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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. 2 True! We love you, Bob! !giveheart
  2. So cool! Check out the Post Number, on left below medals and rank:
  3. That is freaking funny!! I gotta show my Dad this - he's got a Macaw that laughs exactly like him. This will get them both rolling, I'm sure!! !rofl
  4. Presenting Exhibit C: A Video Game The gaming industry received an enormous shock this week, in that the upcoming title Assassin's Creed 3 may be prevented from release by an injunction and pending lawsuit. On April 16th, the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania received a Complaint for Copyright Infringement from Plaintiff John L. Beiswenger. A jury trail has been demanded by the Plaintiff, as well as a request for injunctive relief that would stop the Defendants Ubisoft and Gametrailers from further infringement, and prevent them from releasing "the Assassin's Creed III video games and related books, videos, clips, or other works based on Assassin's Creed III". This comes as quite a late blow, as the original release of the Assassin's Creed video game series dates back to 2007, and was released on PS3, Windows PC, and XBOX 360 platforms. The copyrighted book that this lawsuit is based around was published a decade ago. Now, in what is actually the fifth software release of this highly successful series, and almost exactly 6 months before it's slated to launch, the end is truly grim for what was to be the final chapter of the saga of the Assassins. After reading the 42 page complaint myself, http://www.bannerwitcoff.com/_docs/Ubisoft_Complaint.pdf , I can only just keep from cringing as I think of each of the jury members also going over these lines from the book, "Link", and these supposed vast parallels in the story of Assassin's Creed over the last 4 years. According to the complaint, the book's plot includes the "conception and creation of a device and process whereby ancestral memories can be accessed, recalled, relived, and re-experienced by the user". The facts as stated detail not only each software release in the series as infringing, but also each "Complete Official Guide", the collectors edition encyclopedias, the comic book series, and even the game trailers produced and released by Gametrailers on national TV. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, we will now recess and play some video games Moreover, there is a decent bit of focus on the possibility that the Defendants knew about said copyright, and willfully infringed upon it. The sum of $1.05 million dollars is being sought, and in the case that willful infringement is determined, $5.25 million. It is very understandable to conclude such similarities, given some of the excerpts presented from the book. For example, this is from page 309 of "Link": "I have given much thought to this. I know the very stability of our government is at stake. We must find who was behind the mass assassination, but if the Search International process is in our hands, in the hands of any government, it will lead to great evils," And another from page 290 of "Link": "If John Wilkes Booth fathered a child after he assassinated Lincoln, and we found a descendant alive today, we could place Booth at the scene and perhaps smell the gunpowder." "Ancestral memories?" "As far back as you want," Clearly, there is much substance to this lawsuit, and only time will tell the outcome. A trial by jury can be a long process, and I can only imagine how this will effect the current development process. The requested injunctive relief says "release" not develop, begging one to ask if Ubisoft will hope for the best and continue to spend money on the final stages of development. Perhaps, if the lawsuit is lost, Ubisoft will make some kind of deal that will allow this final game of the series to be released so long as the Plaintiff is properly compensated. If the Plaintiff knew about this copyright infringement himself back 2007, he certainly picked the perfect time to play ball, as this is one hot title now, and could have been one of the best selling games of 2012's 4th Quarter. by Aaron Semler, Senior Editor VETERANS-GAMING
  5. [EDIT: Yes. It will run Arma. Will you also find yourself asking, "Why do I still see this game running poorly at times?". Yes. This is why all the tips on pushing one particular setup, or part - such as the CPU, PSU, or Hard Drive.] i7 all the way, bro. Price difference is nothing compared to longivity. Arma by itself pushes hardware, but then you add mods that further push certain things, sometimes graphically as in Blast Core Visuals or JTD Fire and Smoke, and you have that much more overhead. Arma PR is way cool, the few servers I tried, I chose populated ones - over 40 players all in different vehicles or whatever - A battlefield with a lot going on. It pushed my system to where I had to manipulate my view/draw distance in Video Settings to get my desired frame rate. In Arma I'm used to keeping my view distance at around 5000 meters, 10,000 is max (fyi). If I have ~50 FPS, I call Arma very playable, with max everything - shadows, etc. It's the dip you want to avoid, don't want that dropping below 30FPS ever. That means an over-capable CPU, Motherboard, and RAM pairing. Poffadder has led several discussions on this very topic, and as a 2nd year PC Science/Engineering student, I will go with the exact configurations he recommends, or would use himself, as his knowledge is so very current and backed by a proper education in the field right now. We all know Arma streams data off the Hard Drive like mad when playing, that's why we all suggest running Arma off it's own SSD on a separate SATA channel on said Motherboard. 60-80GB should be fine for most Arma players. For enthusiasts hoping to DL tons of mods (kiwirambob, I'm lookin at you!) you want to get a 120GB at least. Either way, well worth it. This option, you can upgrade to as well. It is no difficult thing to re-install Arma at a later date to see this improvement. Figure ~30GB for Arma and ~20GB for a couple extra maps and mods like PR ALWAYS have a little breathing room on hard drives, i.e. empty space.
  6. OMG! That is the COOLEST thing ever! It generates a .sqf file that is written in Arma scripting language for you, and you just choose the crap you want in the box from drop down lists on that webpage. How easy is that?!?! !2cool
  7. ha ha ha! I don't exactly see why the need for a second PC to run TS3 - unless it's a "second monitor" workaround. I used my laptop for TS3 when it conflicted with Falcon 4: AF for a time. Nowadays, I just use a Y jack on my SoundBlaster for my 2.1 and my headset mic at the same time. Is this for the second monitor, to see the TS3 channels - or is it a performance thing/internet ports/USB ports hardware issue?
  8. Very odd. This is because it was running a previous version, prior to the removal of the sandbags. It's been fixed, only the newest version of the mission is now available and the C130 should now have nose wheel steering as long as you keep the speed below 35 or so.
  9. =VG= SemlerPDX


    If your problems continue, find me on our TS3 and poke me. I'll pop down and help you (at least 30 min after time of this post - lunchtime :) !hi
  10. airbornealways LAN_WROTE ... Could really use someone without mods already to follow the instructions to see if it is simple enough to follow and get the job done. If no one reports back on this by the weekend, then I will move my mods and uninstall/reinstall SU following instruction. I'm making videos and that will be one. Uninstalling a program sometimes doesn't remove all it's bits and bring it back to the experience of first install - unless you know how to hunt them down through the registry, hidden folders, etc. I should have the first ones finished today or tomorrow. Awesome work, Savage! This will help so many people! !2cool
  11. Yes. Rox, I will be online today. Poke me if I'm not active and I'll get you squared away. [EDIT: Issue resolved] /locked
  12. xI_Yoda_Ix LAN_WROTE ... I'd agree if the tactic was valuable to the team. In this case it was BF2 mentality to get a high kill count. I repeatedly asked the pilot to move on so we could hear the enemy but I was ignored. With a full squad below him he felt it was more important to hover above us while waiting for the enemy to reach us. This left our squad overwhelmed by noise and unable to hear let alone determine the direction of enemy advances. I did eventually kick the player who returned asking for admin. I joined his squad only to find he is VOIP deprived and did not engage in text communication. If that isn't against the letter of the rule, it is at the very least against the spirit of the rule. It is of no benefit in any tactical sense to hover over a squad like that. The FOV is so limited that they couldn't possibly justify that as any kind of protection. As a matter of fact, if they were destroyed, there's a chance they could wipe out the entire squad on landing. Key point here: This is COOP. Cooperation is not suggested, it's required. Also, respect is mandatory on all VETERANS-GAMING Servers. Most important rule to remember - DON'T BE A DICK!
  13. Just remember that anything multiplayer can be hosted singleplayer. No worries - it's the other way around that you'll run into problems. You can feel free to use any mission via any way, but the folder you place it in dictates in game how you access it. (mp is in the main program group, sp is under user documents folders)
  14. Yea, go ahead and PM me that link next time you're online and I'll check it out. Thanks!
  15. =VG= SemlerPDX

    This Saturday

    Vegas allows everything. It's a full video studio software, and it's about $100, perhaps it costs less via digital download. It can render video in over 10 formats, and can render a sound file into an MP3. Very useful, haven't found a thing that cannot be done (titleing, effects, cut/stretch/shrink, creating sub-tracks, multiple layers, snipping, live recording, mixing, etc.) And as far as the FRAPS goes, I think you're misunderstanding the Record External Input part - that means "capture the sounds coming through your microphone", not record sound or TS3... Think of it like this - FRAPS is gonna record video and audio put out by your computer. This means all audio transmissions from TS3 and the audio from your game - indistinguishable from each other. If you allow it to know your PTT button, it will record you as well, choose either your TS3 PTT or your in game VOIP button, one or the other. I use my TS3 PTT button. Because it is overbearing of other sounds, if it is recording your mic the ENTIRE time, coughs and all, it may drown out other sounds - that's why we use that setting.
  16. Way cool training mission! The very best! !2cool
  17. Swat 4 sounds cool. Where did you find this one, Steam, or just DVD-ROM?
  18. =VG= SemlerPDX

    This Saturday

    I'd be happy to help you get your FRAPS set up proper, I had the same issues when I first started using it for recording. You'll wanna check the Record External Input and also check Only capture while pushing: (your PTT button, whatever it is). As far as the size goes, you don't post raw FRAPS - they are always massive in size. It needs to be rendered into an mp4 video. I use Sony Vegas, some use other programs. Either way, you slide your vids into that program, do what you want to them, then render into a video that isn't more than 1GB.
  19. Yes, but then you can re-paste your personal profile config files one by one, until you find the problem. You should have no problem with the controls and shouldn't feel like you have to lose those (or your actual Profile itself). I hope this helps - if not, I will be online to help troubleshoot this thing, perhaps between all us techies we'll find a solution.
  20. I'd advise that you get Operation Arrowhead, when able, Pvt. Pirate. Arma 2 is way old, and very few missions and mods operate using it alone. Now, if you had OA but not Arma 2, you can simply install Arma 2 Free To Play and configure it to be Combined Operations Lite.
  21. =VG= SemlerPDX

    This Saturday

    Well said, Airborne - we were barely scraping by with the small squad we had. CAS and dedicated transport would help, and are nearly necessary. We'll do this more! I had a great time! !fans
  22. I'm just gonna say one thing: Thumper. Iffn and I were playing a sortof 2 squad, with 4 men each team, trying to hold a Temple cap point in AAS. As a squad of NVA were flooding down a hill, Iffn and I took cover behind the massive trunk of some tropical tree, and as he was tossing grenades out to them, he shouted back to me a range of ~110 meters and closing. I raised my M-79 Grenade Launcher to sight in a range of 100, and strafed out a bit from the giant root I was using as cover. Thooomp..........BOOM! Blood and guts and spit'n ass everywhere!! Thumper. It kills NVA dead. now, if it weren't for the other 40 or 50 of them emerging out of the jungle, we might have made it out with our lives!
  23. =VG= SemlerPDX

    New Teaser

    +3 Number One Lucky Best Game of the Year of the Dragon!
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