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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. No problem Herkyman, if you haven't already had a look you may wish to go through the Falcon BMS Manual around page 24 where it goes over the setup of the game, check out the section for your controller page 36, you might get there a bit quicker. The other option is to search the Benchmark Sims website for someone who's using the Logitech 3D PRO.


    The manual I'm referring to is named: BMS-Manual.pdf, once you've got yourself set up then my advice would be to start with the BMS-Training.pdf manual and work your way through the Training Engagement missions starting with Ground Ops. BMS is a steep learning curve but that's part of flying flight sims, its not easy but is rewarding.

  2. No I think you'll find that you cannot cap Palace unless Apartments is capped but the problem with that flag is that bots will still spawn on that particular point even when Apartments is capped which can become a problem if Palace is not capped quickly. The spawn point at Apartments is no more broken than the spawn points on Kashan Desert's North Village where they keep spawning well after the flag has been capped. Either way the rule about spawn camping still stands provided its done inside the cap zone of the flag that is currently being capped. The intent of the rule about spawn camping was to stop people setting up on spawn points that are NOT inside the cap zone and farming kills. Sure using a CAS chopper seems OP but then I would also consider 2 APCS, IFV and two .50cal HMMVs OP as well but its not outside of the rules we currently enforce.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 8. Camping

    Farming kills by camping spawns and enemy assets is forbidden. Including:

    • Knifing/camping enemy assets. Every attempt must be made to destroy any enemy asset as long as it complies with the baserape rules.
    • Attacking enemy infantry spawn points

    Enemy infantry spawns may only be attacked when they are inside the current flag capture radius. - <--- please pay attention to this.

    If players lose the flag at the palace due to the bots spawning on a broken spawn point its up to the players at Palace to fall back and recap Appartments, so technically CAS was not doing anything wrong.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 6 hours ago, =VG= Acro1 said:

    That's spawncamping. Camping is mostly illegal for good reasons. Did anyone report CAS for this? Please remember that spawnraping and camping is not allowed except in certain situations to win the map. 

    Not quite correct, you can camp spawn points so long as they are not outside the flag that is being capped. I thought you knew that?


    • Upvote 1
  5. You might be ok with the default keyfile but if you want access to all the keyboard controls load the full BMS keyfile.

    Go into the Setup section and check your buttons and trigger actually works when you pull it, S1 or S6 should light up when you do. If that's ok then you are probably not in the correct mode for dog-fighting, that's a guess.

    This is a proper F-16 flight sim so you don't just jump in the jet and pull the trigger it doesn't work like that, there's a few things you need to know.


  6. That's another good reason to buy a TrackIR, as Semler says you can just hold down the scroll button and slide around the arm rest to view it.

    Or use the keyboard short cut -  press SHIFT + .  <---that's the full stop key once (Air Source Up).

    Print out the keyboard layout which is found in your docs folder of your BMS installation. You'll find a lot of documentation in that folder including the BMS tutorials, and other manuals.

    The directory to this file is something like: C:\Falcon BMS 4.35\Docs\01 Input Devices\01 Keyboard Layouts\Full, here's a copy for ya.

    BMS Keyboard Layout (US Int).pdf

  7. To be honest this PR server has not changed that much since I came here. Players come and go, VG members also come and go, so there's no recipe that will make our server the "perfect" environment. Singling out admins because they don't quite fit your own "sense" of how PR should be played is a pretty subjective thing to do. It takes all sorts to run a team, squad and its not going to suit everyone on EVERY map or situation. As far as I know those players Sciddles complained about have not broken any rules, until they do its unfair to imply that they do not deserve to be here. We have a competent team of admins who are answerable to our admin guidelines which are comprehensive, and we look into any "serious" complaints about our admins but please check your opinions against our rules before you accuse other players of "un-acceptable" behaviour.

    Our rules cover most in game incidents that occur but admins also have more information that helps them to make decisions about situations that fall into grey areas.

    We are all brothers in arms, lets just get on with it and play the game. Cheers.

    • Upvote 1
  8. On Jabal STD if they make it to East Beach and you don't kill them they will stay there, according to Melon's other post that's what bots do. In that situation if you kill them at East Beach you are effectively putting them back into circulation and they'll re-spawn at a flag that has not been capped/neutralized, same thing at Point Look Out, Charlies Point, if you kill those bots they'll be re-spawning somewhere else.

  9. 11 hours ago, The_Polish_Guy said:

    Charlie's Point std - bots go to and stay on Point Lookout (the first cap) even after other objectives are secured by US forces.

    I don't think that's a bug, it happens on most maps once you cap enough of them.

    That happens on Jabal when the bots are walking towards say East Beach and you cap Bridge and/or dam, kill them and they wont respawn or go there.

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