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  4. According to @CobaltUK who manages the VG BMS Server, about 5 hours ago: "VG server will update in approximately 12 hrs 6-7 Zulu 31st Dec" ...that said, sometimes it can be longer - so best to check in after a patch/update is released to see if/when our server will be updated to that newest version.
  5. Hello, There is a new version U6 released today (12/30/2024). I've updated mine and now of course I cannot connect to the VG BMS server because the versions don't match.
  6. Welcome to the VG Air Force Club!! See you around!
  7. Hello to the community! I'm based in Australia (Straya!) and want to jump on the veterans gaming discord for some BMS. I'm well set up to play HOTAS/Trackir/desk mounts, and keen to have a fly and some fun. I know how to play BMS quite well but would like to improve with people as an AI Campaign doesn't suit me anymore. I was a member of Vet Gaming last year but it was on the same day as my regular hockey games and that's a commitment I wasn't able to let the team down for. Can play outside of hockey season though. I can mk point bombs, ccrp, a2a BVR etc. I recently read Vipers in the Storm and Inside the Turn Circle, enjoyed those books a lot. Anyway that's it. Are things starting up in the New Year for a rolling fire Korea campaign? Cheers, Tops
  8. Earlier
  9. Syntax being a bad ass.


  10. Delist me please, got put on a saturday shift and wont be able to attend
  11. Still got a bunch of reserve slots for those interested
  12. Same late, thought I wouldn't make it but welp rifleman please ty!!!!
  13. Yes, of course. Also, this is not the appropriate forum to post such questions, this is the introductions thread for players who've joined the VG Army. You could have just asked this in VG Discord.
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