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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. FYI - we have some old friends from an eastern european group that play Arma 3 exclusively which will be hanging around for some months, or longer.

    The UA MilSim Community is mostly non-english speaking folks, yet their squad leaders all speak English as far as I understand it.  We will be hosting a couple A3 servers for them in addition to providing a dedicated set of channels in VG TeamSpeak for them as well.  Their modset includes ACRE, so this means that VOIP in their actual server channels will be restricted to those on their server and with the ACRE mod installed.

    If all goes well, and they are pleased with the servers and service we offer, after a 30 day trial, they will donate each month at a regular set amount for compensation of the hardware provided and service of assisting and maintaining these servers under our roof.

    Please also remember that not all of them speak English, and that they mostly will be doing their own thing with their own people.  They may likely run events now and then, but it will be up to them whether it will open to just UA MilSim Community members, or including the general public and/or VG Arma 3 regulars.

    Expect to see users with the =JS= tag on VG TeamSpeak and other places here, and know that they are welcome members of the UA MilSim Community.



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  2. Looks like a winner to me!  I also opted for the "Super" line, back in 2018/2019 I got the ASUS ROG STRIX Nvidia RTX 2070 Super rather than the 2080 (non-super), and was a very good buy.  Still going strong.

    I've not kept up with the latest cards or developments, all know is that they are power hungry.

    What I do know is that if/when I need to upgrade my 2070 Super, it will likely involve buying a new more powerful Power Supply and redoing all the painfully difficult (but well routed) cable runs throughout my case, and won't be a simple card-swap.  My 750 Watts PSU just won't cover it with these new cards, and ya never wanna reuse cable runs if you get a new PSU, even if you have modular cables and the PSU is the exact same brand (or even model!), and imho it's one of the most annoying parts of building a case.  Shit is too short to run the way you want, or too long and you have to make dumbass looking doglegs - and if you want it done right, you spend all the time and you definitely make sure you can replace just one fan (for example) down the road without having to yoink its cable out of a rats nest and undo all that fancy cable routing work.

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  3. This is covered in the BMS Manual under Multiplayer

    TL;DNR ... IPv6 is already supported by BMS, and will naturally take over once everyone is IPv6 instead of IPv4.  Until then, those with IPv6 provided by their ISP still also have IPv4 addresses.  If using IPv6 for hosting in BMS, all players connected must have IPv6 available and use that only.

    You can find this section in the BMS Manual around page 79:

  4. Sadly, I must share news of a long time member and friend of VG - a fellow Falconeer and BMS pilot many of us knew as RAM22 or Cloud9 has passed away.

    The notice was posted on the BMS forums which I will quote here in its entirety.  RAM22 will be missed, and for those of us who knew him, will live on forever in our hearts and our memories.

    Rest in peace, RAM22


    From 117LAP (about 4 hours ago):

    Dear community,

    It is with a heavy heart that I share some very sad news with all of you. Our dear friend Ram 22 or Cloud 9 was facing a critical health condition, and unfortunately he passed away on 12-12-2023. Many of you maybe know him from days of Allied force and Free Falcon time.

    As a community, let us come together to offer our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to share memories or offer words of comfort, please feel free to do so.

    We fly together a lot of times since 2010 and I know a lot of members here that he learned how to with Falcon.

    Rest in Peace my friend and Eternally blue sky.


    • VG Spirit 3
    • Sad 12
  5. 17 hours ago, Gravy1 said:


    I joined the discord server for vet gaming - to play BMS, work commitments and other activities kept me busy so I backed off and left the discord server.

    I'd like to reconnect with the group as I've actually time to play now.

    I'm sorry I had to leave really, but want to get back in asap.

    Could someone send me an invite to the discord server @kavelenko or @Mokum or whoever?




    Hello and welcome back!

  6. 1 hour ago, System said:

    Sorry about the quality of images, Semler only allows 2.93MB of files to be uploaded in a post

    Use imgur, noob.


    j/k - but seriously, use imgur.com when some website has limits that they use to keep their website from becoming some 4TB photo dump.


    Salient points in your posts, too.  :drinks:

  7. On 5/8/2022 at 1:32 AM, T.Arde said:

    how to do a back flip while flying trans?

    First make sure you are not online on our server.  Next, just practice... imagine a bowling ball balancing on a toothpick.  In the end, it's not about "what altitude" or "what speed", it's all about feel - you either become one with the coppi or not.

    Other skills worth learning are:

    • Parking the choppi in mid-air, requiring no further stick or throttle input for at least 10 minutes (or until CAS gunner is out of ammo and needs to RTB)
    • Doing a barrel roll to avoid an incoming missile while high enough off the deck to recover and use the (new) downward/forward momentum to escape MANPAD range
    • Hovering over water high enough to not crash but low enough that passengers can get in
    • Hovering over an unlandable area low enough that passengers can safely load up or depart
    • Dropping a crate on a small building rooftop correctly the first time, everytime
    • Memorizing every AAA/SAM location on every map you play
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  8. I poked around in permissions and such, and the channel settings, and couldn't find anything that is labeled anything close to Whisper or targeting or any of that.  I am not at all good with TS3, I don't know it and never really did.  I just know how to do a few things, and to host a TS3 server that auto-restarts itself if crashed, and starts up by itself if the Windows server hosting it is restarted.  Wish I could help more - I'm not even familiar with this feature, though of course I did read about it after seeing your post here.

    If there is something we can do, we will - just gotta identify what that thing is, cuz I can't find anything.


  9. 16 hours ago, FeDa2ix said:

    the file has been deleted i need it please

    Well, maybe if TEDF wanted to give it to you ... this was for an event over 5 years ago, you definitely don't need it anymore.

    Additionally, there is little reason to believe any maps from that era would work in PR now due to the (several) major updates which have been applied to PR since then.

    Best wishes and good luck!

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  10. 1 hour ago, =VG= BLuDKLoT said:

    I assume you are running an Anti-Virus software beyond simply Windows Defender, and so you'll want to disable this software, and uninstall/reinstall PR.

    I am not sure if it is required to backup user profiles first, it's been a long time since I did this - your user profiles are located in 'My Documents\ProjectReality'

    The important part is that the Anti-Virus software deleted/quarantined files that PR needs to run.  Not sure if you need to re-download fresh installer files, but if installing from files you already have fails (again), the next step would be to try downloading the files again while the Anti-Virus software is disabled.


    Once PR is properly installed, you can then run your Anti-Virus software and create an exception for the PR game to allow it to run without this software deleting files or putting them in quarantine.  The way PR runs is a bit hacky and is no surprise that certain software would flag it as dangerous because it modifies files in memory for another software (BF2) in order to inject its own features and functionality, unlike other full conversion mods for games which openly release their source code for modders.

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  11. I would assume it is a false-positive related to anti-virus software.  Please find that PRLauncher.log file and attach it here to a post, we can review it and discover exactly what is the issue, if it's not AV related.

    That would be the best place to start. :hi: 

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  12. On 4/9/2023 at 12:28 PM, KOVAC said:

    Hello everyone, in January I changed my cpu for a new one, and it was updated to windows 11 and since this has happened the game crashes more frequently than normal.
    I don't know if they have something to do with that.

    Please attempt all the methods offered in this thread to fix your issue.  Clear your Shader Cache, and run SFC with DISM steps, and run the Safety Scanner.

    Report back when these are done, let us know the outcome (if they found files that are corrupt, etc.).  

    • Thanks 1
  13. I must regretfully inform you all that our dear friend and VG Clan Member, @=VG= Skiddles, has passed away.

    While this may seem rather sudden, unfortunately, some friends of his including myself has been made aware of the medical struggles he has been having for the past few months, and he had asked us to retain this information in confidence unless he did not contact us following a very risky upcoming surgery which had very little chance of recovery - a "hail mary" on his cancer.

    With a heavy heart, I must report that he was unable to recover, and has now left us.  For those of us who knew him well, he was a very strong minded and opinionated person with a great passion for team play and cooperation who absolutely loved VG.  While he was unable to play the PR game he loved so much in his final days, he had told me how important VG and our PR COOP Server had been as an escape for him these past many years, and especially lately while dealing with the immeasurable realities of life.  Skiddles had been struggling with bi-polar, anxiety and depression most of his life, and eventually developed heart issues, and finally cancer.  He had stated that he had made some incredible friendships here, and that there are times when people here gave him more strength than his "bloody family" (his words).  Towards the end, he was playing less and merely using PRISM just to have something to do and participate in, as his hands and fingers stopped working as he wanted them to.  This is why some of us may have noticed more direct (and only) administration through PRISM these past few months.


    He wrote this to me and asked me to share this with you in the event of his passing:

    On 3/8/2023 at 6:42 PM, =VG= Skiddles said:

    It's important to me that everyone knows how much I have enjoyed VG and its members. I won’t forget the honor of being accepted into the clan and being made admin. It really has given me purpose during this trying time.


    If anyone would like to share their thoughts or feelings, or fond memories and good times with Skiddles, we would appreciate your posts here.  If anyone has any suggestions on how we may wish to honor his memory, perhaps with an annual day of remembrance, we will gratefully consider any/all ideas.

    Skiddles will live on forever in our hearts and minds, and will be greatly missed at VG.

    • VG Spirit 1
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