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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. 9 hours ago, Rabbit said:

    It would also mean if you lose a tank you dont have to drive it all the way from main base but rather just from the beach provided you took the trenches.

    There's a good idea that adds to the theme of D-Day, you could still leave it so the support ships show up once the trenches have been secured and also have the tanks spawn inside the ships as well as the logis.

    I don't know if the tanks would fit though?

  2. 47 minutes ago, Rabbit said:

    If I were to make the tanks that originally spawn way back at the boats non respawnable but add tanks that spawn on the boats after you take the trenches be a good change or worse change. 

    I think this would be worse because once that OPFOR armor turns up to WN72 and you have no tanks to combat them, you're screwed unless you have a full server. What would be an improvement would be Logi's spawning once we capped the beach not the bunkers especially once the server settings go back to the large crate deployment for building FOBs. At the moment we can spawn them without a crate which is handy but it would kill the server if we reverted to our normal settings.

  3. We had a server crash on Omaha Beach yesterday sorry forgot to record the time but we were doing ok, with 22+ players, actually capped the beach and the first bunker before it crashed. Hard to tell whether it was due to smoke on the water bug (has that been fixed yet?) or something else. I did manage to win a match on Omaha but on another Coop server so before we add this one to the nerfed map list lets give it a decent try out.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Echo that, it was pretty good fun, makes a huge difference playing deployment with guys you already know. I can see this taking off the adrenaline rush is something else.  There's no reason why we couldn't organize regular events for PR or BMS for that matter. I'm currently schooling up on SEAD missions but we could have rookie missions for those wanting to get into it.

    The footage is great @=VG= SemlerPDXbe good to have a camera man for both sides of the battle those panoramic views are cool!

    • Upvote 2
  5. 2 hours ago, =VG= Sausag3 said:

    So whoever is writing the new "Squad Holy Bible". Please get the most essential rules laid out first. 

    Agreed, I also think we should start a new thread to discuss what goes into those rules, my only suggestion is that we shouldn't stray too far from the Squad Developer's Guidelines if we are hoping to become a licensed server some ways down the track.

    Somehow we'll need to incorporate official Squad guidelines and principles into our "Official =VG= Squad Server Rules".


    The Squad wiki for server admins:


    • Upvote 2
  6. 17 hours ago, =VG= Acro1 said:

    I'd also love to require microphones, but it's hard to require them 100% of the time. Some play while family sleeps, forgot their headset at uni, or have guests over and can't be talking to their computers. Even the best of players get into these situations, and then they can't do the thing they're really good at (leading, CAS, support,...) so our team loses that benefit.


    Quote from the Squad Game Server Administration Guidelines.

    1.6 - Admins should not impose server wide rules requiring microphones, provided players are willing to use text chat in it’s stead. The two exceptions are that it is acceptable for individual squad leaders to impose a "microphone required" rule for their squad at their discretion, and it is acceptable for a server to require squad leaders have a microphone.


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  7. Awesome event that was a huge amount of fun, no wonder us insurgents had so much trouble with the Brits rofl! Footage is absolutely  the "ducks guts" Sem!

    If you missed this event it was a biggie no doubt we will all get better at this with time. Still fighting with controls, deploying HABs and all that technical stuff but we just gotta keep doing this on a regular basis. Its a lot better when we've got full squads on both sides, and pretty intensive, gets the blood pumping!

    Thanks everyone for turning up and best of all having fun!!

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