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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. I have a few suggestions, some have already been mentioned. We've had to dig FOBs & razor wire before and all that happens is no one uses them generally To me BOTs with LATS & HATS should only target vehicles BOTs with AA should only target Jets & Helis Review the reason why we dont play maps like Mestia, Tad Sae, Charlies Point, good maps but way too OP at the moment and its not only the vegetation, Mestia needs more transport vehicles for example. Lower the range of the BOTs using shot-guns Other than these points, the game is harder yes, but better than walkovers like we had before. Cheers guys & great work!!
  2. Understand that you're busy but I was thinking we could develop one for VG pilots who wish to use an "Official" VG patch in their log books, someone could also develop variations on that patch for AV-8Bs, F-16's, FA-18, squadrons etc. They could even extend to tail art and squadron logos on skins at some point down the track.
  3. Can we develop a squadron patch for Veterans-Gaming?
  4. Adjusted the underbelly which is supposed to be Satin White or Humbrol 130,




  5. Currently working on another AV-8B II+ Harrier skin in Falcon 4.0 BMS. This version is closer to the Sea Harrier FRS1 colour scheme used early in the Falklands War.

    Colours: Extra Dark Sea Grey (Humbrol 123) over Satin White (Humbrol 130).


    Reference : http://www.digitalforge.com.au/challenge/sea_harrier_colours.html


    Sea Harrier FRS1 Colour Schemes

    'Prior to the Falklands, RN Fleet Air Arm Sea Harriers carried a two-tone scheme of Humbrol 123 (Extra Dark Sea Grey) over Humbrol 130 (Satin White). During the campaign, these aircraft had the white portions over-painted to make an overall Humbrol 123 (Extra Dark Sea Grey) scheme. In operations, this scheme was deemed too dark at high level and replacement aircraft were given an Medium Sea Grey paint job. After the Falklands campaign, all Sea Harriers were repainted in an even lighter scheme of overall Humbrol 164 (Dark Sea Gray).'

    'Operationally this overall scheme was deemed too dark and replacement aircraft were painted with a lighter scheme of overall Medium Sea Grey. All aircraft were gradually repainted in the lighter scheme during and after the campaign'.


    1. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      A six part series of the Falklands War, quite interesting overall summary of the war. Not much footage of the Harriers unfortunately but without them the ground troops would have struggled and lost more soldiers.


  6. Yeah that's fair enough @X0R putting out new ideas to improve PR is always good, and I'm supporting you all the way! Keep it up. Burning Sands STD is a classic example of a neutral first flag, Blufor Tanks & Apache have a delayed spawn but if Depot is not captured quick enough by an in-experienced team, its all over at the first flag. Where as, a good team will be neutralizing South City by the time the Apache spawns. Its really not a map issue but a lack of skill on the part of the Blufor team. Very difficult to design a map that caters for both scenarios.
  7. Case in point, Jabal STD will bleed out if West or East Beach is not captured in a reasonable time. We managed it today with a low pop but here we are still trying to cap Dam after an hour.
  8. Sorry for the late response @X0Rand please dont take this as a criticism of your ideas but here's my take on it. Yes, it would be more interesting to do that IF the server population can handle it otherwise it is a nightmare for low server pops. We've tried a similar idea in the past on Muttrah City and all it does is clean the server out when players fail to recapture Docks. It might be fun for experienced players to up the anti but we know how that turned out with maps like Khamisiyah lLRG (until it was re-designed), and Outpost both of which were designed by Double_13 who's aim was to make it hard or near impossible for us. He got bored with rolling through maps as well which I can sympathize with because some maps bore the hell out of me too. We also had to create a map rotation list to deal with low server populations. There comes a time where veteran PR players always get bored with certain maps and then want to change the dynamics of the game to make it more challenging (for themselves) and it always becomes a nightmare for times where there are less experienced players on. Its always been a fine line between making a map playable for all conditions without it boring the majority of players. Hence the rules we have concerning heavy assets, spawn camping, flag jumping and the rest. What I would like to see personally (if someone has the time) is maps like Kokan LRG being adjusted so we have more than one logi for the whole team, and the SL respawn fixed on that map. And the ticket bleed issue as mentioned by @=VG= Zeee here:
  9. AV-8B Harrier II+ at Sunset, gotta love them formation lights.


  10. Just got this message when I tried to join Discord, looks like they're having issues.
  11. Ia Drang ALT would have to be the worst map for draining the server. No crates, no transport, feck all cover, crap weapons, need I say more?
  12. I resent that innuendo. Jabal is awesome! rofl.
  13. Welcome back, always good to see another BMS pilot join the community. We have a BMS channel on our Discord server if you wish to find pilots to join you on the BMS server. https://discord.gg/MXGxmvT
  14. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1250105575 First tryout of Bijar Canyon LRG today. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1250196123 Test flight with the BF -109 & P51 Mustang on the new Deployment maps.
  15. Charlies Point in under 24 mins. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1241759651
  16. First one is the original Falklands War Extra Dark Sea Grey (Humbrol 123)
    #616e76 Hex Color Code - In this example its on the AV-8B II


    Second Variant AV-8B II + I've made it 25% darker.

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