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=VG= ciro

VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= ciro

  1. Excellent I will put you down as TL for squad one.... Team sign up's: Squad One: Team Leader: Semler Medic: Murderface AT: .Blizzard. Marksman: Jaki Squad Two: Team Leader: Medic: ciro AT: Marksman: Squad Three: Team Leader: TEDF Medic: Keed AT: PBAsydney Marksman: Squad Four: Team Leader: Medic: AT: Marksman: Please sign up in this post, rosta will be updated asap.
  2. Event details Arma 3 16 player mission "Operation Stem Cell" Situation: With the fall of the Pakistani government and preceding military coup and later military invading of Afghanistan , the Western region of South Asia is yet again in turmoil. Afghani freedom fighters continue to hindered Taliban and Pakistani Daesh controlled areas throughout central Afghanistan, humanitarian aid shipments ceased by insurgents in the Herat region have cause massive hardship to civilians who remain the largest casualties of this land-grab-coup by Pakistani military now 'self declared' ISIL (Daesh) forces. Intelligence provided by Russian Spetsnaz in theatre suggests mass groupings of armament and ground-troops in currently Daesh held Northern Provence's. To counter a large scale escalation of NATO and allied troops advance towards the central and Eastern fronts of Kabul and the green belt valley of Kunduz Provence in a mass effort to push back hostile forces. Home of Afghanistan's only nuclear power station and airfield military able , the lush agricultural lands of Kunduz remains a stronghold for axis forces. Mission: Embezzlement, corruption, displacement of civilians and the continued enforcement of Sharia law has led to official actions been taken by NATO. In response to civilian threat and continued attacks on settlements NATO and allied forces have strategically opted for a full scale invasion in order to re-establish Afghan government. Seen as a training ground for Jihad movements Afghanistan remains the most hostile territory in populated countries. Outposts and military bases to the North of Kunduz Provence are of the greatest strategic importance to axis forces. Server Details will be provided soon. MODS: Kunduz (1.1Gb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27882 CAF Aggressors (440Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24441 CBA 3.5 (1Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 EVW (765Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24907 USSOC_LITE_mas (120Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33291 Mission Intro:
  3. Welcome to your new home =VG= have fun here.
  4. Welcome Blackjack, maybe see you on the armafield one day.
  5. Hi Pigfarmer, I seen a similar issue as there are no servers to register a new player you can try this: Uninstall all previous BF2 installs. On the 1 Tb HDD, create a folder called BF2, then: 1. Install BF2 Complete to that location, close installer and return to desktop (do not run BF2) 2. Download this file and install it: http://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/patches/BF2/1.41/BF2_Patch_1.41.exe 3. Run BF2, Black screen will show. 4. Ctrl, Alt Delete, run task manager... close BF2.exe 5. Get this file and install: http://www.fileplanet.com/204626/download/Battlefield-2-Patch-v1.5 6. Close all prompts after you complete step 5, return to desktop. 7. Run dxdiag command (although not needed for 64bit win 7 os, you are getting a bf2 1.4 build dxRender error implying you don't have step 5 complete) ensure there are no Sound, Display, Input issues... If there are, check device drivers for updates from here: http://www.asus.com/uk/Motherboards/SABERTOOTH_990FX/HelpDesk_Download/ 8. All good and well open BF2 and wait for black screen to go an (this may take some time)show the login box, you cannot login as there are no login servers for a relic of the past called Gamespy: http://www.gamespy.com/ that BF2 relied on for user logins and server activity/cheat logs. 8a. Click Manage accounts, Create account and Accept terms.... Click Single player and enter a name, click next. Spalsh screen willl show, either play single player or: 9. close BF2. 10. Install BF2Reality from here: http://www.realitymod.com/ ... follow this guide for PR2 install: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f27-pr-bf2-support/99834-project-reality-bf2-installation-guide.html
  6. Veterans Gaming Project Reality Gaming Server: Top tier Gaming Server run by community members for the public... Ranked in top 10 world wide gaming servers for concurrent player activity... In top ten (current) PR servers 99% of the time... Most talked about subject on the forums in the last six months... Our dedication, time and appreciation of this game and the people that play it 100%... Please appreciate this when you join our servers and don't take the living. Please be kind enough to PM me for sources should you feel you need them.
  7. Good team play from all participant's, would have liked to seen more of the regulars involved in this event, maybe next time. This mission seems to work ok for Co-op and has a jip system in place so i'll leave it up on the 2412 server for now. Next mission will be in a couple of weeks, suggestions for islands and kit here please:
  8. Matt_Dreamy LAN_WROTE ... I'd like to play, if thats ok? Certainly can mate, the more the merrier! Rosta of few: update due in the morning. Mods: @CBA A3; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 @EVW; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24907 @MAS NATO RS SF VEH; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19345 @MAS UK SFTG A3; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19346 @NATO RUSSIAN SF WEAPONS; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21912 @WAKE http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27321 Optional: @STHUD A3; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18949 @BLASTCORE A3; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23899 @JSRS2; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22150 @AGM; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25779 Optional but prefered: @TASK FORCE RADIO; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23615
  9. Global Intel "Operation Wake up call" The US is shifting the focus of its military operations in the Middle East from 'rooting out Jihad rebels' to warding off a 'broader incursion by Moscow'. Following major setbacks for US forces fighting in the middle east, US Defence Minister Dale Howell said on monday that the US military would 'regroup and assess' its presence in the Middle East regions ultimately leaving Israeli and Egyptian troops to 'fend for themselves' against an ever growing ISIS threat. Moving instead to a defensive strategy against what he called a 'full-scale invasion' of 'Russian regulars on US soil' referring to the recent overthrow of Wake Island. In response, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Cell, bluntly accused Russia of lying about its military intervention in the Pacific. In a condemning statement to the Security Council, she said 'the mask is coming off of Russia?s actions' which she went on to call 'a threat to global peace and security'. NATO declared the development of a rapid-response unit 'Spearhead'. Spearhead, consisting mainly of British, Dutch, and Canadian special force elements who were re-tasked from biannual war-game exercises being conducted in the Antarctic (Finnish, Norwegian and American troops also on war-game exercises did not take part in this operation). None of the involved countries' Public Affairs offices were available to make comment. Situation "Operation Wake up call" In the midst of the furore over Beijing's new territorial charter covering nearly sixty percent of the South and East China Seas (previously Japanese and Indonesian waters), the Japanese and Chinese navies continue to exchange hostilities in the already heated Pacific rim. In a surprise move by Russia forces that assembled a small flotilla, allegedly to conduct combat training exercises in the South China Sea, gain control of an unsuspecting American airbase in the Pacific. Russians using the disguise of a routine training exercise reported a MAYDAY, US Navy personnel attending the incident soon found themselves facing a formidable invasion force. The flotilla comprised of the modern amphibious assault ship 'Vladivostok', two guided missile frigates, a guided missile destroyer and 18 fully manned hovercraft. Upon reaching the waters surrounding Wake Reef, Russian state television showed pictures of Russian Navy and Army marines in hovercraft storming the beach of Heel Point, supported by armed helicopters and an offshore naval barrage. A similar flotilla ostensibly setting sail to undertake normal combat training exercises in the East China sea near Japanese waters, veered off suddenly and invaded Hokkaido. The Japanese had little to no warning time to prepare their defences and Chinese forces overran the capital Sapporo, as well as the key military sites on the island, in a little less than a few hours. Heavy fighting continues on the 'Netanai Front' with Chinese casualties climbing rapidly . Communications outside of the United Nations are still compromised, Western NATO allies and the New Red Front remain in a stalemate and are refusing diplomatic solutions to the crisis. Operation Wake up call Operational Intelligence: Russian forces intend on using the island to set-up a 'Material-Technical Support Point' for the pacific region. With a vast refuelling Station located on the island NATO has declared it essential that this resource is rendered useless to the invading force. Satellite imagery has discovered the a recent delivery of submersibles, diving and mining equipment together with a consignment of unknown content. A prior Special Reconnaissance mission noted four unmarked Aircraft been unloaded near the islands eastern hangers, described as in 'RTG' state it is imperative that thisStockpile is again rendered useless to the enemy. In a rush to evade capture, US research forces did not have time to dismantle a weather altering Tempest Device. Located in the Islands scientific research facility and used solely for the 'Coral Regeneration Project' it is imperative that this asset is not used against the general environment, destroy it by all and any means. The Commanding Officer for the Russian fleet is thought to be stationed on the island. British GCHQ have intercepted several long distance communications purportedly earmarking the commander making several personal phone calls to his 'mistress' from a system still connected to the US military network. Locating and eliminate him shouldn't be difficult. Execution Mission tasks: 1. Stop The Fuel resupply abilitys on the island. 2. Secure and destroy the Unknown Russian Delivery 3. Destroy the enemy air assets. 4. Destroy the detected Tempest device. 5. Eliminate the Russian commanding officer Allied forces: Civilian populous is limited and unarmed but loyal to allies. Weather: Current weather is classed as 'Orographic' with few clouds but unlikely to change. ***Roles and assignments to follow*** Playwith6 magnetic link: pws://?c=g5qdpyyjv0G3Lgk2U3Xv5w Playwith6 collection: https://play.withsix.com/arma-3/collections/g5qdpyyjv0G3Lgk2U3Xv5w/wake-up-call Optional mods: @Blastcore_a3, @JSRS2, @STHUD_A3 Players: 23 player co-op mission. Setting: Wake Island Mission time: Early morning
  10. This tool seems to be able to do it: http://www.kali.net/ So must be a way.
  11. Yes edit the xml then simply upload. PM my your steam guid and in game name, then use the link above on your user profile squad XML link.
  12. full url is needed for arma 3: http://www.kungfunk.org/vg/v3a3/squad.xml Including the HTTP://
  13. Terremer =VG= LAN_WROTE ... For future reference, having access to unlimited CAS doesn't mean you're excluded in the rules against random CAS in the AO without an observer or anyone calling it in. Indeed, anyone abusing this benift will have it removed.
  14. =VG= ciro

    Squad XML

    Hi guys, with the battleye update and game spy death a small reconfig of the squad xml is needed... PM me your Steam GUID and i will re-add you to the list.
  15. I like this series: http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Emaplaadid-LGA-1150-emaplaadid305/Asus-Sabertooth-Z87-C2-Intel-Z87-Socket-1150-TUF-ATX-77165 review with 4770k: ]http://www.techradar.com/reviews/pc-mac/pc-components/motherboards/asus-z87-sabertooth-1185376/review if you want to spend all that much this: http://arvutitark.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/ARVUTIKOMPONENDID-Emaplaadid-LGA-1150-emaplaadid305/Asus-Maximus-VI-Formula-Intel-Z87-Socket-1150-Rog-ATX-77976 review: http://www.vortez.net/articles_pages/asus_maximus_vi_formula_review,1.html which is really this or the other way round: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7612/asus-rivbe A good review, roundup here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/z87-motherboard-review,3618-6.html
  16. ColdNfreeziN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... @ciro Why would we need a hang glider out of of curiosity? Ahhh I take it you have never seen a James Bond movie... he he, I have a mission in mind that uses them.
  17. Koplic is very buggy during the day but at night it runs quite smooth, it has dense wooded areas and a few rivers that could be good for amphibious assaults but besides that its just about ok... Only 3 things I can think of are: FLAY http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21036 its a Handglider. M110 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23510 M4 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23277 Besides that i like the list.
  18. Nope just vanilla all client side mods are ok. although @VTS_Weaponresting would be nice.
  19. In oh... maybe we could do a mission of mine after? I promise i've made it easier... he-he MCC!
  20. wow sem... I actuallly have a limited edition version physical graffiti that has no record label markings and the insert with the lights out is white not black. Think i'll have a listen right now.
  21. Translates to: Dear friends, good afternoon. My squadron flight Skywolf, has acquired a Cloud Server to make their own flight activities, in that VPS, have already installed the Falcon BMS with its 7 updates but when running the simulator, this does not run. Do not know if those are the normal steps for installing a server Falcon if I could help I would appreciate it very much. Kovra you could try this: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3431191/Re_How_to_host_a_MP_Game_in_BM#Post3431191 and this: http://www.combatsim.com/memb123/htm/july99/f4-multi1.htm
  22. That damned anti gravity juice that they sell on most street corners in England. Guinness i think its called, scientifically refered to as "Black Hole" seems to have been mistakenly placed at the top of your list. Dragons.... If they wake up, I dread to think, lets just hope they have to cross Gaz's road (he-he).
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