Squad Lead 1 report: Our 2nd fireteam was undermanned, and had no experienced leader, and little communication. I folded myself into it, and led Teremmer and Sam closer than I would normally, acting as a FTL and SL. We were on vehicle detail, securing the trucks as we moved through town. At Chernogorsk, we spotted 3 enemies on a patrol inside the factory, but range and lack of cover denied us an opportunity to eliminate them. I had FT1 regroup and sweep the factory on the North side of the railroad tracks, while I led FT2 to clear through on the South side of the tracks. We had zero contact, although we could hear the firefights of Fire Teams 3 and 4 to our South. By the time we were pushing out East of the Factory, FT3 and 4 were hooking around to the East as well, where reports of a Vodnik came over the radio from SL2 and FT1. I was a little put off at the contant requests to communicate in game positions via Global Map Markers - every time I would communicate my position, or request a positional update, I was not met with 6 digits of coordinates, but a long wait, followed by "Can you see the mark?" "No, I can't" "Okay, I'll place it again in global channel". A real mood breaker - remember players, these systems don't exist in ACE - and we will only be training in ACRE as a standalone for so long before combining the two. Get used to map grids now. This is akin to learning how to shoot a rifle, but handing the weapon to "Daddy" each time you need to reload it. I died when moving up to the initial front lines of the second town, Electro. I caught a bullet straight in the head, one of many coming from under a small cement wall towards a Fire Team that was not watching their angles while moving up. I saw way too many guns pointed in the same direction when these groups were moving. Use your STHud to tell formation, and direction of domination of your team. Choose a direction others aren't watching! All in all, a good event. During the week here, I want to help those who had ACRE problems to get them sorted before next Saturday. Thank you to all who participated! !2cool