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[poll] Help us improve the speed of our International Game Servers

=VG= SemlerPDX

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In an effort to make our servers more accessible to a larger audience, we have been looking for a more centralized location for our international game servers. Currently, our game servers are not consolidated in location or hardware. By combining our services, we would be able to offer faster services on a more central network to us all, and on more modern hardware.

Here are the specs on one of the servers we're looking at, and HDD/RAM can be upgraded as needs dictate:

VETERANS-GAMING will always be dedicated to our gamers first and foremost, and the concern of location must be addressed. As we have gamers from Australia to Russia, we would like to get a good cross section of all our pings to the potential servers available, as well as our current servers. We need to find out your ping to New York, New York - go to speedtest.net and then answer the poll above.

If you can, we'd also appreciate your results to each potential server location. Please use Internet Speed Test to get your data and post the image below in a post. Feel free to tell us what you think about our proposed change.

At http://www.speedtest.net/, get your results and click Share This Result - click COPY on the URL share link, and here in the forums, type it like this to get an embedded image like the ones below:


Please post your results to Gloucester, England and New York, New York. We would also appreciate additional data, if you are able, to Dallas, Texas and Chicago, Illinois. Thank you so much for you assistance!

My Ping to Gloucester, England:

My ping to New York, New York:


My ping to Chicago, Illinois:

My ping to Dallas, Texas:

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I hope this is enough information. !coffee All tests taken with Steam, X-Fire, TS3... disabled

Zurich, the next posssible connection (=reference)

Gloucester, England:

New York, New York:

Chicago, Illinois:

Dallas, Texas: (Tested both providers, large difference in terms of download speed)

I actually want switch to a 100mbit/s connection since the monthly fees aren't too much higher...

Sadly, there is no central point between Australia, America, Europe and Russia...
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Chicago is best. I've done some digging and they have a very good national speed for what we want. In the tests I was doing, Atlanta came up kinda iffy, and inconsistant. Why not go with a major hub like Chicago if people have good numbers?
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