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=VG= Calv

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Everything posted by =VG= Calv

  1. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... The weird one is the standard US method of Month/Day/Year. Makes no sense and just complicates everything. ;) Makes no sense?! It's July 26th today. If we said it the other way, we'd have to add a word, (of), as in 26th "of" July. Hence, July Twenty-Sixth Two Thousand Twelve rolls off the tongue better, faster. Us Americans are all about better/faster. Halloween is on October 31st and the readout in our date format follows like we say it = 10/31/2012 But I suppose no matter where you are from, what is familiar is familiar, and what isn't, isn't ever gonna be familiar. !cheers Fair enough, I hadn't considered that Americans weren't clever enough to mentally swap around day/month in their heads. :p So shouldn't US digital clocks be MM:HH then? So 30:10, as it's typical to say the minutes before the hours.
  2. Gaz LAN_WROTE ... BLuDKLoT =VG= LAN_WROTE ... And where did you get this date format? The USMC uses Year, month, day if you care. Just wondering cuz it's weird to me, lol. Yeah Blud its European I Belive, Or even i think most of the world use it, We use Day, Month, Year Just thought i'd lighten that up if you didnt know, and maybe cared. :D Aye, writing year first is often used for record keeping, as when searching for a specific event you will search by year, then month, then day. The weird one is the standard US method of Month/Day/Year. Makes no sense and just complicates everything. ;)
  3. Dunno what you mean, I barely spoke during the mission, just heard you constantly talking to yourself.
  4. Uploading FRAPs vid, should be ready in the morning. Mission seemed ok overall, I would suggest a bit of a change to the squad layout though to help people stay focused during firefights. As once we were engaged things turned into a bit of a clusterfuck with no-one really having any idea what was going on resulting in everyone running around firing and aiming in random directions, if the enemy had flanked us or pressed the attack we would have been wiped out. A U.S.M.C squad is typically organised into 3 fireteams consisting of 4 men each. So something like: FT1 Squad Leader RTO M60 Rifleman FT2 Team Leader M60 Rifleman/AT Rifleman/Grenadier FT3 Team Leader M60 Rifleman/AT Rifleman/Grenadier You can of course still group them all together in the editor and just colour code the three teams at the start of the mission. Would also require the use of the CH-53 for air transport. Or just start the mission with the units already "in the shit" so it's all done on foot. The three teams would also give increased survivability when moving as we'd have three seperate formations alongside each other, so instead of one long line that if engaged at the front or rear would take a long time to re-arrange and return fire. Three teams each moving in a wedge (inverted V) about 15m from each other gives a wider field of view for scanning for contacts and gives increased immediate firepower when a firefight occurs.
  5. Good luck. Fingers crossed I'll get into UK air force sometime this year too. Although as it's the chair force I'll be taking my computer with me ;)
  6. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... sure there is a serial of your phone to lock it for everyone - named "simlock" many providers use it to force you to use their sim-card if you bought the cellphone by them and make you pay quadruple for a cellphone which doesnt have "simlock". Think you're confusing two seperate things there. Some phones are "locked" to a specific network usually via altered software on the phone itself that will only accept that network's simcard, and this can be over-ridden on most phones. Locking a phone via it's IMEI (serial number) essentially blacklists that handset on every network within the country, preventing any sim card from being used at all. The only way around this is to use the phone in a different country.
  7. Ahh Rainbow Six. Remember spending ages designing ingenious and intricate plans only for the AI to get stuck on the first door and killed.
  8. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... COUNT ME OUT - cannot join the game: Corrupt Memory Error #1 Cannot run Beta/expansion to fix it: JayArma2Lib not compatible version of Arma 2 or some bullshit error (downloaded working versions of these mods from the server FTP itself - nothin doin) !fuk Have fun guys! The fact that SU adds both JayArma2Lib and JayArma2LibNEW makes me think that somehow it's confused as to whether you're running the beta patch even when you are. Double-check that the Beta box is ticked at the top of the SU window, and possibly try ticking the one in Game Profile too. You could try creating a shortcut to run the game + mods with and manually removing the Jayarma2lib from that if it won't let you delete it from the SU Preset list due to dependencies.
  9. Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I just checked Six, there JSRS and JSRS ACE, should i get both? Is it signed on our server? Looks like the JSRS ACE was released recently and makes it work better with ACE. Don't think we have the key for it on the server yet, however looks like we may be running without sig checks for the moment.
  10. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I'm having problems getting the 2 non-SU mods to work properly on the server. I keep getting kicked for not having proper signed addons and I've triple-checked the server to make sure the keys are there. I did add the optional mods (in sjb_sas) to the server but perhaps that is the problem? I assumed we would need them for the ACE configs? For now I've turned off sig checks on the Community server (still passworded "acre") and I can join OK Not really sure, only other guys I know who run a server are the Lambs guys, but they run it without sig checks.
  11. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Calv LAN_WROTE ... As stated the Section-1 Leader is in command of the mission so setting out a basic plan is his responsibility. As for procedure when in combat/trouble, that's what the team leaders are for. that maybe so but S-1 leader has to concentrate on multiple objectives (mission commander, Section 1 lead + FTL) at once which might decrease units combat effectiveness (or most probably will) Not really, if he attempts to micromanage everything then sure, he will be too busy messing around giving orders to actually do anything. You trust the people you give orders to, to be able to use their own initiative and figure out how to do whatever you've asked without needing your input. A lot of command information refers to the rule of three, basically any leader will only be in command of at most 3 people at at once, this is true in this situation. Section-1 Lead is in command of Section-2 Lead, Section-1 2IC, and the second buddy team leader in his own team. Provided that all those people are doing their jobs and the section lead delegates correctly there is no problem with this setup. Say you're attacking a compound. Section-1 Lead informs Section-2 lead of the plan. They are given a position to move to and an area to assault. At this point no more comms between S-1 and S-2 is strictly necessary, you will likely keep each other updated on important contacts/casualties but generally there will be little communication. So for the rest of the assault he only has to deal with his 2IC and his second buddy team. These are most likely going to be within visual range all of the time, and know how to assault a compound without being given specific instructions on where to stand, where to shoot etc, so the only time the Section leader has to concern himself with them is to give special instructions such as setting up a base of fire, flanking an area etc.
  12. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... still suggest setting a commander for the mission, without one there is going to be a lot more chaos. especially when there is no strict plan or procedure when in combat/trouble. EDIT: oh btw put me as maybe. As stated the Section-1 Leader is in command of the mission so setting out a basic plan is his responsibility. As for procedure when in combat/trouble, that's what the team leaders are for.
  13. Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... yes we can combine them. but they will be weird, too. i will look dor some ai. do you know wich one is good`? Trying running it with ASR_AI, that improves AI somewhat so may help.
  14. Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I didn't like it. It seems that with every new game series is turning to shit more and more. Aye, it's easier and cheaper to make games for consoles so PC gamers tend to get crappy ports. Arma is one of the few FPS games I can think of that is actually designed for the PC.
  15. Just picked up the PC version and figured I'd update this with issues I've had so far. Basically at present I would avoid buying the game until a few more patches have been released. It seems to be a very lazy console port in terms of technical aspects. It seems the game is unable to differentiate between peripherals. So if you have any controllers/joysticks etc plugged in the game assumes you are using them ignores mouse/keyboard input. The "solution" suggested is to unplug and uninstall drivers for any peripherals until they fix it, which is of course a ridiculous option. Secondly, it seems that some "advanced" mice and keyboards are not being recognised by the game resulting in odd or non function. Solution again is to uninstall the drivers and use them as basic input devices. Minor annoyance I noted before realising it I couldn't play it at present was that all the menus/hints refer to xbox controls rather than keyboard ones, which just seems lazy. (Although this could be due to the game thinking I'm using a controller due to joystick being plugged in.)
  16. Mission Start Time: 19:00 GMT There is a warmup/training map with a training area located a few klicks from the main base that will be running on the server at least 30 mins before the start for people to mess around on, get used to the UK weapons and such. Training area has basic shooting ranges, kill house (which resets after 60 seconds I believe), ambush alley (row of buildings with targets located throughout for urban movement practice), and a couple ordnance areas. Planning to begin with a simple patrol mission, just a drive around the city to get a feel for it and we may or may not encounter hostiles. Second mission is a rescue operation for a crashed helicopter. Check this thread for mod information: http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?26452 We will be operating without any higher command personnel as it shouldn't really be necessary for the scope of the missions. The chain of command is as follows: Section-1 Leader Section-2 Leader Section-1 2IC Section-2 2IC Whoever is left standing Roster Calv Savage Eclipse Ingo Outlanders Gaz Cold Charry (maybe) Iffn Acer Roles Section-1 Leader: Section-1 2IC: Savage 3: Eclipse 4: Outlanders 5: Cold 6: Iffn 7: Charry (maybe) 8: Section-2 Leader: Calv Section-2 2IC: Gaz 3: Ingo 4: Acer 5: 6: 7: 8: Comms Info I'm still not 100% on how well this comms setup will work so we will see how it goes and adjust as needed. Basically each section is split into two fireteams, Charlie and Delta. Charlie team lead by the section leader, Delta team lead by the 2IC. The entire section will be on the same 343 channel however, so communications discipline will be essential. As the Section leader is going to have increased comms traffic from the 8 men in his section I have passed off the 117 radio pack to the rifleman within Charlie team, so comms between sections can be handed off if the section leader is busy. 343s Ch1: Section-1 Ch2: Section-2 148/117 Ch1: Section-1 + Section-2
  17. Can do it on a Saturday, it's fine. I would suggest having a couple missions done though in case there is time after the first mission. Or make a very quick "starter" mission, just some basic attack on something that'll let everyone get used to whatever is different in VTE.
  18. Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... so the requirement of the brit inf pack is the L115A. should i also download this`? It's included in the UKF weapon packs in the list.
  19. Firstly, the mod information for the missions is available here, post any issues or question about the mods there: http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?26452.0 Fallujah Situation The city is a complete hotzone at present. US, UK, friendly local takistani militia and hostile takistani militia are active in the city, there have also been incidents of local civilians being used to carry out suicide attacks. "Control" of the city has been divided between the US and the UK. The UK is patrolling everything north of the highway, the US everything south. The "friendly" takistani militia have taken control of a base in the NW of the city. Our Unit We will be operating as sections 1 and 2 of a British infantry platoon, each section consists of 8 men. Section Leader (L85A2 UGL ACOG) Section 2IC (Second in Command) (L85A2 UGL ACOG) 2x Riflemen (L85A2 ACOG) 2x Automatic Riflemen (L110A2 LMG ACOG) 2x Marksmen (L86A2 LSW SUSAT) These 8 man fireteams will generally function as two fireteams working closely with each other. Typical tactic is for one team to act as a base of fire while the other flanks. We will have access to Jackals for transport into and around the city, and to carry any extra equipment. These vehicles can place a lot of firepower onto a target but are vulnerable in the enclosed areas of the city so quick dismounts will be necessary at any sign of contacts and the use of vanguard and rearguard teams when moving in areas of increased risk. General Information For this set of missions I'm not aiming to have a continued threat that we're driving towards like on the Chernarus and Takistan missions but rather a set of independent missions that still follow on from each in terms of consistency (for example if one of you guys goes nuts and slaughters all the "friendly" takis at their NW base then they would remain dead in following missions). Going to try to add as much randomisation as possible to the missions, so that they feel more "real" as we play them. One of the main things to add to this will be the various hostile and friendly AI patrolling the city, meaning that as we move through it we will hear engagements taking place that we may choose to investigate or ignore. Some missions may have a starting objective and some may just be a basic patrol of a bunch of checkpoints with the possibility for random events to occur along the way, but regardless of what our objective is hopefully the possibility of a hostile group being around the next corner or a guy with an RPG on the next roof should add some interesting tension.
  20. Seriously, 79 views and not one person thought to mention I'd forgotten to attach the file. :p Anyway, file is too large to attach, so you'll have to download the two packs on your own: Brit Infantry Pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10898 SAS Pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9031&highlight=SJB%2BSAS When you've downloaded the files create one folder for each pack in your main ARMA directory titled @b3rmtp and @sjb_sas. Inside those folders then create another folder called Addons. Place all the files downloaded from each pack into the Addons folder. In the sas pack you will also see an Optional Files folder, open this and copy "sjb_sas_acecfg.pbo" and "sjb_sas_acecfg.pbo.sjb.bisign" into the addon folder. So when you've done you'll have two new folders in your arma 2 OA directory. Folder 1: @b3rmtp Containing 1 folder named Addons The Addons folder will contain 4 .pbo files and 4 .bisign files. Folder 2: @sjb_sas Containing 1 folder named Addons The Addons folder will contain 2 .pbo files and 2 .bisign files. I've atttached the warmup map so you can still test you've done everything correctly. baf_warmup.fallujah.rar
  21. OK guys, next set of missions will be taking place in Fallujah with UK units/weapons. Two of the mods are not available via sixupdater so I have dropped them into a .rar along with the fallujah warmup map, so you can download em and if you can load the warmup map then everything is working correctly. Complete Mod List: @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNAVY @ACRE @b3rMTP (Included in attached .rar) @CBA @CBA_A2 @CBA_OA @fallujah @JayArma2Lib_new (or Jayarma2lib if you're not using the beta patch, which I would recommend that you use) @sjb_sas (Included in attached .rar) @UKF_UKweps @ukf_ukweps_ace Optional but Recommended: @sthud @stmovement @JSRS @Blastcore To load the two mods included in the .rar file, place the two folders (@b3rmtp and @sjb_sas) into your main Arma 2 OA directory, there should already be a lot of other folder beginning with @ in there. Then start sixupdater and create a new preset and add the list of mods above to it. Then at the bottom of the Mods tab look for Local Mods that will have a small selection box underneath it. In the selection box you should see @b3rmtp and @sjb_sas (if you don't click the little refresh button to the side of the box). Ctrl-Click both of the mods so they're highlighted, then click Add, this will then place them into your newly created preset. The BAF_warmup.fallujah.pbo file is to be placed into your MpMissions folder in your arma directory, you can then load this mission by creating a new Multiplayer game and selecting it from the list. Server Admin: I've included the server keys with those two mods in the .rar to make it easier for ya. :)
  22. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... no armoured vehicles? !unsure Well, I should be in anyways, marksman if possible plz Nah, not really getting enough people signing up for stuff like that.
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