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Soon... Turns out they will give a partial refund for the motherboard and right now they're rebuilding the PC. Not sure how it will pan out but it's possible I will stay on budget or slightly over. It kinda depends on the graphics card. 

Again the sweet reminder that if you don't actually work hard to learn what needs to be done don't do it. There's a chance I will get lucky this time but for God's sake don't do what I did.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Xenalite said:

Who still has a DVD drive in 2018?

Most people I guess,

they don’t cost anything they take up the old ports on the motherboard so you have more cables to fancy.

and where else will you put your cup of coffee? I know you can buy this


but you lose one usb 3.0 port as the thing only provides USB 2.0

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Mkay... My PC/Heater isn't working according to expectations. Main issue isn't the hardware performance. It's the software, more openly said the Windows 10 software. I'm not sure how but it seems they've created a 'walled garden' in this update which effectively means I cannot install anything outside of the MS Shop (not even the Skype thingy)  meaning I can't get UBuntu to launch if I want to or basically anything I want to do with my PC outside the scope of Microsoft, so it's revert to Win7 I guess. But does anyone know how to do that?

It basically seems like Microsoft does an Apple 2.0 and effectively controls what I can or cannot use. Not cool. 

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Grab a 16 GB+ usb drive create a bootable windows 7 installed on it 

for example like this



Windows 10 sucks but I am quite sure you can run your multi boot on it. And I am also sure you can install the same stuff as on windows 7

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27 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

Grab a 16 GB+ usb drive create a bootable windows 7 installed on it 

for example like this



Windows 10 sucks but I am quite sure you can run your multi boot on it. And I am also sure you can install the same stuff as on windows 7

Thanks, and nope. Not even installing the traditional Skype installation, it's all through the 'App store' apparently. And it's really ticking me off.  I can't even launch Ubuntu which I have as a back-up OS. It's irritating. 

Also - where can you buy Windows 7 nowadays. I mean this whole thing started when I upgraded to 10. 

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14 minutes ago, =Wolf= Jersans said:

It basically seems like Microsoft does an Apple 2.0 and effectively controls what I can or cannot use. Not cool. 

exactly. blame is the trustet platform module from microsoft which is now installed in almost every new computer.
if internet is available microsoft can read your data and lock your computer as they like. if you use win10 you are no longer master of your system, you have only the right to use with limitations and your system is leased at ms.


in germany, there are the "chaos computer club" and "re: publica" which has published a few shocking articles about the collection behavior and the deprivation of the user by microsoft.

i go so far  to not use EFI because it not only makes problems with other operating systems, but because it creates a direct connection between the operating system and bios, which I consider to be one of the biggest security risks there is. in the past you could enter your bios only by keyboard input and the settings were not changeable from the outside. Now you can get on a virus directly into the bios and even leave data there ... but that's another topic ^ ^

yes, microwurst tries as well as apple to get your data and tell you what you are allowed to do and what not. ms seems a little friendlier, but they are not.
why are all using win10? because it's cool, new and easy. But it is not, it just looks like that.

your problem might have to do with the user account control and probably comes from having a preinstalled system on your computer.

44 minutes ago, =Wolf= Jersans said:

meaning I can't get UBuntu to launch if I want to or basically anything I want to do with my PC outside the scope of Microsoft, so it's revert to Win7 I guess. But does anyone know how to do that?

I personally only use XP, win7 and linux. I have a win10 computer but only for compatibility reasons.
Although there are many other opinions, I personally do not believe in the increased security at win10. Personally, I see microsofts behavior as an attack on freedom.
I would advise to win7 but you will find 10000 opinions explaining why win10 is better and why you can not use 7.
by the way: meanwhile you have no more problems with viruses but with the update system of ms which makes your computer just as unusable.
I do not care if my system is not usable because someone has invaded there or because someone has made an official update ^ ^

you can create a multiboot system. It's pretty easy with win7.
you install win7 on a formatted hard drive with two partitions and after that you just install ubuntu on the other. It is important to install ubuntu as the last one because otherwise you will get problems with the bootloader and your computer thinks that one of the two installations is not there. You can get that manually, but it's harder ...

a win7 installation is pretty easy. you just need to have a dvd, a usb-stick or a network installation of win7 and start the computer with it. then you come into a few menus where you can set language, network and time zones.
the rest actually goes by itself. if you've never done that, it's worth getting someone to help you or watching a few videos.

if all goes well win7 is installed in one hour. if there are problems, it can cost you a whole day and a lot of nerves.

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8 minutes ago, 0100011000101 said:

a win7 installation is pretty easy. you just need to have a dvd, a usb-stick or a network installation of win7 and start the computer with it. then you come into a few menus where you can set language, network and time zones.
the rest actually goes by itself. if you've never done that, it's worth getting someone to help you or watching a few videos.

if all goes well win7 is installed in one hour. if there are problems, it can cost you a whole day and a lot of nerves.

Nope it isn't. I have found 4 DVD's with Win7, XP etc. in my old shoe box and none of them install. I'm going to try to see if I can install Ubuntu next. I mean I have 2 other hard-drives. What can go wrong? 

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5 minutes ago, =Wolf= Jersans said:

none of them install.

what's wrong? You may have to go into the bios and  deactivate EFI, and of course you have to boot from the installation drive. In most cases you will find an option for selecting the boot drive under  f 4 - f 12 ...


8 minutes ago, =Wolf= Jersans said:

I mean I have 2 other hard-drives. What can go wrong? 

nothing except that you lose your data. if you have everything backuped or there is nothing on it that is needed, you can not break anything.

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11 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

The best thing you can do jersans is still download the new iOS. Unless you want to update for the next 5 days. 



true, the updates are almost as big as those of pr ^^
but if you take update collections you can reduce it from 5 to 1 day...;P


... it make sense to get the latest version of win7 from the ms-page....

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I don't get the part where Jersans cannot install programs...  I have NEVER used the "app store" that came with Windows 10, and have disabled many of the "apps" that came pre-installed.  I have TONS of programs installed, many not designed for Windows 10, and had little to no issues installing them.  There are UAC pop-ups that can sometimes attempt to block the installation, and I have gotten into the habit of "unblocking" every installer.exe before running it (right click on installer, check the box next to "Unblock" and Apply)

Sometimes the UAC pop-up says "Windows cannot install this program"  ... but there is a link at the bottom of that pop-up along the lines of "tell me more..." and when you click that, you get options to proceed with installation.  IF you click the "Okay" button instead, it may be forever impossible to get access to the aforementioned "tell me more..." link that allows you to get past the UAC for the installer.exe of that particular program.


Windows 10 is terrible, and if you can avoid it, do so at all costs!!  A dual boot is a very smart idea if you have the space (but still need Win10 for some reason).  Otherwise, go with Windows 7.    Personally, I needed to go over to the Dark Side because I have hardware/software(s) that only work in Windows 10 (oculus+touch).  This is why I wrote that article on wrestling control back from Windows 10, yet still, everyday, I have to manually disable Windows 10 Updates and also, to be sure I don't come back to an Updated OS, I disable my internet connection when away from my PC.  FUCK Win10!

Best of luck to you!!!

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18 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

I don't get the part where Jersans cannot install programs... 

I for myself never had a problem in this direction because I immediately replaced preinstalled versions against real full versions but I know 2 people with a preinstalled version had similar problems. both reinstalled win 10 with the same key and no longer had any problems.

but you are right with this:

22 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Sometimes the UAC pop-up says "Windows cannot install this program"  ... but there is a link at the bottom of that pop-up along the lines of "tell me more..."

I forgot that at win10 this is a bit more hidden ...


27 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

, I have to manually disable Windows 10 Updates

if you're lucky, you can run a program like TCP-View while win10 does an update and see which ports are being used. if you then block this ports in your firewall there should be no unplanned updates anymore. But it can be that then Win can no longer connect with a microsoft account. but a try does not hurt ...

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16 minutes ago, Xenalite said:

I love Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016

are you masochist?  ;)


16 minutes ago, Xenalite said:

You people just have weird issues like my grandma.

^^No. my grandma has not even used a ATM. and the restriction of user rights and deduction of personal data, I feel not as "weird issues like my grandma." but as a bad ohmen for the future.

EDIT: ok, you are right. restriction of user rights and deduction of personal data was exactly what my grandma has experienced, however, not on software but on hardware level ^ ^ in the 3. Reich there were similar problems...

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Well I was actually thinking of installing windows server on my new computer as my computer also runs server features at the same time. 

Windows 10 also the main reason I did not get a new computer. Yes you have access to the new direct X versions and better support for top end video cards but still windows 10.

if edge/cortana/new shitty start menu/ appstore could all be removed then maybe I would update.

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