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Everything posted by Sphee

  1. tank gunner plox, I need to make sure ted doesn't shoot vesely for driving into rocks I'll give up the position tho for someone else if I can't attend
  2. If by some miracle I make it and don't afk mid event, I might take 2nd IC, but for now reserve medic pls
  3. reserve ples thx, as always assume I either afk ingame for 2 hours or don't make it and announce it like 3 mins before event ends
  4. reserve my beloved (I will join and afk for 90% of the event)
  5. had great fun afk'ing for half the event, thanks for setting it up
  6. Team leader for 1-4, every time I join an event expect a 40% chance for me to not be able to attend so maybe keep someone notified to take it incase I don't attend.
  7. I'll leave EOD specialist for lonestar, need an experienced blufor APC destroyer for that role. give AT specialist plos
  8. May not be able to make it, will try to confirm.
  9. Gib transport pls I need to show off my epic flying
  10. Thank you to everyone who attended and I hope you enjoyed it despite not being free to attend it myself it's been a pleasure setting it up with melon. I wanted to do something new after playing on COOP and playing the same maps over and over and let people experience a breath of fresh and old air. Apologies for the maps being too easy, it's been noted for the future and will be worked on in the next retro maps event, which could be on the PvP only maps there like Qwai River and Retro Muttrah/Basrah, or on the OPFOR side in coop, depending on what people will prefer when a new event is planned.
  11. There's 2 links, https://files.realitymod.com/mappacks/PR_Retro_Map_Pack_v2.exe And https://www.mediafire.com/folder/lnks7ixxlh1uo/PR_Retro_Maps_Event
  12. Aye, I'll update the forum post like an hour or two before 6 PM so people can join and get comfy
  13. Thank you for attending! I hope you enjoyed the event, and I hope to see you again in the next one, it's been a pleasure. We will be hosting an event on Saturday (24th of February) at 6 PM GMT which will include some maps from this map pack (Download here) the maps we plan on playing will be Gulf of Oman, Operation Phoenix, Hills of Hamgyong, Helmands Return, Daqing Oilfields, Seven Gates, and Zatar Wetlands in no particular order and possibly not restricted to just those maps, as of now we are currently testing the above maps to make sure they function as intended and don't crash or cause problems. Many thanks to melon for dusting off the event server and setting it. This post and the VG discord will have the password an hour or so before the event starts. Gulf of Oman Operation Phoenix Hills of Hamgyong Helmands Return Daqing Oilfields Seven Gates And last but not least Zatar Wetlands Hope to see you on the server!
  14. rifleman pls, assuming that's the least important role
  15. If this IS possible, it wouldn't be a good idea. If a single map has 4 versions of it, Std, Alt, Inf and Lrg, then it will be as if the whole server is playing that map for the entire day, which will make players bored overtime. I like the concept, but it needs to be thought very well through.
  16. Thank you for your replies, they give great details as to why this wouldn't work that well. I understand the issue here now, it would be a huge time waster after every PR update to redo all the changes made, which is very reasonable, OPFOR Fridays seems like a very interesting idea. with the right maps, I don't think it will require a lot of effort to revive it, perhaps have it as bi-weekly if players don't enjoy it every week, until then, thank you all very much, I appreciate your comments.
  17. Well the idea I'm proposing is much simpler, it only requires the bot ratio be set to 0 I believe for all bots to be on the US side, a new CO-OP server would be preferable so as to not interfere with the original CO-OP server
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