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=VG= Sausag3

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Sausag3

  1. I'll be working night shift on that day. There may be small a chance that I get put on standby which means I can be at home waiting for work. So put me on reserve, I can be any role you need me to be.
  2. As much as i'd love to help ill be away on that date. Hopefully some of the other seniors can help
  3. @=VG= The_Polish_Guy Can you force swap some people around in the SOF squad and just give me people that know what they are doing? I applied for SOF squad to lead a competent squad, I don't want to micromanage everything especially with teaching some newbies at this event.
  4. Slap me on SOF team lead my fluffy polish friend
  6. *UPDATE* I Have merged the former "Team 2 Fire Support Team" with Team 1 to fill slots as I don't expect the slots to be fully filled. Your roles will still be the same after the merge. Slots are still available in both Team 1 and the Reserve so if you haven't signed up yet and want to then now is your chance. I would suggest taking any of the AT slots as there are some light armor around and some emplacements that may be hard to kill without extremely accurate gunfire. For the Logi/Trans/Fire Support (Jesus that is a long name, you know what I'll just call it Vehicle Support): So I'm talking to @=VG= keed and @=VG= Solar You will have access to two armed vehicles: 2x COYOTE TSV They are both armed with a HMG and a GPMG so you can either crew it together for more firepower or solo both of them for more logistics/trans You will be able to load boxes of Ammunition / Launchers / Grenades / Medical Equipment into those vehicles to act as your Logistical role for the team. There are a few seats on the vehicle so you can carry out the role of Transport close to the fight if anyone inevitably dies on the battlefield and respawns at the FOB You will have access to a Mortar with a limited ammo supply that can be loaded in the vehicle and deployed out anywhere you choose to setup a mortar position Mortar fire missions can only be requested by the leaders of the Infantry squads or the anyone with a long range radio incase their leaders are incapacitated (Please remind them that its available to use because without it it will make the fighting quite difficult) You will be both qualified as engineers, the vehicles will have repair kits and spare wheel inside. I am saying this because you barely have any armor, even PKM shots may harm the vehicle and there is barely any protection, So be careful and take your time.
  7. EVENT POSTPONED DUE TO UNEXPECTED WORK COMMITMENTS APOLOGIES FOR ANY INCONVINEINCE DATE WILL BE MOVED TO ANOTHER DATE TBC Arma 3 Event Player count: 10 sign-ups + 14 Reserve Slots Operation Sandstorm Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Op Sandstorm| TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: --- MAP: Takistan OBJECTIVE: Assault the indicated objectives on the map that is heavily protected by the Middle Eastern Extremist with lots of pain and lots of stress, in order to survive, you need eyeballs all over your head as the enemy can be anywhere and everywhere along your way with deadly firepower that can rip you apart in seconds This event is a pretty similar play style to PR coop as demonstrated many events ago by @=VG= The_Polish_Guy OPFOR assets: Infantry Light vehicles Light Armored Vehicles Lots of Emplacements BLUFOR assets: 1 Infantry Squad 1 Fire Support Section 1 Logistics/Trans/Vehicle Support Team 1 Reserve Recon Team MODS (shouldn't change): ARMA 3 Preset 3CB.html ARMA 3 Preset 3CB Optional.html [Command] Event Commander: =VG= Sausag3 [Team 1 - Infantry Squad] Squad Leader: =VG= Deathdealer Machinegunner: =VG= Blizzard Grenadier Rifleman: =VG= XOR Medic: =VG= Stixon Rifleman AT (NLAW): =VG= Ingo Marksman: =VG= Connor Rifleman AT (NLAW): Medic: Hoops [Team 2 - LOGI/TRANS/FIRE SUPPORT] Team Leader: =VG= Keed Medic: =VG= Solarflame Engineer: Engineer: [Reserve - Recon Squad] Squad Leader: =VG= Batmeme Marksman: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Marksman: =VG= GRNANDGLD Medic: =VG= Squirrel Automatic Rifleman: =VG= Nabil999 Automatic Rifleman: Sniper_Igor Medic: System Rifleman AT (NLAW): Chickenjason123 [Reserve 2 - AT Squad] Squad Leader: Medic: AT: AT: We will be hosting a training map for an hour before the event. I really encourage everyone who isn't confident with ACE Medical or anything else, to join.
  8. Base looks awesome! Looks like there has been ALOT of changes since the last time we all played. Glad you like it!
  9. BOA 1 Officer plz. what drugs are they putting In the pierogi?
  10. Are the civilian presence our secondary objective? Uragan-2 Squad Leader please
  11. Uragan-3 Rifleman AT please. If the reserve squad is not filled. Can I combine with Uragan-2? Thanks
  12. God damn. I'll be in Lithuania during that time ffs. Good luck with your event! Finally the event team is growing. If you need any assistance with anything mission or server related give me a shout @=VG= The_Polish_Guy.
  13. Project 27 The regular players who play Project 27 are inviting you to join with them on their OP. Saturday 10th September 2022 Prep at 1600 UTC / Start at 1700 UTC Server Name: =VG= | PROJECT 27 | Leskovets IP: : 2392 Password: letmein MAP: Leskovets Modlist: Arma_3_Preset_p27_lesk.html SIGNUP: H-1-3 - HMMW M2 TL: =VG= The_Polish_Guy MED: =VG= System AR: whtz LAT: dogenamite GL: QZ H-1-4 - HMMW CARRIER TL: MED: =VG= Squirrel GL: RFL: NeroJ AT: =VG= Sausag3 AT assistant: Pew_Pew MG: panzerkillerII MG assistant: ConfusedMaster CAS - Mi-35 Pilot: =VG= Keed Gunner: =VG= Deathdealer ACE MEDICAL and other realism mods are enabled on this OP. Make sure to refresh yourselves on both ACE and TFAR before the OP
  14. EVENT POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!! Apologies guys, This Saturday evening I have very important matters to deal with so I will not be around at the event time... I do not think I will be free enough to just postpone this next weekend. So please keep a look out and I will update you with the new date soon.
  15. So is anyone going to take SL for alpha? come on guys it's not hard. If it's not selected I will just move people around. Or just postpone until people can be arsed to take the roles.
  16. Guys just be aware that the only people that will have radios are the squad/team leaders with Long range radios, As in WW2 you didn’t have squad based Personal radios. The rest of the team has no radios and you will need to stay in shouting distance with each other. Hopefully this should train some of you guys to stay with the squad and always check on them, the hard way :)) The only exception is the LTS team as they have no other way of communication.
  17. ARMA III EVENT Players: 30 Operation Overlord EVENT POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!! Apologies guys, This Saturday evening I have very important matters to deal with so I will not be around at the event time... I do not think I will be free enough to just postpone this next weekend. So please keep a look out and I will update you with the new date soon. Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Event Server IP: : 2307 Password: Btw image above is my first time playing around with animations from the editor, now all my preview photos are gonna look dope! MAP: Omaha Beach EVENT BRIEF: D-Day has started! The Allies are carrying out naval invasions along the coast of Normandy to begin the liberation of France. Our task is break through the defenses and slowly liberate the villages nearby, to allow an establishment of a safe makeshift harbor to allow further reinforcements to flood in. Objective: Carry out orders given by the commander during the event brief. Our Units: 1st Infantry Division (United States) Our Assets: Naval/Land Transport/Support Vehicles Mortars from Delta Supplies Enemy Assets: Heavy Emplacements (PAK 40s, FLAK 36s) Light Emplacements (MG-42s) Armored Vehicles (Panzer IVs, Stug IIIs, Sd.Kfz 251s) Rules: Standard =VG= Arma 3 Rules Apply MODS*: OP-OVERLORD-MODLIST.html Sign up: [COMMAND] COMMANDER: =VG= Sausag3 [Alpha] - Infantry Squad Squad Leader: AT Rifleman: Pew_Pew Medic: Dogenamite Automatic Rifleman: PierreC Engineer (Explosives Expert): Team Leader: Whtz AT Rifleman: =VG= Batmeme Medic: =VG= Condrad Automatic Rifleman: =VG= Stixon Grenadier: =VG= Deathdealer [Bravo] - Infantry Squad Squad Leader: AT Rifleman: Medic: Automatic Rifleman: Engineer (Explosives Expert): Team Leader: AT Rifleman: Medic: Automatic Rifleman: Grenadier: [Charlie] - MG Team Team Leader: Rifleman: Medic: Machine Gunner: Ereen Machine Gunner: Panzerkiller [Delta] - LTS (Logistics, Transport, Support) Team Team Leader: =VG= Keed Rifleman: =VG= SolarFlame Rifleman: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Medic: =VG= Squirrel Engineer: Chickenjason
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