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About Sledgehammer

  • Birthday 11/11/1980

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    = 010 = Netherlands

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  1. I very much like the idea, so that's a YES. Anything that makes the game force you to BE MORE COOPERATIVE and play AS A TEAM is awesome and I greatly encourage it. But this could very well end up in a mess and a lot of argue between players. Just make it perfectly clear who get's the assets and who don't. Why not loose the assets entirely and just make a Fryday Night INF Event ?
  2. Sorry for the short notice, but I will not be able to attend in the event tonight. Sorry guys. Pilot position on Beirut available for the take Have a great time everyone.
  3. Hi Teejay, If you want I can join your squad on Iron Ridge and Karbala. Any kit you need
  4. We finnished Hades Peak INF in 12 min. 55 sec. I will set this as a starting record...
  5. Pilot#2 in Beirut Warrior#1 Gunner in Bamyan Por favor!
  6. Operation "Red Tide" trailer looks awesome guys! Looking forward to you event in March
  7. Thanks for setting up another event Melon, date looks good and I'm almost sure I can attend this one. Nice going!
  8. What will become of the PR junkies without you around ! You are a boss M823us, thanks
  9. Way too cool, I'm on the edge of my seat here! More maps and events, too come, Whooohooo! Stupid question: When will the maps be ready for download?
  10. Now let's get back to the fun part of this thread shall we. By the way, has anybody seen my eyeball somewhere?
  11. And here comes the amazing... SUPERMAN! Trying to place mines on top of huey
  12. I was there with Double and silently witnessed al that happened. We know you are a regular and appreciate your 99 % good gameplay, but this kick was legit as explained by Double_13 Also making a report of an a "abusive admin" is out of line here. If you have the idea of being wrongfully accused, just join Teamspeak and find us in de coop or admin channel. Feel free to discuss the situation before taking it up to the forums. Thank you.
  13. Must be a overwhelming experience hanging below that Sea Knight the first time. nice video!
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