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Everything posted by jack_black

  1. Still my favorite round of PR as of yet.


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  2. Ko te ljubi kad sam ja na straži?IMG_2023-05-25-10-30-13-529.jpg.3dfa73db6d09dec8ea03fba85f10824d.jpg

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      Ljubi brat! Drz se jako!

    3. jack_black


      Valjda će uskoro odsustvo pa da se napijemo kao ljudi!

    4. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      I ja da se vratim sa naftnih polja Gazprom-a, hahahahahahahha...


  3. M-93 Black Arrow .50 cal rifle


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    1. Pew_Pew


      I feel sorry for the gunner's back

    2. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      Kakvi su to snajperi matori? Da nije mozda "Zastava M93"

      Brat moj lepi!


    3. jack_black


      Crna strijela bratori 😁

  4. M-84 tonkIMG_2023-04-21-10-53-29-993.jpg.b75c4154725b048d5a07f11e608fb5ee.jpg

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    1. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      Ljubi te brat!

      Kako se snalazis tamo?


    2. jack_black


      Do jaja mi je brate, dva meseca proletelo. Planiram da ostanem da radim u VS.

  5. I'd gladly buy Arma just so I could play this campaign, the concept sounds so good, nice work @=VG= The_Polish_Guy!
  6. Alexandrov ensemble in Belgrade.


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  7. Пева, кличе српски син, пред њим стрепи душманин.


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  8. We cut his head off but our camera ran out of batteries
  9. jack_black


    When @Cruizer drops a sick beat.
  10. One minute I'm flying over Bamyan in my A-10, the game crashes to desktop and the following message appears when I try to re-start PR: This is the second time I get this (first one was approx. two months ago, with another random map). Last time I thought it had something to do with our event maps but this time it happened on a clean install, forcing me to re-install the game altogether. Again. I know this is probably isn't the correct thread to post this but I wanted to share this with you in the hope of resolving the issue, not sure if it is localized to my PC or is a shared bug.
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