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Best "Nutshell" description of =VG= Servers Ever

=VG= SemlerPDX

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"We are not like other servers, where you can continuosly be ill behaved and negate the rules and get away with it.
Our servers are great and popular because they are consistantly and fairly policed by admins that love to game enough to put their own game on hold to deal with smacktards so that other gamers playing can enjoy the experience as much as we do."

This is why I like to play in =VG= exclusively. I may pop out for some instant spawn A-10 action when I'm burned out, but that's the equivalent of mindless idiocy, almost like live training with no communiction.
In this server, because of the above quote, you can actually lose yourself in the action and really get into the mission.

I feel that many newcomers to Project Reality Mod may at first not realize the scope of what's expected when they first join a PR server, and if it's =VG=, they may find themselves ousted before they can take it all in.
Not that rules aren't clear, but when I came to PR .875 I was a vanilla nut, always playing medic or squad lead with little reference to PR when I first tried it.

I would love to make some videos like "Uncle Sam Wants You for PR!" styled with a call to duty on =VG= servers with admins who are johnny-on-the-spot with keeping the game clean and fun. They could feature the use of com and teamwork that I see most every time I play on =VG= Coop.

Just a though, if any are interested in collaborating.
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