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Favorite Maps for VG coop server

=VG= m823us

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Hello everone, I was wondering if anyone had an opinion about some of their favorite maps they wish were played more on the server. I know that I have some of my favorites and wanted to hear what fellow gammers thoughts on the topic were.

According to the game tracker, we play Muttrah City 20% of the time and I always hear from fellow gamers we do not play enough of other maps.

Take care and see you on the battlefield
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Sadly said, i dont know.

Yesterday i had the great idea to try playing my favorite CacheHunter Squad on Ramiel.
Some people joint and also liked the idea of cache hunting but we had only minor success.

Each squad and everything that moved on tracks, rushed direction controlpoints and finished the round in maybe 12 minutes. There was no big chance to run this squad properly. We destroyed 5 caches and the round finished.

I will point on some critical facts.

Many maps are overloaded with heavy assets of each type ( tanks, jets, apc's, armed jeeps). Infantry isn't really needed anymore.
A 8 man (4 apc's) squad can handle this alone. On some maps i asked me how the tanks gettin any kills because 4 harriers having air superiority and killing all incomming vehicle convoy's.

Running transport/supply squads makes fun but not much fun because when 5 jeeps, 4 apc's, 2 tanks and many other transportion spawns in base there will be no many jobs left for those squads.

Capture times are to looooooooooow for 48 players.
People only rushing for points. Never take any time to learn more from PR like to built up a working defense parameter around the current objective. They rushing only for the points.

Those maps with tons of firepower and full of PR newbies killing coordinated squad teamwork.

Sometimes, less is more.

The round starts and everyone rush in a line to the next controlpoint without taking any care about 'its war outside'.

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1st things 1st... The return of Kokan is glorious. Thank you, Melon.

Even tho im pretty heavily infantry/armor & CBQ oriented, having played PR as long as i have, variety is the spice of life. Real soldiers dont get to choose the weather, or where they fight. IMHO, most of the maps ppl hate is cuz they are doin it wrong. And no layer can stand up to a full server workin together. Yea, bots seein thru trees is BS, but Melon has actually eased up on that a bit (if u can believe that). The keys are knowing the maps & dictating the fields of fire (easier said than done, i know). However, maps like Iron Ridge, Korengal, Lashkar, & Charlies Point are some of my favs. Some maps I personally think we dont play enough would be.. Dragonfly, Beruit, Archer, Gaza, & all the Viet Nam maps.

Speaking of Vietnam maps... Fix Hill 488, Melon! Seriously, with their main uncapable its a 3 flag map. 2 of which we capture 1st & often the bot respawn time alone hands us the 3rd & its game over. At least before we got to mass assault their uncappable main til they ran out of tickets, or an admin rannext. Makin both mains cappable would do, but I want in that NVA tunnel complex, damnit!
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We need our own PR =VG= maps, with optimized human and bot game layer.
No more singleplayer vehicles on human side and no human asset on bot side.
Designed maps for cooperative mode (hard to explain but i know what i am talking about)
No overloaded asset layouts and the best .... if something is not working good, we can fix it without centuries of waiting time.

The main crew of pr devs are only focused on MP and not on coop.

Karkandt, Sharqi or Mashtuur 4K pr versions. That would be nice.
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