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=VG= Melon Muncher

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= Melon Muncher

  1. Are you using TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM make sure the port is blank. Also there was something about some people haveing problems with hamachi so if you hae it make sure it is turned off and disabled.
  2. If we can set the server to have the same punkbuster settings as before. that would remove the md5 mismatch for the sound mod. I don't know how to do that.
  3. Do you have Sound mod installed if so try turn it off. Is anyone else having problems?
  4. Updated remember to uninstall the old one if you had it. So much epicness Everything has new sounds. http://prteamwork.com/threads/anders-sound-modification.1688/
  5. yoda add the line from my previous post to your shortcut it will bring up an error message when it ctds
  6. Are you sure its just VG server and none others. Run in windowed mode to get an error message, add +fullscreen 0 +szx 800 +szy 600 to the end of the target line in your shortcut it will make an error message pop up.
  7. I find the reason its so easy at the moment is due to the tiny flag radius coop has to endure, take Ramiel for example if you expand the radius to be larger than one of those L shapes and include a few more buildings then it presents more of a challenge when you need to space out you guys to cover more angles rather than looking one way, Objective echo on Ramiel std the flag is smaller than the actual building its representing now if it were to cover the full building as well as the square across the road then you have more angles to cover. The best example I can think of is south city on Muttrah you can have epically long battles over that flag or they can last 5 minutes depending on whether you can cover all angles or your squad is all looking at the spot the last bot was standing, The fact that it covers more than one building is what makes that flag. Kokan for example takes this and runs with it all flags cover a full compound = multiple angles of attack combined with bots spawning all around the flag but never in the cap, presents a large challenge in coop but still entirely possible if its just you and a mate and bots on your team hard to explain but it works. Lack of AI spawn points is also a game breaker if there is 4-5 spawns for a flag (about average) thats only 4-5 places you need to watch, Look at the compounds on Lashkar mortars can rack up insane kill just by firing in 2 spots. again using Kokan as an example but others have more I tried to average 10-15 spawn points on a flag while keeping no spawn point visible from the cap and most other places, this allows more random attack routes and keeps everyone on there toes, rather than setting up a HMG to watch one direction. Of course there is no possible way to stop people from finding tactics of cutting off enemy reinforcements because if people want to camp they will find a way but doing these things severly limits the abuse of it all. Just because one can respawn on their squad leader, doesn't mean they have to play this like vanilla, infact i've just realised how much i dislike the squad leader respawn, it encourages lax gameplay And robot this can be set to allow only AI to spawn on squad leaders makes it harder for humans rather than just removing it all together.
  8. Fastjack already tested most vehicles need proper aitemplates. some have some parts working like m113 can be driven or gunned on the 50 cal but the m60's will crash cas huey is broken aswell thats all i looked at. I'm goint to try to navmesh dien duong.
  9. We need the infantry Gaza beach in the roatation aswell thats a fun map.
  10. have a question, is PR coop against AI or multiplayer? Co-op is against AI deployment is proper multiplayer both are good fun. Yes, I'm surprised the PR community isn't into ARMA 2. Theres PR ARMA2
  11. excample ramiel: 2 cas choppers, multiple strykers/ humvees and one m2a2. That must handle a rolling techie crew. On a full server mabyer but what about when you have under 15 guys and you cant finish the map because you are too busy trying to defend, retake, and assault flags. you may have an m2a2 but it's too busy trying to defend the mosque, the apache and kiowa cant capture any flags and are too busy trying to avoid ZPU fire and rpg's then it's down to the one infantry squad who have 3 flags they are trying to defend to then assault a forth. it would just be nosense and turn it into vanilla BF2.
  12. What all thinking about to give all flags, exceptions are the mainbases, the same supplyline ID? That means : All flags can be captured but the mainbases are locked until all other flags are owned by the opponent team! That also prevents the idle bots at some uncapable flags that often happens on karbala/carpark. If are some bots at a flag that isn't a main - he can capture it I hope that enhance the playtime and funfactor of an round. The closest I can think of to this is street 2 and we all know how well that works. But if you had a map like ramiel where there are 10 flags all over the city (including mains) you wouldn't have enough men to defend every flag from 2 guys rolling around in a techie capping the fob then you get some guys to head to the fob you lose delta and so on aas was implemented to keep the fighting in mostly one spot the you cap you set up a defence and you assault the next flag imo that is how it should work. Another example kashan 4km map the bot commander tells the bots to assault the village as first flag humans steamroll them at village and cap bunkers while vehicles respawn. and if you still have strategic routes that tell the AI to assault the flags in an order then what happens is humans go to the ai's first flag cap it and stop the ai moving any further into the map. I personally sad about the missing arty on maps like fallujah, karbala, lashkar and especially on ramiel to kill the ZPU's. Ramiel has arty no one plays commander anyways cause no one wants to listen to him. you'd really need to have a pretty full server of dedicated people to have a commander running everyone. The commander also has the Team rally point which never expires and can spawn the whole team off it hardly ever used though but if you had no forward spawn points or squad lead spawn I'm sure it would get used more.
  13. you don't play PR for the graphic though they look much better than vanilla BF2 you play it for the teamwork. and its got 4km maps and 128 player servers and the maps are very nice. there is about 13 different faction and many map its just a great game and you can really see the amount of work put into the mod.
  14. bots are able to spawn on squad lead not humans. No squad lead spawn point (added to be only spawnable by AI units) Same with the flag spawns AI spawn on most flags humans can't
  15. Hey you should try Project Reality a mod for BF2 its made fore teamwork you cant really play the game if you don't work as a team. http://www.realitymod.com/
  16. well hardly any are doable server side and the ones that are (crate for fobs, need to be built) cant really be implemented due to lack of logistics on most maps (lashkar, ramiel, al basrah even kashan lacks proper logistics) so you wouldnt really be able to use the crate thing. So most thing would need to be done client side a PR update in other words like when it get updated to 1.0 i just want to get an idea on what people want before I start doing these things. AI do not have the logic to spawn camp you just need to be logical in placing it so that no two bots walk past it in 2 minutes. Deployment C4 is the same as co-op except for the armour penetration in other word it'll take down a tank. Second edit also forgot the ammo bags option.
  17. Alright so I have been thinking about making coop more like deployment what are your thoughts on this. No unlimited ammo bags for rifleman only one (can be rearmed off an ammo crate or supply drop) No insta built assets (everything needs to be built) No building Fobs and other deployables without supplies (depending on how many maps get a logistics component added) Incendiary grenades for most kits (linked to 9 key so if you spawn with a parachute you wont get an incendiary unless AR) No squad lead spawn point (added to be only spawnable by AI units) Deployment C4 pack to replace co-op C4 (much more damage to the deployment one) No human spawn points on the forward flags. Edit forgot to add a none option if you dont want any just say so
  18. Well the rifles are basicly what terremer said an ak is about the same as an m4 and the lmg are about the same (about 3 hits to the chest to down him except pkm which I think is 2 shots) mec G3's and the FAL take about 2 shots. marksman rifles about 2 but one shot seriously damages them snipers are one shot kill but thats just average all the rifles do have different values such as time to deploy deviation and all that stuff. HE rounds have a large explosion radius but not much penetration against armour so therefore good for infantry AP is armour piercing no explosion radius but very powerful and good for armour. Helicopter wise all the heavy attack helis have 1000 hit points start bleeding 6 hp every econd once the hit points drop below 600 hueys have 1400 hp blackhawks 1500 and chinooks 1700 the weakest helis being the light attack helis like kiowa, gazelle, wz11 and littlebird with 650 hp each. And the heavy attack cannons have the same damage just different rates of fire.
  19. I'm normally online at those times but I don't play much coop at that time though I'm normally in TeamSpeak and will happily jump in game to help you out when you need it you just need to get me.
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