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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

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  1. Today
  2. Thanks to all who joined up, including the party crashers, was awesome
  3. Yesterday
  4. May not be able to make it, will try to confirm.
  5. my trip was delayed....If we are not doing ACE...Id like Alpha medic
  6. I don't think it's necessary to set it up 24/7. I think it's enough to run it when it's needed and before events. The mission is and will be ready to go on the event server if someone wants to do some training or just show the game to some noobie. Everything is automated so there is no requirement for an admin/zeus to be online. Additionally the mission requires ACE3 for full functionality but lack of it should only break the medical training. CUP Terrains Core is required for the structures to work but at some point I want to make it CUPless so it can be played with any modset.
  7. WOW!! Excellent work! Been wanting to get something like that as a permanent 24/7 server at VG for a very long time, like over ten years ever since I made a mission that had a shooting range and training area in the main base, for whatever. You could task a real mission from the command tent of all sorts, go out as inf, heavy vehicles, etc. Would be happy to dedicate one of the existing A3 servers to this, if there's one that is rarely or under used - I'm pretty sure a couple qualify. Cheers and thank you very much!
  8. Last week
  9. Hi, I'm happy to finally show off the new training mission I've been working on. With no small help from @=VG= XOR it's finally ready and will take over the old training mission before events. trailer 70.mp4 The mission contains: shooting range (short to long range, vehicle) Grenades and explosives ranges ACE Medical training Dynamic Killhouse Off-Road driving course Land Navigation courses Virtual Garage Small scale town/village assault missions EOD course The mission is compatible with pretty much any mod. Big thanks to X0R for help with the scripting black magic and to everyone who suggested features. For event makers: let me know if you wanna use it, I'll gladly send you the files
  10. Hello everyone! my names SGT Rex or you can refer to my real name moe I've been playing PR for the last 3 or so years but recently i started playing the CO-OP servers and stumbled into this fine community and overall it's been great i mostly play other shooter games (R6, INS sandstorm, COD MW19) but also like flying in many games that ended into me being a rookie pilot in DCS (i mostly fly the mig-29s) would love to be a contributing member in this community and hopefully a competent admin for the PR server
  11. Sorry something came up, can't make it this Sat.
  12. AR or Medic in Delta please (dunno what's better for a newbie) I might get a power outtage because the electricity situation is a quite fishy here so be advised
  13. Delta SL pls Edit: add Lonestar (Mango) as AT in Delta too
  14. Earlier
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