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=VG= Alaura

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Alaura

  1. I trust Semler makes the best option'ed vote here. Seems like a really fantastic guy and i loved talking to him yesterday.
  2. You forgot x2 that the cats will soon take over and make us their servants once they understand english, and build robots that serve them and not us.
  3. I have no idea if your even still experiencing this, but i've hosted servers, managed community servers in the past, and even managed modded servers in the past. If you need help with something, gimme a shout.
  4. Having a helicopter that starts us off in like a far off area where we have to board, take it back to base, then move back to use humvee's would be fun.
  5. Hello. As a veteran to PR and a person who regularly plays PR, i would like to put in a application to VG as it is my favorite clan and the only clan i have seen to have respectable and acceptable morals in terms of PR and its communities success to its rise and fame. I've been playing PR since the release back in 05 and I've also been a server administrator for them for around 10+ years hosting coop and deployments for bug testing reasons but as of now, there just up to be up. I'm not affiliated with any clan, just wanna help the PR devs find bugs that aren't submitted so that we can make the game great. I've also been in the PR Discord helping new players and veterans alike find games they like. I'm also a gamer for games like DCS and Falcon BMS and PR and Arma and all those other war games out there, i want to apply because I've been keen on seeing this community grow and become something more, and its a close knit family of a bunch of friends and colleagues who play the same games i do and don't do it seriously, we do it because we find it fun. I am serious about joining =VG= to show my support for them and to show that i want to be a higher person in this beautiful community. I'm also good at web coding, forum design, game administration, coding in general, and i would love to help in any way possible with anything you guys have problems with as well, my expertise is yours to use if you so choose to use it! Thank you for taking the time to read this, in short, your my family and i'd do anything for you guys.
  6. Does VG have a official discord or is it only limited to Teamspeak, If not, i'd be more than happy to set up a discord for VG with Semler's permission of course. It'd be great to have a place to chat to all you beautiful people and talk about games like Falcon BMS and Arma and Space Engineers and Ark and all that. As well as being able to have a admin post when events are run, so people like me can know when it is and i can join in on the wonderful fun this community has.
  7. I mean, i want a joystick, don't get me wrong, but it's impossible to get one when i don't have a job yet (hopefully next week i start my new one at lowes)
  8. I wanna play BMS, but im incapable of doing so since i don't have a joystick.
  9. Thats weird tho because (And i know PR ships with 32-bit mumble) but mumble also comes with 64-bit variant on there site, So it would make sense that the 64-bit one would work too.
  10. Really great guide, as well as i can help anyone that needs help as well as i had this problem and i got it fixed earlier today.
  11. I got a official server license if you need one. Like a server to test stuff on and etc.
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