VG Server(s) Players: Do you Squad Lead?
VG Server(s) Players: Do you Squad Lead?
31 members have voted
1. How often do you prefer to Squad Lead?
I'm always leading a Squad, unless there is no room for more
I usually lead but choose not to at times even when I could
I lead when it is needed, but sometimes would prefer not to
I lead only when no one else will, but I can get the job done well (mostly)
I would like to lead, but when I do, I sometimes feel under-experienced
I prefer not to lead, but can (mostly), though I usually want to hand it off if someone offers
I don't lead squads, strongly prefer other roles (only leading if there is no one else)0
2. What is your self-confidence level in Squad Leading?
I feel I know most everything there is to know (most all categories/types of squads), could teach others easily if needed
I know most everything, about at least one category (Infantry, CAS, TRANS, Armor, APC, MechInf, etc.)
I know a lot about at least one category/type of squad, and feel confident to learn whatever is left in time0
I know most things about leading one category/type of squad, but it doesn't translate to EVERY map (yet)
I know the key important things, but not all, and happy to keep playing as I learn more at this time0
I know some things, but I don't feel completely confident in action, just need more experience
I feel frequently lost and things take extra time to accomplish despite my best efforts, not my best in-game role (yet)
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