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Server going into unrecoverable crash frequently

=VG= chickenjason123

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As the title, the coop server got into unrecoverable crashes 2-3 day in a row where players got stuck on the starting screen with the "dead" message and server not restarting itself, requiring someone to restart it manually from the control panel. Could someone look into the error logs or similar and see what is causing that?

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The crashing of the server is a common thing that we just have to deal with unless the Devs find a way to fix this. There are a few maps that crash more frequent then others such as silent eagle STD and attack on Grozny ALT. 

Some other issues you may like to avoid is running Vietnam maps before kozalsk ALT. In general Vietman maps can corrupt next map (making everybody invisible).

changing the next map before the message pops up at the beginning." playing [map name] cooperative [layer] ....." (Pops up like in the first 2 min) 

Using the mapvote can crash.

Crashing is sadly part of coop but who doesn't love mutra

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It's a server issue, not a game issue - this is why TS3 crashed as well as PR.  I'm looking into it now.


=VG= SavageCDN: The German dedi was DDOSed again yesterday evening - almost half a terabyte of data transfer in a few hours:bomb:  http://pastebin.com/9ptL6dR9


* ... and yea, it just happened again.  We'll keep you all posted as we work through this

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Please try to understand that telling us to "fix" the server crashes isn't possible unless we have information on what's happening. If you want to help please tell me, The map it crashes on, the map you played before the crash and if possible, the map before that as well as anything else you think miught be useful

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