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What our server needs? What are the wants?

=VG= m823us

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On 4/4/2021 at 4:44 PM, Skiddles said:

I am just starting to get my head around the complexity of the game. For me, less complexity would be great!

YES! I strongly agree! I wouldn`t want to scare people with too much stuff when I do missions. Arma is a very complex game. I know people like milsim like gameplay but overall it is just a game, not real life and on top of that adding mods will change the complexity even more. 

In my opinion I think that having a pdf. explaining all the bits and pieces of this game is a smart move. 

Script side --- Idk what I want, so whatever you guys want... well I will post updates on the Roadmap topic if something else comes in my mind.

Mods: --- LambsVcomai / ASR AI3 one of these (but ofc the smallest in size) ( I already use VCOM script but it kind of sucks)

            --- Project Opfor or something that has enemies we can add without the need to script kits for the enemy( it works nice with RHS) - otherwise delete RHS replace with CUP (CUP is kind of meh). 

These mods only help improve the ai and add actual units that can be used with the capture area system (EOS- Enemy occupation system)... it kind of helps the insurgency opfor as well :)))... this helps me when I put class names into the spawner file.

Right now I am forced to use a script that adds vanilla stuff to the bots...they kind of look odd and besides this small issue I can`t make them join the INDEPENDENT side that easily, this is also the reason why OPFOR version has Russians on the BLUFOR side instead of EAST. Anyway I`ve found a quick fix but it isn`t so pleasant. 


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