,

need good soldiers for the test.
I tried to rename the karbala map to 3 versions but i get an error, that the BF can find one DDS file from the colormaps. I send a request to one moddingsite for the issue and waiting for answer.
If i can't solve the rename problem, i use another tactic.
I copy karbala, install ESAI Embedded directly without to change the mapname.
The map must be downloaded and must exchanged with the original karbala map in the levelsfolder. Safe the original seperatly anywhere.
That means, we must change everytime the mapcopies with the different strategy setups for the tests. It's an alternative because we can test one day this version and the next day the other version.
If ESAI improve the Bot commander ai, we can search the best strategies.ai file for it and if VG wants, they can upload the map to the VG community and run the modified map on an coopserver.
It's possible to enhance a little more the performance. I delete the spawnpoints for the bot-only vehicles on the USMC side. We can't use it so why we need it.
It waste ressources only.
I think, i finish one mapexamplare tommorrow. Maybe, if we want, we can start a test on saturday but latestly the last week of february (vacation).

greetz Fastjack

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Ok, we need some testers, below is the info:


Ok guys, Fastjack has finished a version of Karbala for our Test Server. The installation directions are critical! Make sure you follow them or else you might have issues, please read below.

Installation of the testmap Karbala:

1. Unzip the new Karbala map folder to your desktop

2. In the pr\levels folder you need to create 2 new folders named ORIGINAL & TESTMAP.

3. Drag & drop the original Karbala map folder into the ORIGINAL folder.

4. Install the unzipped Karbala map folder into the bf2\mods\pr\levels folder.



If anybody joins another server with the VG test map installed you will CTD, or even worse you could get banned by PUNKBUSTER!

Its important to know and remember which map version you currently have installed.

There is a README in the Karbala ESAI map. The original doesn't have a readme, so it is easy to identify which karbala map is the testmap and the original.



KARBALA MAP: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d0gj6yjxdscx60t/karbala.zip
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