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=VG= ciro

VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= ciro

  1. May we use sthud? https://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/20270/130307_sthud_a3_v1.7z or JSRS: http://jsrs-studios.com/index.php/dlstudios.html here's an ACRE pack (includes @JayArmA3Lib,cba_a3): http://www.mediafire.com/download/l13ilc9uxltc8lg/ACRE.rar Place the files in the specified directories.
  2. Some good old shit from back in the day... too much head slaming on this page!(edit first and top of, didnt see the thin,jbt.. i like the "better man" song ive not listened to him before) lol(ouch)
  3. Some users have reported being unable to set a PTT key, where only the Esc key works. If this happens to you, try the following: Uninstall Teamspeak 3 Disconnect any flight sim yokes, throttle quadrants or joysticks from the computer Reinstall TS3 Run TS3 and set your PTT key Plug all your yokes, etc back in
  4. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Ciro I noticed you had a custom edit of a mission - do you want that one to be the default in the rotation? Also make sure you don't put spaces in the mission name.. use _ instead. Yes Please mate, sorry about that will do from now.
  5. Im in is there a chance i could get prophet 1-2 please?
  6. Testing went well, I wish bis would leave the moduels as is, they keep changing how tasks are assigned and how the briefing works, think ive sussed out a was to make them work by syncing to units rather than a trigger activation for a group of units. Cheers to Vetala, X17 boys and Terremer and the others for testing twice. can try the latestr version tonight if anyones interested. Ohh and you shouldnt have told me about the ramps.... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176240286
  7. Arma 3 "Clipped Wings" mission test saturday 7th GMT 19:30hrs Situation The struggle continues and pressures are mouting against allied forces. A decicive push has been in negotiation for several months and during that time our forces have taken a pounding. Command is adamamt that cutting the airfield off from the enemy will delay any further esscilation of the conflict but ground troops have identified a threat emerging from the northern regions. Our Scouts were sent out north of the Kalithea region and spotted numerous armoured units. Reports are also coming in on what appears to be a freighter moored less than 3 clicks out to sea. A local paraglider from the Sofia region with resistance ties recently overflew a large vessle approaching the island from the NE and claimed to have seen large tarpaulin covered items on the deck. Local ressistance captured a camp near Galati and found a government official locked up for safe keeping. It later transpired that the prisoner had overheard a conversation between two now known spys. Mission/Execution: The official has some vital information on the whereabouts of an enemy recon outpost and service depot. Find him and gather the intel. Communications: **ACRE yet to be implemented** Mods required: @cba_a3 @sthud optional mods: @JSRS http://jsrs-studios.com/index.php/jsrs-studios/newsandupdates/186-a3-update-058.html Service / support Due to the main assault commitments assets will be limited. Risks / concerns Limit civilian casualties.
  8. I got this and it works very well... http://www.proshop.dk/Bundkort/ASUS-SABERTOOTH-Z77-2328044.html and dont forget this: http://www.proshop.dk/RAM/Kingston-HyperX-Gen-DDR3-1600-DC-8GB-2243686.html I didnt see water cooling on the site but this seems ok, it an all in one kit rather than a custom tweaked kit: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-014-CS or this: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-009-AN&groupid=701&catid=2330 review: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cooling/2013/03/18/antec-k-hler-h2o-1220-review/1 hope that helps. [EDIT: SemlerPDX - broken links]
  9. When the HC is in blufor only the patrols seem to be active, all the towns are empty oh but the missions work fine AI are active then.
  10. Also sorry for late signup, can i get a slot please?
  11. 1. Public server 1 2. Arthur 3. 76561198081212626 4. Team Kill x 2 for a boat. 5. Ciro BANHAMMER
  12. From what i know of xml, if the "statement" provides a condition to be met then yes this can be done but to do that you will need to provide the xlm with a XSLT(xsl) condition but im not sure if real virtuality adopts this manner of process: http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=xml+conditional+statements&oq=xml+conditional+&gs_l=hp.1.3.0l4.1878.7393.0.11377.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45107431,d.d2k&fp=77298bfcd0266709&biw=1920&bih=978
  13. I Had a problem with this mod and Sixupdater so here's a link for anyone else with issues. Mod/Addon: @kyo_MH47E Author: http://konyo.webs.com/downloads.htm Type: MH-47E Chinook Author Download:https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1SRXz4VtjWTT2pXYkdXTzF2NEk Mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18052
  14. With Castor's diaper threat in mind...count me in please. Happy Christmas to you all
  15. Count me in please, sounds like fun an well organised. If possible can I get Assault Rifleman please?
  16. Hi here is my side: As most of the players were clearing up Shuk from the west you arrived from the east in your hummer and opened fire on the town, you then pulled up infront of my squad and stopped, got into the gunner seat and opened fire on me, i then stated we were friendly and you continued to fire until i was dead (luckily you were rpg'd before you could take our our whole squad)After this incident you continued to be disruptive at base and started shooting at other players. This is not the first time you have been disruptive as i recall Lt Spears had words with you about it several days ago. You then persisted to be rude and arrogant towards other players.
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