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Why do you play at VETERANS-GAMING?

=VG= SemlerPDX

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This isn't meant to be a shameless promotion, but it is no matter how I/we write it. I am motivated by a desire to get the word out to the great cooperative teamplayers in the PC gaming world who may not know about the =VG= community and how we run servers. Heck, half the Falon 4 flyer's come here and say, "In all these years, I didn't know people played this online!"

Bones had me thinking about this "why" a few months back. What can I say? I'm a "fanboy", or man, as it be.
This was something I was writing for my Steam profile page so's people could understand that, like many online PC game players, I wear clan tags - but for us at =VG=, it means so much more. I thought I'd copy it to a thread here, and us gamers could have a chance to pitch in as to why they also choose this community and these servers for their PC gaming time. For those of us who also play PvP PC games, why also do you choose to play COOP with us at =VG=?

Please feel free to submit a testimonial, if you wish, as to why you play at VETERANS-GAMING and with players like this. Few can argue that this is something different, and unique; not just a clan, but a gaming community. A fair one, at that. Hell, I'm more interested in the posts here than on my own facebook, but then again, I'm a PC wargamer...

I started playing with VETERANS-GAMING Clan almost a year ago because they focus on open, public servers specializing in many different Player vs. AI PC games. This immediately removed the nasty "smack-talking, base camping, and disproportionate skill-levels" that plague the Player vs. Player online wargame experience. A few games, and a few servers run PvP right; I don't knock that - I've probably logged many hours there.

Simply put, in VETERANS-GAMING COOP servers, I get to focus on more of the different aspects that make up a particular game, be it a modern warfare game, or older era wargames, focusing on an AI enemy that is consistantly acting in a "military like" sense. For harder AI, I turn to ArmA 2 and it's AI mod's and addons - but I play against them with my =VG= brothers. Here you will find a very welcoming group of PC gamers who take the time, and patience, to include others; new players and veterans alike.

When I think VETERANS-GAMING, I don't just think of real life military veterans, though we have many, but veterans of gaming. A great mix of people proficient in so many different multi-player online games, running so many online COOP servers - like I said, more than your standard "gaming clan".

If I wasn't in =VG=, though, they'd welcome me the same, and I'd enjoy playing with them just the same. I'm proud to be part of such a group!
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Well honestly i only registered here at first to download the PR mappack.

But then I'm at the point where I almost dont play ANYTHING online without a true bro there at my side. I mean i'm long past the point of jumping on a game with 'pubs' and playing more than a few minutes without getting angry and leaving. I've got a few guys i've met over playing a few games that i play EVERYTHING with.

That being said, just like in real life, you can't put a value on a true bro, and when it comes to gaming (or id guess in the military as well), you need to know that there's someone always watching out for you and helping you out. Thats why i stuck around here, it turns out that everyone is great to play with and all cool people to hang around with as well.

Especially with the terrible community that most games seem to exhibit nowadays (hell even back to the first competitive games), having a group like this is quite rare, and i wouldn't have it any other way. Another plus is that the majority of members and community here are mature and dedicated to being a good player, while at the same time know when to joke around and have fun.

that's about it..lol
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Im basically on the same lines as semler, i have played multiple PvP games, but they just dont offer what i want, i want to be able to have a group of people that i can hop on and have a great game using tactics and teamwork to accomplish objectives, and here at =VG= that is always there, and its spread over a wide variety of games which i think is awesome, although as of late i have been hooked on Arma2 cause of the realism factors....
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Me, well, I just hang out on TS and play POCKET POOL, I get my rocks off by listening to you guys. !neo

LOL, really, I hooked up with BLuD somehow right after the site went up and he was an FF fan and I developed for FF so I started hanging out here and then got back into MP with FF.

BLuD and I have had our little spats but we always get through it. We can't stay apart. We actually paid Huey Lewis to make a song about us:

And life goes on. !lol


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1. well i dont have as much time to game as i would like, So i like to make the best of it when i do...meaning no drama no nade spammers whiners etc etc etc just have some fun. i enjoy the teamwork aspect of it and the more realistic the better
im hardly ever on teamspeak 'my wife just hates when i wear the headset. but when i have or in the game voip everyone is friendly and helpful around here treating you like an old friend from way back if you know what i mean.. !cheers
its a diffrent "mindset" of individuals that are attracted to the co-op/reality games. More dedicated and mature !rockon
Same thing in VG servers..lets face it im old,slow and have thick glasses i'm not too good at these games. numerous times vg members have given me tips etc and helped me along rather than being ignored or shunned cause i suck.. just a good attatude i guess
im not much on forums and things,i read posts though heck it must have taken me a half hour just to type this reply lol ..no really. but you have to admit the website is the bomb
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I am here because I saw your Battlefield 2 PR videos on youtube and was amazed by the quality teamplay.

So the next day I accidently stumbled across a cheap copy of battlefield 2 and went for it. Downloaded PR and went STRAIGHT for your website to sign up and get started.

Most of the times you get yelled at a lot when you are a noob and don't know the game but with you guys I felt very comfortable and it was a real good athmosphere for learning the game.
All in all I gotta say I don't even wanna try any other servers ( and I didn't ) than yours.

Hope there are many more good games in PR to come to show the AI who's the boss.
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You offer cool game play and fairly high up time on the servers, but most importantly a community with people who take their spare time seriously.
After all I play in my spare time and I want to get the best experience I can out of it so I seek out like minded individuals, I found that on your ARMA Coop server when I randomly joined it some months back..
Never saw a reason to leave after that, I came for the unique opportunities Insurgency gives me and stayed for the people.
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Found Ingo and Solar after downloading prsp when it came out (10-22-2009)

I think Ingo, MajorDestruction/MajorDisaster and me played on multiple prsp servers including the official brithish army one. As far as I remember, Ingo wanted to play on the VG one because the bot's didn't steal all the choppers on Muttrah.

About a week later, Blud had to go on vacation and gave Ingo and me admin rights and I haven't left since...

Earliest picture I've got from playing with VG-members: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-files/public/1323205033_7_FT19810_bf2_2009-10-05_22-51-52-34.bmp
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