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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. Blitz 2 operator please. Operators gotta operate.
  2. I might be able to join, so reserve please. Also does the tank get a actual uav to use? If so i would like that.
  3. I didn't sign up for this because i don't think a PVP training mission is a good idea or a good way to train but i joined anyway, if you do a PVP mission for training next time, try to get the ''bad'' people to not shoot for the head everytime.
  4. I think Team 3 could use my Operator skills or just put me somewhere
  5. Operator for me please, because operators got to operate.
  6. What kind of drone does the UAV operator get? Need to practice a bit.
  7. Uragan 1 UAV Operator Also is this going to be a 3 day special operation that turns into a year long war?
  8. Could the marksman get the m107 with HE rounds?
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