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Everything posted by LemurLemur

  1. Bijar Canyons: Armor- Tank Gunner Operation Barracuda: Logistics Dragon Fly: Mech-Inf- Driver
  2. LOGI SQUAD FOR LIFE! great event, had a lot of fun :)! awesome report Recon, keep it up!
  3. took you this long to make an intro?? gaaahhhhhh, hope to see you soon bud :P
  4. I have to say, after reading the logs martin is right. You have been warned, kicked, and even resigned by multiple admins for many things such as: Racism, asset stealing (multiple times on different maps, i have also personally resigned you many times), tking, soloing assets, duplicate squads, wasting assets, and one man locked squads. Martin isn't trying to "smear" you name. Martin is doing his job making sure everyone is following the rules and i haven't seen anything he has done wrong. You say don't use abusive language but you are calling people "fucking germans", Saying "nigger" (which is a banable offense) and calling admins idiots. You are lucky i wasnt there to see you type out and call someone a nigger because that shit wont fly with me on this server.
  5. We have a couple of admins that are on late nights our time m8 but they haven't been as active as they used to. I know it can be frustrating when no admins are on late at night because the server goes buck wild with no admins on and I had a lot of issues before I was an admin and I played late at night, so I know how it is. We are currently in the works of finding fit admins that play late nights our time, as most of our admins play (what used to be peak hours in 1.2) during our morning/afternoon.
  6. What's the problem you are having? And you don't have 1.2 downloaded do you?
  7. Those are really good sushi, I feel honored :P
  8. Like yang said its their job to make sure everything is running smooth and no problems are on the server, not to be a problem themselves. But like you said we are all human, we have those days. We all really appreciate reports like this and it helps us to ensure the server is running properly. If you or anyone should have a problem in the future, make a thread or let ANY VG member know of a situation and it will be dealt with. your friendly neighborhood Lemur
  9. Map rotation was changed about a week ago. I know playing the same rotation over and over can be a little dull, but it will change again soon :)
  10. 1. Teejay is not an admin 2. I dont think its fair that you are blaming a whole clan for the actions of one person All assets are not for RS members and we are not asset whores we equally use assets like everyone else. I apologize of behalf of teejay and thats not how i would want my members to behave when playing. i will talk to teejay about it and i thank you for bringing it up.
  11. This is Mikel's big logi fail. I turn away from the screen for one second, and when i look back i see mike flip the logi like a pro. Love you Mikey
  12. I've seen you play in co-op a lot recently and you seem like a cool guy. join us in team speak like robot said. I'm always on, don't be a stranger!
  13. I think the bot difficulty is fine in my opinion. Though it does get annoying sometimes being shot out of the cockpit going full speed in a huey. I'm not as skilled as robot or shilling, but i think it gives us a chance to progress on our skill as well as building team work skills and strategy (which i think lacks a bit). I do understand there are new players that come in everyday and play, and it might be too difficult for them. Which is why I don't completely disagree with you. i think there could be some changes made like you said that would be a bit of a challenge for vets like us and still be enjoyable for new players.
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