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About Torun

  • Birthday 12/24/1993

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  1. If only paratroopers were a thing in PR, you could add a transport plane and drop infantry out of it... Do you think it would help in this map? Is a plane like that even added to the mod?
  2. I would like to tell you about a game which I believe is the all-around best experience you can ask for flightsims in VR, for several reasons: less than 3 GB filesize Runs on Nvidia GTX 10xx GPUs Offers a fully interactive cockpit with medium-fidelity avionics, striking a good balance between immersion and complexity Decent flight model and ballistics, RCS simulation Virtual controls work just fine, allowing for precise control Multiplayer is now implemented Many custom maps and missions, Workshop support Including the attack heli DLC, half the price of the newer DCS modules (36 EUR) If you haven't checked this game out and have VR, I really recommend you take a look at it, it has the potential of being an extremely immersive experience for everyone involved. If you have this game, that's awesome, and I'd love to hear from you to fly along sometime!
  3. I'd be careful about the collective grip hype for a while though. It's additional expense that you *really* have to fly tons of helicopters to justify. Once you have a good throttle, flying helicopters with them really is no worse for it; the collective is only useful for that small ergonomic touch. With that in mind, why has no manufacturer thought to implement a collective brake in any shape or form instead of relying on balancing movement friction on a razor's edge between it falling under its own weight and being too stiff to move when desired, that is beyond me.
  4. Having also had some time with how things are, I think giving bots MANPADs is a good addition as it incentivizes a wild weasel approach to finding them. I also can agree with LATs taking shots at helis, because it's easy to complacently hover in one spot and plink at infantry from afar, but their precision requires some tuning. I don't fancy quite as much when a bot comes into view from around the corner, while I'm at speed, and it snapshots me out of existence.
  5. Hey all, I've played on the PR COOP for a few days and have been having a blast. I'm returning to uni to study Power Engineering this year in September, so I'm enjoying the free time I've got before then! I've played quite a few games in my time, and still branch out genres every now and then like with Hollow Knight or Hades, but mostly, I participate in the 132nd Virtual Wing where I play DCS in either a C2 position or as RIO in F-14B, but I also fly casually in Harrier, Hip, Hind, Huey and a few others. I've had a burnout though, so I branched out to tactical shooters, playing through some Tarkov, then SWAT 4 First Responders, and then I've been led to PR, which led me to play on your server. I'm quite excited about the upcoming playtest of BattleBit Remastered as well, it seems to be shaping up as one of the best Battlefield games available. In PR, you can expect me up in the whirlybirds often. Flying in PR is in comparison quite simplistic, but also dynamic, liberating and light enough on brain power I was able to play for 10 hours straight. That being said, having boots on the ground is what drew me to PR first place, and I've had fun exploring the various kits and how can they best contribute to your squad. I look forward to seeing you all on the server P. S. You can readily find me on your Discord, under the same name!
  6. If there is to be a HAT per squad, so should our team have it. The bots should have the same rules on kit limits as players.
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