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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. On 9/13/2019 at 3:23 AM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    I end up having to re-learn how to ride that bicycle

    Me too, I need a stripped down version of the ramp start so I don't waste time checking shit you never need in a flight. I had a voice attack based ramp-start which I could call and it automatically did the procedure in about 3 minutes flat, but then they upgraded BMS and it wouldn't bloody work. I haven't been motivated enough to modify the old version. 

  2. 4 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    I could finalize it and assemble it into proper materials that anyone could direct a new player through. 

    Do it if you have time, I'd read it.


    10 hours ago, sandstorm said:

    although I am still waiting for topgun ensignia for doing the VG Harrier challenge)

    Its in the mail... :P .... I posted it yesterday. :WhiteVoid_2:

  3. BMS is a steep learning curve for newbies and a lot of people just give up if they cannot work out how to do the basics.

    Its different for the real flight sim enthusiast who generally see all the bells and whistles as part of the challenge or fun of flying BMS.

    In reality, fighter pilots would need to have formal training at a flight school (Top Gun anyone? (not that I know anything about it) , but my point is you don't hand the keys of the Ferrari over to a newbie who doesn't have a drivers licence do you? ROFL!

    @=VG= SemlerPDX your little training video for the ramp start was a great idea but we need an updated version. I understand what you mean about "training" people its not for everyone it can be a bit like "herding cats".

    If Sandstorm or others like Jeffu, Cobalt wanted to start a flight school I would sign up and be the first guinea pig, so long as there's no yelling at me for crashing on take off  or landing on the wrong air strip lol.


  4. I just got myself a new gaming laptop, and also got a great bargain on a TM T.Flight U.S. AIR FORCE Headset to match my H.O.T.A.S. Warthog Throttle/Joystick.

    I'd love to add 2 MFDs at some point but in the meantime I'll have to settle for using the laptop's screen and export them as external displays.

    The breakdown on my gaming rig:


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  5. So we've got a new 145 page document in the docs directory: C:\Falcon BMS 4.34\Falcon BMS 4.34\Docs

    Titled "BMS COMMS & NAV MANUAL" incorporates the new BMS Air Traffic control, AI and Radios Management, Radio Navigation Principles, BMS Chart Reviews. Back to flight school boys! lol.

    There's a updates to the BMS Manual as well, holy crap we'll be here forever reading this shit! lol.

    There's a BMS Naval Ops manual for carrier operations too which is great.

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  6. On 4/24/2019 at 10:03 AM, Jeffu said:

    You can transfer the keyfile, but you will need to set almost everything else up from scratch.

    You can transfer the logbook file across ok without issues, and keep your previous missions data.

    My old key file seems to work at the moment but I don't know what's new in 4.34 yet I assume all the old controls will work as before and that there could be additional new ones?

  7. I see 08:15:30 ZULU and its 5:45pm here in Adelaide, South Australia. I also have my two other clocks configured in windows that give me the ZULU time, and the VG server time which is two hours ahead at 10:15:30. I use that to hook up with people online.

    I've installed BMS4.34 and now have to modify my warthog throttle/stick settings for this latest version because it doesn't work anymore which gives me the shits!

    I've gone back to the full BMS keyfile and will modify it to map my rig, that's going to take some time but this time I'm documenting how I do it for the next time this happens. Part of the fun I guess.

    Sem hurry up with that goddamn trackIR wireless mod, I'm eyeballing your handiwork, looks good so far!

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