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Campaign Restart Request


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On 1/25/2020 at 2:46 PM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

will also see about modding the day 1, not now, but asap, so BLUFOR doesn't roll over the DPRK so quick

FYSA - this still on the to-do list, just has not got to it yet.  Server was just restarted again to Day 1, and DPRK are still very underpowered.  A lot on my plate and real life stuff as well, but this is top on the list when I get time to dig into it.  One more cycle like this, tops, I promise  ( known/trusted members of VG and Falcon BMS communities welcome to apply to help out, I do get stretched thin between my various hats I wear at VG, and between my own projects and my own personal life, and sometimes don't have the ability to give something the prompt attention it deserves.) :hi:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks @=VG= BLuDKLoT:hi: 

@Griffin I've edited the VG Day 1 Master Campaign Save and made things a lot easier on the DPRK -- many F-15's and strike packages have been permanently grounded.  We'll see if that gives them a snowballs chance in hell.  **The new Campaign Day 1 with the above changes will be started at 0500 ZULU  (10pm USA West Coast).

@Jeffu I have also created a simple tool for preparing the server for a restart to Day 1 -- our former Server Restart to Day-1 SOP had us opening up the Save Folder and deleting between 60-100 files all labeled "VGautoSave", and when this task was forgotten, the newly restarted Day 1 campaign / server would crash as soon as it tried to write to an existing file (the auto-save interval is always 1 hour)

So the NEW SOP is to Double-Click the VG Icon for the VG BMS Server Tool on the desktop before you launch Falcon BMS and begin a new Campaign from the Day 1 Master File.  This will delete any/all AutoSave files except the VG Day 1 Master save(s).  There is a double check, too - it will ask you twice if it's okay to delete these files, but I'm not messing around with backups for simple auto-saves, so ONLY USE THIS WHEN RESTARTING TO DAY 1!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Was thinking it might be good to restart to day 1 -- Daniel was flying a test, so I'll do it later today.  Or we could let it play out - I just don't want it getting boring out there for y'all, and I don't have time to fly myself right now so I wanna make sure the servers good and playable.  :drinks: 

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I check the server daily, but when I see people flying, I just exit out so I don't mess up their flight.  Pyongyang is nearly captured last I checked - normally we have people requesting the server to restart to Day 1 by now, and I've not been flying so I rely on input from you guys who regularly fly here.

If things have gotten too dry/dull/boring and all the remaining targets are better suited for UAV's, then we can reset to Day 1 -- just let us know.  Otherwise, we'll make sure it keeps running towards hopefully a proper Campaign Complete Trigger -- AFAIK, Pyongyang is the last target, so if it gets taken, the Campaign will end, and we'll restart to Day 1.

Gonna start saving the JSTARS replays, working on a project to display the last campaign JSTARS reply here on the website, still having issues with the video file, but should be ironed out before too long.


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Seems like it's over.  The server was a-okay when I checked it, but when I closed to the 2D, Pyongyang was fully captured.  Maybe the end trigger didn't fire.

Either way, Server Restarted to Day 1 -- Saved the JSTARS from the last campaign, will use it when we get the video issue fixed here.


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Found the server dead today.  Woke up late (after noon US PDT) and server was sitting at Windows User Login, no programs running, and Task Manager noted uptime of 22 minutes (at least 20 minutes before I woke up/logged in) and the worst part, the BMS Campaign never created the first auto-save.

Long story short, the server has been stared, and the campaign has begun (again) from the Day 1 Master Save at 0500 (Korean Time) -- I've logged back in a few times since to be sure it's working, and auto-saves are being created.

Sorry for any loss of progress if any of you were flying yesterday.  These things happen, computers are fun like that.  :hi: 

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