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Posts posted by System

  1. Fools Road alternative - last flag has bots dying on the spawn in the metal scaffolding, causing massive lag for everyone and an uncapturable flag.
    Outpost standard - we all know its broken, should be taken out
    Khamisiyah large - I believe has already been taken out of rotation? It technically works, but due to the lag that is caused by enemy vehicles piling up in certain areas of the map it usually ends in a runnext vote
    Route E-106 standard - bots die in their spawn in main, no reason for it to be in rotation

    @=VG= SemlerPDX
    Cheers and thanks for the work! 🍻

    • VG Spirit 1
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  2. What exactly do you mean by "there is a delay"?
    It takes 2 shots with most small caliber weapons to kill an enemy.
    Do you experience stutters or does it lag for you in any other animation (from other players, to switching your weapons, crate drops, etc)?
    Does this happen to you on other servers?
    My bet is on the wifi if your ping is as good as you say it is.

  3. 1 hour ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    The zpu4_atc are weapons (childs = a part of the mainpart) that got added to the AirControlTower that actually has a pco. You can see it only on OSR and another map i dont remember. 

    The Argentinians on the Falklands map have it I think in their main.

    1 hour ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Its about the quadgun itself System. The objectspawner spawning weapons and not enterable pco's.

    I understand now, I was just pointing out that it didn't really change the gameplay of the map in general because the quadguns don't get manned on Khami Std at all for some reason - unlike on Alt. (cause you said that they weren't a threat - sorry for the sidetrack with the sentence)

    48 minutes ago, X0R said:

    As fastjack said, It's just a debug message, for the new auto-pickup kit feature no one wanted ;)  It won't be on any changelog.

    My thought was it was displayed when someone gets revived but their kit was taken or something? I guess the picking up your last used kit after a revive is a good type of change (unlike the help help where is my sniper rifle i've requested the kit using t????-dumbed down I can't look around and press G to swap kit attitude)


  4. 3 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Edit: The quadguns shouldn't be a threat. Its missing its main pco or can someone report different?

    Quad guns on that map aren't a threat in general, bots just don't seem to use them as they do on other maps/layers, for example Khami Alt they man all of them and dealing with the quads is a challenge for CAS, but on Std it's a cakewalk taking them all out as they are rarely manned. Although having them indestructible is a whole other thing.
    Haven't played Khami Alt to check it, but maybe they are like that there as well? Not sure how it is on deployment.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Which map and which faction and kit you played?


    It's on all maps, shows up periodically.
    On the other hand I got a real good one: today on Khami Std we couldn't kill any of the quads, bombed quad on chemical twice, fired 200 cannon rounds at it, tank shot at it 3 times with HE, it was still alive. Same for other quads on that map.

    • Haha 1
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  6. 13 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

    I've heard several people mention "Gun Game" is this a thing now and how do we set it?

    It's only a PvP mode Kav, and you have a few maps only:

    General:Added new Game Mode for low population server:
    Gungame. Available maps:
    Black Gold 16 & 64
    Wanda Shan 16
    Dovre 16
    Asad Khal 16
    Al Basrah 16
    I guess the command would look like !setnext black gungame inf (gpm_gungame seems to be the name of the mode)

  7. 1 hour ago, Mostly Blind said:

    Once again, many Thanks.  

    "VC relist (x)86 "  did the trick so far.   Now, to set controls up.


    When I finally manage to get set up correctly, I will gladly join into a game with you lot.  VG System invited me to play in a slow paced game during a conversation on  Discord a couple of weeks back and I'm looking forward to it.

    Offer still stands (during my free time when I'm home from work) :)
    P.S. I'm not =VG= hahahaha

    • Upvote 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

    Thanks, I was not aware of this. However, I mean that both sides only have 600 tickets in the beginning, as opposed to 2400-3200 on VG, different from other coop servers.

    You've played Hades Peak Std on other servers and can confirm that we are the only server with this issue?
    I'm fairly certain this is PR related, as in the layer itself was made like that.

  9. I am simply pointing out where you contradicted yourself. You've obviously not taken the time to read what I said.

    10 minutes ago, LangMaster said:

    i really have no time for this.

    Figures. But then don't reply at all, if you think I am a fool not worth discussing with/not worth your time.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, LangMaster said:

    There is not a single word about removing a feature, it still is a valuable method to take off from a carrier and land it back, and let me tell you hovering hueys one meter above the ground sounds way realistic and probable than seeing a stationary harrier litterally dropping bombs by his hands from a cockpit. and Sherman flipping 180 has nothing much to do with this since it is not an abusable to get an advantage against bots, and i think everyone has learned already to not drive over those, and hell no i don't want a !flip command even though thanks for XOR doing his code stuff.

    "Still i am playing realistic game mode, and i am not really up for this." - your argument was "realistic game mode"
    those were examples of unrealistic stuff you want to keep in game
    Cobras hovering between buildings shooting stuff is not realistic, Shermans flipping like that is not realistic - your argument is "I do not want this it is unrealistic" making a contradiction, if your argument was "I don't want this it is overpowered" then it would not be contradicting your previous statements.

    • VG Seal of Approval 1
    • Upvote 2
  11. 39 minutes ago, LangMaster said:

    Still i am playing realistic game mode, and i am not really up for this.

    What are you not up for?
    The same realistic game mode where choppers hover 1 meter above ground moving between building on Muttrah, where bots always move in the same fashion and have 0 strategical/tactical capability? Or maybe that a Sherman tank does a horizontal 180 because it touched a fence at minimum speed? (the same feature you advocated to keep because it should be a learning curve for players and it's not fair that a !flip vehicle command should exist?)
    This game is anything but real (despite the name), and removing a feature from it because it is "seems unreal" is just plain absurd.

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  12. On 5/31/2021 at 4:56 AM, LangMaster said:

    Even that does not work, i remember soul and there are 3 hovering harriers and the migs are flying like a bugs around them shooting just infrantry on the ground.

    I wouldn't agree, and this is not a cherry picked scenario, enemy CAS does do their job quite well.
    On Pavlovsk it's easy mode once you take out the quads. The rest of the game involves hiding from the enemy tank, until it drowns itself, every time. Tanks with a top gunner that actually go on land would make it more difficult for hovering. Having the entire enemy team fire at you would actually make more sense.
    IMO the changes melon implemented server side a few patches ago to fix the maps should've been released game side. Also the spawning is not what it used to be, all maps feel like a breeze these days, as if bots are a) not spawning on intended flags, and b) spawning less frequently.
    The thing that I miss the most is the neutral time, previously melon made it so that when you reach 0% cap the flag would stay in enemy control for about 15 seconds, long enough for them to spawn and push back the cap, now it when it reaches 0 it's immediately neutral (like it was before the change).

    Also the harrier in hover mode is just a fun mini-game inside the game itself, learning to fly it and utilizing it to maximum effect is an extremely fun and challenging task (at least it was for me, and round where are I don't die in it are extremely rare).

    P.S. Friendlies shoot more at me than the enemy

    • Upvote 2
  13. 16 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Here a small unknown feature. I will not call it bug because its nice.

    When you zoom in with ironsights "HOLDING ZOOM Key" and than press capslock and than release zoom key and press capslock again you stay in zoomed mode. Crouching or re-using zoom key will reset it.

    You can also use the Q button, I find that easier.

    • Confused 2
  14. An addition I would like to make (if I could call it that) while we are sharing useful information for new players to learn from:
    Be logical with your routes.
    Always ask for info on enemy anti-air and vehicles that are a threat to you.
    If you can't do (don't feel confident doing) what the squad leader requested, do it a way you think it's safer and will get them near their target location.
    Too many times I've entered a persons chopper with them getting my whole squad killed not due to bad flying but bad decision making. Makes me avoid trans 80% of the time.
    These are just 2 examples (also seen first hand (too many times sadly))
    You don't have to know how to fly between the streets in Muttrah to apply this kind of logic. (and of course there are variations/nuances, but the principle is the same)
    I hope some experienced trans pilots/players will add more of these "insights" (tips) so that everyone could benefit from the knowledge.
    (or maybe I am being condescending for stating the obvious? sorry if that's the case)
    (my two cents as a squad leader)

    P.P.S. DON'T LAND NEAR FRIENDLY AND START YELLING AT THEM TO GET IN THE CHOPPER LIKE A MAN LURING CHILDREN INTO A VAN. Again a rule exists to prevent this, do so when you are called upon (or use the in-game chat or mumble to ask if the specific squad needs trans). - too many times this has happened, and too many times some of my squad members get in

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